>Have 3 retarded team in a row
>Just can't play with them without losing my shit, decide to leave
>Blizzard is punishing me because I don't want to carry retards.
Why Blizz ? why ?
>Have 3 retarded team in a row
>Just can't play with them without losing my shit, decide to leave
>Blizzard is punishing me because I don't want to carry retards.
Why Blizz ? why ?
Blizzard is punishing you because you're a bitch boy who is physically unable to play with the cards you are dealt.
Go on, invade russia with this.
just soak it up, the games last 3 minutes tops anyway
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Overwatch is a good game but way too overpriced considering it's an arena shooter and Blizzard will surely start selling skins on release, and maps and characters in a couple of months?
Not even remotely close to the same thing. Continue crying.
Are you from a new breed of super retards ? or do your father reaaaaaally loved his sister ?
> Three bad teams
> you are the one common thing about them
Maybe you're the one who's shit, user
I would buy overwatch if the majority of matches didn't test the limits of my patience.
>can we agree
reddit's over there bud
>that moment when u realize blizzard is the PC version of nintendo
>the release a new IP, a new genre not done by them before
>people get into it who are not affiliated with the genre because blizzard
>the fails
>oh the horror that is fails
>welcome to overwatch
dont worry, heroes' alpha and beta were both like this. You have the FPS players coming over from TF2 and the like, and then you have the blizz crowd flocking over becuase its a new blizz game.
I've played successful games and them games where people either 1.) play who they want and dont mix/match, or 2.) dont know what to fucking do period.
Agreed. Although they promised to release new maps and characters for free. We'll see how long that lasts.
blizzard is punishing you for not having friends
ill give u an example of what im talking about
played a game last night, randomly a person switches to D.va, dies
rezzes at the node (greek lvl, in the air ship) and drops her robot (her ult) right there becuase they either were like "what does this button do" or wanted to go waifu mode.
Killed herself and one other.
It's fun. Competitively, the games a bigger joke than HoTS. But gameplay is fluid and interesting, and most of the time it's skill based up until someone gets to use their PRESS Q TO TEAMWIPE.
But mark my words, Blizzard will charge for everything, includingbthe unreleased new characters. You think they won't? You really underestimate Blizzard's Judaism.
your reddit is showing
is right
I predict one new character every two months for a year or two.
Then they'll stop and just release skins.
Also, I'm curious if there's a max level, and if there is, how the hell you get crate drops past it.
>Getting angry at a video game
>Especially a game where your ranking isn't at all shoved in your face and there are tons of different ways to enjoy yourself
all new characters will come with new costumes you can work for or buy with micro transactions. they'll start pumping out new skins and characters after the first month of release to keep the cash rolling in
>arena shooter
>every team based shooter in history
It takes 15 whole games to get rid of the -75% exp leavers penalty.
I think its too harsh, It's not like people don't get subbed in when you leave.
does someone have that image that says people who play mercy "own nazi memorabilia"
So this is the Dota clone for retards who couldn't even get into HotS?
>They have achievements that are literally impossible to obtain.
This is unfair...
>Heal half the team's damage
>Get no upboats
Upboats are for healers. Dumbass.
So reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit in school was it
I would buy overwatch if it was balanced.
No game should be something you can objectively call broken within 3 weeks of playing, with no more mechanics to learn that would dispel that notions, with no change done to it as if it is currently alright.
Lucio, Bastion and Mei are a joke. So is anyone who picks Zaria for the opposite reason.
>Never give anyone that isn't myself an upboat
I've left plenty of games and have yet to be penalized for it.
Do you leave 9/10 games or what?
>uuur duuur le "u are frum reddit" meme
can be annoying but his passive healing isn't nearly enough to out heal your damage
genji or any character good at flanking
nerf dis bitch pls
What do commends even do? Just for big dick points?
This. You still gain that useless xp anyways.
Its okay friend, the game is free now but if you pay 40 dollarydoos you don't have to experience that
more exp
>Shoot each other, in an arena like setting.
>Somehow not an arena shooter
>third person perspective
>you shoot arrows
guess dark soul's a third person shooter
The entire point of the game is you're meant to switch characters on the fly to counter the enemy team who is doing the same.
There is no "But muh main, all I want to do is play widowmaker to my youtube killstreak montages!!", you need to be competent with at least 1 character from each role.
>Lucio, Bastion and Mei are a joke.
They're all easily counterable. Lucio is weak to burst damage, Bastion and Mei are both weak to ANYONE with long range attacks.
I have experienced so many games, where people just stick to 1 character the entire game even though they're being countered and no compatible in the current situation happening in the game.
Eventually, it will be ironed out and people will get the memo on how to play this game.
>weak to ANYONE with long range attacks.
Opinion disregarded
Now you're just being retarded.
>no duels
>no pick up system
>b-but you shot so its a arena shooter
this game is more like league you fucking cuck.
>Blizzard is punishing me because I don't want to carry retards.
What happens if you leave? Softban?
-75% on xp gain
>Leave penalty outside of competetive mode
I guess I'll just run around in the spawn until its over then lol
>He doesn't go Widowmaker to counter Bastion
I seriously hope you guys aren't like this man
then you get leaver penalty for being afk XD
>being another useless to team widowmaker to counter memestion
wallhack isn't helpful enough
there's other better counters
Only if you do it a shitload. And even then the only thing levels are for is more loot isnt it?
Then Leave after the match is over you fucking idiot not midgame
I'm getting tired of these widowmakers that can't snipe.
>Widowmaker to counter bastion on the push, switch to any other character
And if thats not enough and you think Widowmaker is THAT bad (which she's not). you can go
to hard counter
Yep, its literally nothing.
>tfw "main" McCree
>everyones basically wised up to HIIIGH NOON, only ever get decent kills with it in a perfect situation
>started using it solely to kill Pharah's who boost up in the air
You can just tell they're getting fucking mad, getting sniped down the second they pop up.
>Join a group
>We're losing
>Offer advice, point out areas to defend/attack, etc
>Other guy starts bitching, such as "you all suck"
>heated debate among everyone else
Rational thought should be a requirement for purchasing and playing on a PC.
because you "main" waifus in a game about adjusting you character selection to the situation, you fucking idiot, you are the one getting carried
>tfw trying to learn a new character thats different to the shit I normally play
>doing really fucking badly whereas normally I can almost carry the team with characters I know
worst feel
Shutting down a pharrah is almost always instrumental to a good defense
just go afk. Blizzard doesn't seem to mind this and you'll punish your retard teammates.
Nice pasta. I remember this shit from the tens of loll threads
>literally moba cycle
>people still call this different from mobas
come on
Done this once, I started giving advices, nobody answered, started losing badly cuz 3 windowmakers and 2 bastions
>me just chilling at the spawn
suddenly : "ay cyka blyat huehuehue dis guy doing nuffin !
>oh I see why we are losing now.
>Shutting down rat and Pharab ults as soon I hear them with 1 snipe shoot
I'm not sorry.
How does it punish for leaving? Because I was in a group led by a friend earlier and he kept quitting whenever he thought the team we were on was shit (never mind that our group was 4 people so we effectively were the team). Never during the match, only after it ended.
>playing rein, everyone else is dps
>mention that we could've used heals at the end of a lost match
>every single teammate: why didn't you switch then?
Fuck everyone who thinks they have a main.
>Big chin : the game
>Punishes leavers
>Doesn't punish people who refuse to pick anything other than MLGPRO characters
This annoys me.
more like
>mediocre waifus: the game
The other day our entire team went widowmaker as a joke, and we were doing pretty well for a couple of minutes but then two of the other team went reinhart and we were basically fucked because we couldn't do anything against the shields at range, and getting close enough to attack them directly was suicide.
Not even mad though, it was stupid fun to have an entire team (we weren't even grouped it was spontaneous) play one class for a laugh, and interesting to see the other team accurately counter it rather than whining.
I think some whole-team-as-one-class teams would be incredibly hard to counter, though. I can't think of an easy counter to an entire team of Soldier 76
>tfw the worst part of overwatch is that it attracts the standard blizzard idiot
>the same baddies who can't move out of fire in wow
I can see that being a weekly brawl. All soldiers all the time.
maybe it was just because the beta was free
>attacking on the not-russia map
>take the shortcut on the left every time I respawn
>no one on the enemy team gets wise to my shit
>playing Mercy
>singlehandedly keep push alive on payload
>2 likes at end of round
>3 windowmakers and 2 bastions
I was once in a team with 5 Zaryas but this sounds even worse.
>play mercy
>potg goes to a soldier 76 who gets 5 kills after I rez him
>Reach level 25.
>Boxes take forever to get.
>After eight matches get enough XP for one.
>Three sprays and a duplicate victory pose.
Blizzard must be stopped.
>3 windowmakers and 2 bastions
Just go Reinhardt you probably would have won :)
Do you get xp demerits for causing unbalanced team comp "too many snipers" for e.g.? You should (if you lose)
watermelon crushing pic please
What are they gonna do, break my stick? Then I have 2 sticks.
Stick win every time.
Fucking this.
I have 450 credits to use but the skin I want is 1000
how do i search wonderloli in rule34 or the likes? if i search for wonder woman all i get is milf stuff and im not into that
wtf why didn't they just counter them?
Just go Genji and kill them all in one hit ammiright fellas?
My problem is the game is way too slow. Got a freakin ninja who moves like a snail.
Feels good to be the unsung hero of the game.
>single-handedly win for the team
>92% of the match on fire
>only 1 vote
you're welcome, assholes
Genji's dash cooldown resets when you get a kill.
If he feels slow, then you're bad.
> Bastion in turret mode, everytime
bump for this, please someone answer me
i need it for scientific reasons, im researching a cure for cancer and the goverment hired me! i need this information NOW
>Be tank
>Peek around the corner
>Instantly dead from bastion turret
Honestly they need to cut the damage down to about a 1/3rd or create some big red flag that lets players know there is a turret and exactly which way its looking
Everytime people vote for the healer, like a pat in the back for the guy who didn't have fun during the game.
>playing as tracer
>single-handedly keep the payload contested for a good 10 seconds against three enemies
>they're all shooting at me
>their fucking lucio keeps me from doing any damage
>team doesn't bother helping and gives them the checkpoint
Shit pisses me off. Also is it just me or is lucio a bitch to kill solo?
Good. Fuck Tracer players. Like a fly that keeps annoying you and you have to constantly swat it away.
You only earn cosmetic items slower, you ninny, who gives a shit about that?
Everyone is too op in this game.
You get killed by Bastion almost instantly,you get killed if you get hook,or if the big guy charges you,etc..
I just feel like every characters is too overpowered
>It's a Tracer poster complaining about any other Hero in the game
Just stop.