Playing this shit for a few days

>playing this shit for a few days
>no desire to go back and replay it because of the controls

Motion gaming has never been able to make me come back to a game after completing it, because it feels like I'm working to have fun with it instead of being able to just sit down and enjoy it.

Star Fox 64 is still the best in the series.

>that abysmal Andross fight
>all bosses being all range mode
>just the gyro wing and chicken walker

I gave this game a very fair shot but fuck it.

Same. Funny how idiots on Sup Forums try to defend the controls. Sure, I got better at them, but it's such an inconvenience sometimes. It's hard to lay down/get comfortable while playing even though I'm not flailing my arms like an octopus.
Wii Remote and Nunchuk would've been a HUGE step up in terms of control options, but the one game that could've benefited from it doesn't have it.

Yeah, that is my main complaint.
I'm can use the controls, but its not fun to have to focus on using them.

>that abysmal Andross fight
I'm too tired to type my impressions of the game and how your definition of "fair shot" is playing for 30 minutes, but that Andross fight is the hardest in the series and the most interesting too. Git fucking gud and stop blaming the controls for your lack of coordination

>Difficulty has never been able to make me come back to a game after completing it, because it feels like I'm working to have fun with it instead of being able to just sit down and enjoy it.

>Completing objectives has never been able to make me come back to a game after completing it, because it feels like I'm working to have fun with it instead of being able to just sit down and enjoy it.

Serious question, who's to blame here, Platinum or Shiggy shoehoring motion controls?

Try playing on Co-Op with the Pro Controller alone. I'm sure you'll do great.

I have no desire to go back and play due to the lack of meaningful content making Arcade mode less fun than it should have been. Controls are fine everywhere but in the Walker.

The control scheme and lack of depth is why I stopped playing both Kirby Air Ride and Kid Icarus: Uprising. Is Zero just as bad as these games? I don't think I will pick this up if that is the case.

>no desire to go back
Mostly because there's no good reward for medals or beating arcade mode or anything. I saw all of the levels. Most are mediocre. The end.

Controls are perfectly fine in the walker. Just don't hold ZL when you want to turn around.

I actually like the gyro controls. It's the second screen gimmick that I can't stand. Having to look up and down repeatedly is NOT FUN or comfortable, and I don't mean "comfy" in the buzz word sense, I mean it literally detracts from gameplay because it's unenjoyable

I think if the game just had the single screen and gyro controls in the pro controller it would have been great. Too bad the pro controller doesn't even have gyro sensors

>I think if the game just had the single screen and gyro controls in the pro controller it would have been great. Too bad the pro controller doesn't even have gyro sensors
Just because the gamepad has a screen doesn't mean you have to be looking at it. You are literally asking for a gamepad with no screen. What the fuck.

the motion controls are fine its the dual screen screen gimmick that's the problem

the dual view adds to my enjoyment of the just adds an extra level of involvement to me and I found the first person view pretty helpful

I actually had a lot of fun with the Sector Beta stage.
>fly through capital ship's shield when it's firing
>land on it's back and go walker-mode
>go inside and hack to initiate self-destruct
>fly out and watch fireworks

It gave me some nostalgia for Battlefront 2's space battles tbqh

My sentiments exactly OP I want to get comfortable and just play the game I don't want to have to put up with them everytime I want to play the game it's a chore to be forced to use them if I just want to get a quick few levels in or something

Then of course you have the absurd lack of content, really short levels and lack of any meaningful branching paths.

The only thing they delivered on was it being a "cinematic" experience. It's a awful game and I should has returned it while I still could had gotten full money back for it. Not even comparing it to 64 anymore it's still awful

The only hard part was navigating the arwing outside his dome.

Once you are inside, you just target view and strafe with the walker.
The only attack that can possibly hit you is when he pulls you into his hand with the electromagnetism thingy

>Just because the gamepad has a screen doesn't mean you have to be looking at it.
You can't aim worth shit without the gamepad's reticle, the TV's reticle won't fire anywhere near what's in the box

They intentionally gimped the mainscreen accuracy to make the gamepad more important, another change that would need to be undone

Don't you need to go back into your Arwing when he does that clap attack? I thought the only way to dodge that was to fly on the other side of his head.

>The only hard part was navigating the arwing outside his dome.
Literally the only hard part is the electromagnetism thingy, which I learned I just have to save bombs for it.

Kid Icarus Uprising was actually fun IMO.
Zero isn't.

So if you thought Uprising was bad, you'll probably hate this.

laser part is easy just go up or down depending on where they are.I couldn't dodge the bite

Oh yeah, and the laser attack he does when you're inside the dome. That shit threw me off.

those games were great

No, just strafe around in back of one of his hands

You can dodge the lasers but not the bite? Rarely have I ever been hit by the bite.

Anyone here ever gotten hit by the tiles he spits out?

>You can't aim worth shit without the gamepad's reticle, the TV's reticle won't fire anywhere near what's in the box
Are you retarded? Do you not know how a reticle works? If you move the arwing just like in 64, then everything works as expected. Guess what happens when you move the reticle without moving the arwing. Just have a wild guess of what happens when a 2 square reticle moves in a 3D space

No, you just fucking dodge

>The only hard part was navigating the arwing outside his dome.
Seriously? You just look at the cockpit view. when you want to re-enter the dome, James only says it every 5 second. Otherwise what was hard? Flying up and down to avoid lasers?

Sup Forums, please, stop being do incredibly terrible at the game.

He means the laser that grabs you. The spinning laser is easy. To avoid the bite just strafe right while targeting him

Funny, because one of the big reasons I keep going back to the game instead of the older ones is that the controls are too damn good.

>Andross fight
Holy shit, I'm laffin.

>Anyone here ever gotten hit by the tiles he spits out?
Nope. Literally impossible since you should be shooting in front of you



I want to know if anyone tried a challenge like that.

I didn't even try. Sounds tedious.

They could have had the 2nd square reticle set to show where your shots go at a much further distance.

Initially I thought that was a requirement to get the medal, until I realized all we needed to do was kill Andross in your Arwing. Deliver the final blow and you get the medal.

Imagine if that was the requirement though, holy shit.

tractor beam is easy too once you know how, just pull back and shoot.I tried strafing the bite and it just never worked out for me

Damn, really? I have yet to look up medal requirements, but I thought Venom only had 1 medal and it was the ring collect medal in the tunnel.

I Honestly have no idea what you're talking about

Obviously the reticle is at fixed depths so you can't have it always pointing at what well be fired at from a 3rd person perspective as it is, but I'm suggesting they would change this to give a more accurate reticle for 3rd person mode so that the first person mode is not necessary. This was a game design choice, not a physical limitation of aiming. Don't be an idiot.

What do you mean by pull back? You can actually struggle against his grab? He is too fast for me and I miss every shot when I' grabbed.

Reticle works perfectly fine at all time as long as it's calibrated, which is it's intention. If you move the reticle without moving the ship, then you require another point of view. It's simple.

game never directly tells you how to somersault so I'm not surprised that you didn't get the other do one and shoot Andross's back once James distracts Andross in the escape scene

yeah you get more time to shoot when you do

>$0.03 has been added to your Eshop™ account

As it is, yes, that is true. I'm suggesting they could have made a better game by making a better 3rd person reticle, probably with more than 2 squares

>You can somersault during the escape

There are 5 actually. You would think there would only be one, given the size of the planet. Here are the 5 requirements.

1. Defeat a Star Wolf member in that tunnel
2. Get the high score. In other words, kill every wolf team member ASAP to get 50 points every time. Destroy all the turrets, kill Andross, and turn around and shoot him after James passes you by in the final chase scene for 10 extra points.
3. Kill Andross in the way I explained above
4. In the corridors of illusion, go left right right left. James will give you a medal
5. The one you mentioned about the rindgs.

>people didn't do this on the first try

What did you think was going on with the giant glowing weak spot Andross turns to you?

This boss fight is shitty and unfun.
Prove me wrong.

I was just waiting for my dad to save me. My health was so low and I just wanted out.

You're just mad because you can't beat him in the water.

Best boss in the game, except for maybe the Fortuna one.
Prove me wrong.

To be honest, I didn't somersault in the first playthrough since I didn't know it was a thing. I always used X for the loop and Y didn't do it so I thought it wasn't possible. Also he just died so I thought that was intended.

I can kill him in a jiffy, but sometimes I get fucking destroyed because his faggot allies like to kamikaze towards me.

I liked the idea of Monarch Dodora more than the actual boss itself. It's neat that a SNES boss is back, but personally I didn't like this fight as much as the original.

I cannot for the life of me think of a single game which was improved by the addition of motion controls.

>playing the game without lock-on


Well, its not like many of the boss fights in Zero are good anyway.

There are not many in the first place.
Also Resident Evil 4 and Twilight Princess


why are you even here if you can't accept other people opinions? that's why I expressed it as an opinion and not a fact,because thats what it is,an opinion I hold

Sin and Punishment 2. I can't believe no one has mentioned it yet.

The metroid prime trilogy is the only one I can think of.

>Playing co-op mode without a partner

Actually kinda relaxing.

>that abysmal Andross fight
Honestly it was better than 64's outside of atmosphere and music. 64 Andross is made of paper and his brain isn't much more durable.

Absolute madman

You could've complained about the fire button being mapped to a shoulder button, making shooting more of a slow and consistant press rather than speed.

You could've complained about the game not having any on-rails boss fight.

You could've complained about branching paths mostly giving you access to mini levels.

You could've complained about Zoness going from a enemy-heavy on-rails section in 64 to a slow and boring gyrowing section.

You could've complained about being forced to do a fixed route in the first playthrough involving both gyrowing segments.

You could've complained about Arcade Mode being worse than the SP in 64, thus making replayability worse.

You could've complained about no expert mode with different enemy placements.

You could've complained about alternate paths requirements being dumb and easy to do.

You could've complained about the asteroid field being nothing but a "destroy some meteors and then some drones" gimmick level....twice.

But no. You complained about the stupidest shit.

Black Arwing>Retro Arwing.

>You could've complained about the fire button being mapped to a shoulder button, making shooting more of a slow and consistant press rather than speed.

That was actually a good and needed change though.
The controls with the twin-stick thing would be even worse if you had to hit A all the time.

>You could've complained about Zoness going from a enemy-heavy on-rails section in 64 to a slow and boring gyrowing section.
My one complaint. How the FUCK do you take the best planet from 64 and do that to it?

I forgot about complaining of the right stick. Why not just map the barrel roll to the L button, and using Y for somersault instead of having the same action twice?

I agree that considering the control scheme of Zero having the ZR button to shoot is better, but that's a design decision I wish never happened in the first place.

My problem with it was that you were just kind sitting in your chicken walker pew pewing him. There should've been some sort of platinum style high speed section.

Why didn't they just make hard mode? I question Miyamoto's sanity sometimes.

Solar isn't in this game

I'm sure something happened during development. The game was being worked on for a long time and it even got delayed, but even then the result is a game that, as much as I like it, is not worth full price. There's so much missing.

I liked them for different reasons. 64 Andross's atmosphere was very creepy. This one had more of a mysterious feel to it. He's encased in crystal surrounded by nothing but empty space, and moment you enter he crystal cylinder, he instantly changes to metal. I love that, it's that weirdness from Star Fox 64 that was missing in teh franchise for a while.

Yeah, I like it too. I think the worth is more like 40 dollars. Maybe if they didn't make Star Fox Guard they could have put more in.

Although, who knows, maybe there will be DLC (hopefully free).

I was thinking about DLC the other day. I almost felt like it was planned from the beginning. But I honestly, 100% doubt this game will get DLC at this point. There's no playerbase.

I suppose not. If memory serves, Bayonetta 2 didn't get any either. Kind of sad Solar didn't make it in. I loved that level.

Had anyone datamined it yet? That's how people found out early about Triforce Heroes getting dlc.

Personally I miss Macbeth.

I want Macbeth, a normal Zoness and a failure state in the Copperhead fight.

Just imagine fighting the train in Macbeth with Zero's controls. It was fucking made for it.

Same here. If they wouldn't butcher it like Fichina that is.

There's already enough Star Wolf fights in the game. I welcome the addition of an actual bossfight.

Don't be such a fag, OP. The controls for this game are great.

Man fuck that boss, he put me to sleep. I'd rather they didn't even have a Fichina at all.

I'm disappointed we didn't get an Area 6 equivalent.

And Sector Omega's speed blitz was nice, but in the end it was too short and basic.

>Having to look up and down repeatedly is NOT FUN or comfortable
Then press Select.

anyone have any success in making squads in Guard?




To be honest, I forgot I have that, its still unopened in the package.


Although I'm sad that his former voice actor isn't doing him, I like his new personality all the same. Not as memorable as the first, but still entertaining.

"One ship, what an insult!"


Not gonna lie, Sector Beta was legitimately fucking awesome
>Fight alongside Bill Grey and Kat
>Massive Fleet battle
>Star Wolf Dogfight
>Taking out the shields of a dreadnought from the inside.


Yeah, that was cool.

Only issues I had in that mission is that the play area is huge but the Arwing has a limit to how steep it can climb or dive...IN SPACE.

That's any Star Fox

Yeah, but here the vertical space in this particular instance is enormous. I've found myself unable to grab powerups because I can't change "altitude" quickly enough to reach them.