[–][deleted] 17 points 8 months ago

[–][deleted] 17 points 8 months ago
>I am a proud Blizzard fan and I could care less about the quality of the figurine; in fact, I like that it's low quality because that means my money went to improving the game for everyone to enjoy instead of being put into working on my little piece of plastic. As far as I'm concerned I made a $150 donation and Blizzard spent it wisely.

They aren't called blizzdrones for nothing.

Reminder that if you want to get into a game's early beta, just go into a TF2 pro (who's playing it)'s stream and trash it in the chat.

Insecure devs watching the stream will give you access while the people paying $60 for pre-orders are kept out for months.

>I could care less


I could care less about the proper way to do anything. Mindlessly regurgitating what I've heard others say is what I do, as a blizzdrone.

Except that it's already almost over until launch day.

It's an American thing. When you even try to explain what you actually mean, they still don't get it or see the issue with the phrase.

It's not even a meme. It's just a retarded mistake that shows the bandwagon and parrot behaviour on Sup Forums.


This has nothing to do with Sup Forums you stupidass, retards have been saying this nonsense phrase for decades

>dat chin


she looks like a character from that one indie game made by that trans girl

I thought it was a mistake too. However I was informed the full expression is "I could care less, but then I'd be dead"

However, in the state it's used it's retarded and grammatically wrong, you're correct.

for some Blizzard is a cult for worshipping, they dedicated their entire live for single game, so why not throw everything at them?

>i am a proud

why, man?

whats the pride involved in liking a product?
you might as well be proud to have eyes, or to be born a human.

youre proud that you like a product that a company produces? what does that even mean?
and even if there was any sliver of pride to be garnered from liking a fucking videogame company, why be proud of being a blizzard fan?

i mean i get it, you like blizzard products. that is fine. i guess.
but why are you proud of it?

i happen to like applejacks over frosted flakes, but im not necessarily proud of it.
unless i am supposed to be proud of my abilities to discern between two things.
is that what you are proud of? the fact that, you dont necessarily like the games or hate them either, but the fact that you can recognize that it is made by blizzard?

the question, my man, is do you really want to spend your life prideful of being able to see wether or not a box has the word "blizzard" on it or not?
is that what you have reduced yourself to?

because you do know that you can purchase a product, without having to be a spokesperson for the brand. you know this, right?

you could also find a modern product they bring out to be absolute garbage, without in any way impeding on your feelings about the previous products.
i mean you are an adult, arent you?

anyways thats how far i got into the quote, so whats this thread about..action figures or something?

>I could care less about the quality of the figurine; in fact, I like that it's low quality

Blizzard Fans.txt

>in fact, I like that it's low quality because that means my money went to improving the game
How unfortunately naïve of this person. I wonder if this level of childishly optimistic rationalization affects their life beyond video games.

Corporate america has people who are basically in 'consumer religions'. "I've been a Blizzard customer all my life, no way am I quitting now!"

They're only one step away from all lining up in churches to praise Lord Blizzard and put their money in the donation tray so that He can work His good.

What I don't get is that they already had the mold for the original, non anorexic jawed version made. Would it really cost that much more to reproduce it? I can get skipping out on paint but I imagine it would've cost even more to make a shittier mold.

chinese discount injection molders using bargain bin plastic can't make details that fine, you have to spend more than $20 and have it done in asian facilities

Yeah but in the grand scheme of things, her ugly ass sucked in face is as 'finely detailed' as her normal well rounded face. I can get skipping details and paint but what was so impossible or expensive about simply making her jaw curve the right way?

They made one super nice figure for pictures and then someone in the office got to keep it. AFAIK the original wouldn't be made from a mold, and making a mold from the nice original might damage it.

It's not just the jaw bro, check out those eyes if you haven't

nightmare fuel

Yeah they're shitty, even when hid behind her goggles.

Yeah sharp enough to cut steel

>I am a proud Blizzard fan

>I am a proud TFaggot2 fan

The original version was life sized.

Her face turned out shitty and I know uninformed people love to shitpost Blizzard here, but in terms of figures the Tracer and their recent Grommash are actually really good prices. Especially Grommash as he has no flaws like Tracer does.

Had Grom been released by a normal statue company like Sideshow, he would have been five hundred dollars for sure

Blizzard said there was a problem with the mold. For a few months they were letting people return them to get properly molded replacements. They also said any made in the future would have a proper mold.

Prototypes are always a bit better than the mass market figures, it's just a matter of how much. Don't know what's up with the chin, though.

>deflection into strawman

That's what confusing, usually Blizz figures are pretty solid, why is the Overwatch Tracer one so shit?

Because I think if you order her now she's alright, but not sure.

If Overwatch is regarded as a good game in 2016, what happened to the games industry?

>For that
Reminder that this is a japanese figure made in 2010 for 7800 yen.

The difference is that your image was made for people who won't gladly eat shit and praise it for tasting awful.

It's an FPS for people who aren't good at playing video games. If you don't possess the aiming skill to properly shoot a target, you can just press Q( or E), and the game will do it for you.

Or if you don't have the skill to rocket jump, press E and get teleported to the sky as the rocket character

Or if you don't have the movement knowledge to avoid danger as the glass cannon class, just press R to rewind to where you're not in danger any more

Or if you overextended into open fire as the close-range class, just press E to go invulnerable and float over to a healthkit

People talk a lot about overwatch's auto-aims making aiming skill worthless, but the movement side of it is just as dumbed down.

That's just not true. Try playing the game faggot.

+10 activision-blizzard shop points

+10 needlessly shit posting faggot points

I hadn't played it because I didn't want to download that battle.net or whatever but I watched it and thought it looked alright. But if they're seriously pulling this shit then maybe I should just stick to the SFM porn.

Except that would cost significantly more if it was released today, and its quality and sculpt were unusually good to the point to where it is still a highly sought after item.

Give it a try just so you can realize for yourself how insanely casual and shit it is. It takes less than ten hours to get tired of it completely, which is incredible for a game with so much good art and such a polished feel.

It was designed with the idea of

>Let's make EVERYONE feel awesome at some point regardless of how shit they are

So the game hands out "I win" buttons in case the shitters get bored of dying.

Well I still play TF2 for some reason

There is literally only two where pressing Q will shoot a target for you. Both have a loud as fuck tell (as with all heroes ults) and are defeated by just going around a corner.

Did you quote the wrong person?

Also I agree with you guys that Overwatch is shit, but for different reasons. Casualizing the inputs is one thing, but the terrible level design and extreme unbalance is a bigger problem.

Also I just hate how boring everyone is to use. Only some of the cast even has secondary fire and fewer still have an alternate weapon to switch to.

Overwatch would be significantly more fun if the roster was cut in half and the characters were combined. The cast isn't that huge yet already there is enough overlap that certain characters completely outclass others.

Here's a list of auto-aims in Overwatch.

Soldier 76 ultimate
Mccree ultimate
Reaper ultimate
Winston primary gun
Symmetra primary gun & turrets
Torbjorn turret
Roadhog chain (aim assist)

Here's a list of offensive effects or attacks which aren't auto-aim but you essentially cannot miss with them no matter how bad you are.

Bastion turret gun
Reaper primary guns
Tracer primary guns
Reinhardt primary melee
Zenyatta orb of discord
Winston ultimate
Pharah ultimate
Roadhog primary
Roadhog ultimate
Zarya ultimate
Tracer ultimate
Mei primary
Mei ultimate
Genji ultimate
D.Va primary
D.Va ultimate

>stuns in an FPS

I dont know if i'd call reaper's ult auto-aim
its more of an AOE attack

link the post

People discussing balance issues aside, why do people who do nothing but shit on the game talk about it as if you play the game in a vacuum? Like you can't just press Q on soldier 76 and team wipe even against shitters because someone is just going to get out of LOS. Every ultimate announces itself to the world and at least of most of the offensive ones can be shut down almost as quickly as they are activated.

>Be Genji
>Fight S76
>He uses his aimbot
>I use my reflect
>I win

At that point I realized I just experienced a QTE in a multiplayer FPS

what do you expect from reddit

Those i win buttons dont go through giant protective barriers that a quarter of the characters have nor the aoe invulnerability that half the supports provide

>could care less
god damn why can no one speak English correctly

Fucking this
I could deal with slow movement speed compounded with the high ttk and horribly desinged maps making the game one big walking into a trap simulator
I could deal with enemies who have literal auto aim attacks like winston since they have to get close to use it.
But fuck the fucking moron who thought stuns were a good idea in an fps.
Also fuck non healers having healing abilities.

An AOE is just an auto-aim that hits multiple people

The irony is that for anyone who has actually played the game you have to fucking suck to be killed by these 'i win' buttons. To get some good team wipe ults off you have to either have good situational awareness or a ton of coordination with your team.

I hate how Mei's freeze completely stuns you as well. It seems really unneeded. Shouldn't being unable to move or turn the camera be enough?

>really good prices
>$150 for something ruined by a monkey face

people who buy trash like this don't understand the difference between price and value unfortunately.

>see someone capturing a point
>throw my mech suit bomb in the room
>get a quad and stop them from capping
Wow that sure was hard. This game sure does take a lot of strategy and coordination.

Bullet dodged. I knew the prototype was going to look miles better than the finished product.

>see idiot D.Va throw her mech at the point
>entire team runs behind the abundance of cover/corners every capture point has
>return to capping point unharmed.
The funny thing is that to get to the point you are trying to mock you had to read the part where only shitters lose to this kind of play. At best that tactic buys your team some time by disrupting their capping, but without others on your team doing things to force them to stay on the point you should literally never die to that kind of D.Va play.

>Bastion can fully heal himself whenever he wants
>it has no cooldown
>can even be done in turret mode

Not sure who thought this was a good idea.

Not really. If Hanzo, Solder 76, or McCree do their ults you have to immediately know where they are to counter it. Same with Reaper. Yes they announce it, but that doesn't help you know where they are. Hell, the game is so shitty you can't even tell if the character who screams their ult is on your team or not. It can be a huge pain in the ass when both teams of Hanzo for example.

this is by far the most reddit post i've ever seen

see Your lack of situational awareness doesn't mean the game is shitty. Admittedly if the Hanzo, S76, etc. is good they won't use their ults without some kind of support or surprise involved but again that is them exploiting your inability to out-position their team.

Good job you sure sold me on the game fellow user
+20 blizzard bucks in your paypal.

About as solid as your last argument.

>150$ statue

He got what he payed for. Good quality statues often cost twice that.

He payed for Blizz shit, he got Blizz shit.

Who is this semen demon?

>or people who won't gladly eat shit and praise it for tasting awful.

>posted from my soul destroying American 9-5 job at Arbees as I watch only shows my Jewish masters have pre-approved for my consumption; sitcoms void of all sexuality or human nature with laughter programmed in so I know when to feel amused and sad music so I know when to feel sad

>projecting this hard
It's telling just how shit anime is that you have to compare it to american mass media to make it look good.

So what are you comparing it to, then?

Pro tip: there more genres of motion picture than "american TV" and "anime".

So can you tell me what anime is bad in comparison to?


N-no. Sorry for saying anything at all sir


Anime is for children. Even more so than video games. Grow the fuck up or continue to watch your gook cartoons about 14 year olds trying to save the world using friendship, faggot.

There's nothing wrong with childishness at all. We would all be childish if we weren't programmed to be good worker bees who never show our childish desires.

>I only watch mature shows for mature people such as myself