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What say you, Sup Forums?
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let me just get this out of our system
>Skyrim 2, 3 and 4
I want some of Big and Crazy Todd inside me
but skyrim itself is part of a series
>busier than they're ever been
it doesn't say much
Just like Fallout started with 3, weird huh
Shivering Isles made into a full game.
Cyberpunk game with Bethesda style open world? Okay, take my money.
Just like Final Fantasy XIII
*Valenwood, Elsweyr, Black Marsh
If they have any goddamn sense anyway
>longer term projects
>different than anything we´ve done before
so a moba
>game with a dark soul like feel
>futuristic fps
>open world crime game
>they're different from anything we've done before
Finished? Polished?
And it'd sell more than Cyberpunk 2077, despite the chances Cyberpunk 2077 will be superior in every way.
Brands are so fucking cancerous. How much money did Beth make on Fallout 4? CDPR made $60m profit (dunno if it includes Season Passes, I assume not, but if it did, Fallout 4 would rape due to $60 season passes) and that's impressive, for them. But for Beth? Lel.
>Befepsda's Tedd Himworp sees how le popular le Dark Souls is on slash vee
>Male new Elder Scrolls in (poorly made) Dark Fantasy universe
>Make it le epoc hardcore
>Dark Scrolls: Skyrim - Brace to Not Live
>also being a Bethesda-style game
nothing to be excited about
Miss me yet?
I really wish normies could have discovered bethesda games during morrowind instead of skyrim.
Fucking destroyed our chances of ever having anything good from them again.
Morrowind was great
Oblivion was great, and had excellent mods
Fallout 3 was great
Fallout new vegas was great
Skyrim was considerably worse but still ok
Fallout 4 was utter shit
>a three game series starring todd and his journey to make people buy his fucking games
I'd play it.
>Implying it's not just more Fallout 4 DLC
Fuck no
who the fuck would miss you?
John Carmack was better in every conceivable way and is still relevant today
>peter molywho
>Skyrim 2
>Fallout 5
>TES Online 2
going to be a fallout and elder scrolls movies. Toddler Howard invited all those Hollywood fags and normie celebs to the primer of fallout 4 for a reason
and you though fallout 4 shat on the lore? Wait until Hollywood gets their hands on it
I'm not buying any of these memes from you, Businesskike Todd.
Yes because 0*x=0
Knowing the game industry is held up by real life pre-occupations damnit hurry up and resolve this shit. Thanks.
at this point "big" in bathesda talk means it's not going to be very good
Thee different TES games that storywise occur simultaneously in Cyrodiil, Hammerfell and the Summerset Isle, following Ulfrics successful secession from the Empire and war against the Aldmeri dominion, followed by a sequel DLC that binds all three games together into a single game ''x years later''.
Screenshot this post.
nyaaa~~~ user-senpai
MOBA shit of course
Some kind of VR project related to Fallout
Physical trading card game
Not gonna lie, as a gay man, Todd is a pretty sweet DILF.
MOBA set in the Quake universe
Until you hear his voice, deaugh.
Who's laughing now?
one is their space rpg they talked about like 8 years ago, one is that persistent moba/rpg based on chinese mythology that isn't even intended for western audiences, and the third is a mystery to me
Are you retarded?
No Hammerfell?
my bet is on an elder scrolls "related" moba, an elder scrolls (or fallout) cardgame like hearthstone and the last one is maybe a new game, but its on the gamebryo engine