So Sup Forums

so Sup Forums

give me your predictions

when will it start dying ?

right after this beta ends lol

When it's out and people get tired of a barebones $40 shooter.


The game does feel pretty barebones and my favorite waifu is shit in-game.

When Battleborn...oh wait

I'd give it a year and a half

After the third expansion.

a month after launch just like battlefront it has 2 modes 1/4 heros are actually viable


The market is saturated with online only shooters, look at shit like Titanfall and Evolve. Unlike a singleplayer game, MP games need communities and a small community worldwide isn't enough to sustain all those upcoming online only multiplayer shooters


The games primary focus of team synergy is completely absent in pubs, which is why heroes who require some degree of coordination or specific heroes to counter (bastion) are considered so fucking strong in pub play, but underpowered as hell in comp. Not just that, but the focus on synergy means the individual players skill means a lot less (thanks to how powerful supports or, and how easy it is to instagib people with certain heroes) so carrying an otherwise unwinnable game becomes significantly harder, or downright impossible depending on the role required. The result is I feel the casual players will quickly grow tired of the gameplay once the honeymoon period is over and the game will be left will a small dedicated fanbase, like HotS.

>The result is I feel the casual players will quickly grow tired of the gameplay once the honeymoon period is over and the game will be left will a small dedicated fanbase, like HotS.

The best goddamn result possible.

Can't you just accept it's fun without being angry Blizzard made something good again?

Pretty much. The day I'm not forced to play Genji because no one can kill a Bastion, or play Lucio because no one knows/wants to play a support, is the day I can actually enjoy Overwatch.

>game starts losing players
>Blizz releases new character or maps
>population spikes
>repeat formula ad nauseum

It's like you faggots never played a Blizzard game before.

I give it a good 10 years. Wc3 is still alive and is what 13 years old now?

That was when Blizzard was a household name and revered for making GOOD games, not the casual shitfest with new team members(because all the old ones that actually MADE war3 and previous good games all left the company) churn out now.

>Every Overwatch thread just shows most of Sup Forums is casual and has no friends

>implying you didn't enjoy Overwatch.

everything in the universe is at some stage of dying, except for overwatch which is already dead

>competitive overwatch

2 months after release when people realize that

1. Its a game about switching characters so they cant just play as the guy they like


2. Everyone has insta kill buttons so they can't MLP pro montage videos for youtube where they went 40 kills no deaths

Yeah that's what i hate about overwatch
It's just so damn easy to kill other players,everyone is too powerful.

It will decrease slightly in a month, but there will always be bitchboi blizzard fans still playing the game.

I don't see it dying like Evolve or EABattlefront.


They've already confirmed they're going to be making new maps and heroes in the future and that it'll all be free, though.

Eh not soon given the overall rather positive response. It's a nice casual multiplayer game.

It's a Blizzard game so never. It'll always have its cocksuckers, like Hearthstone

As soon as you stop posting about it, faggot.

It'll die within the year for sure.

As soon as it stops being free to play.

Blizzard games don't really seem to die. Even games like SC2 receive support.
Hell, WC3 and D2 got updates not too long ago. A game being dead doesn't really seem to matter when it comes to Blizzard.
It won't be as lively since it isn't available on Steam and is more frustrating to use, but it'll do about as well as anything else.

It doesn't have a lot of staying power right now, but once content starts rolling out people will be more inclined to keep playing, pretty much like TF2 at release. Not talking about the Orange Box, just TF2 itself.

Its dead already. I just can't play that game more than like 2 games in a row. And I even have 60 hours in EABF

The thing with it is that there's just no reason to play. In BF4 you unlock better weapons, in CSGO you progress in your rank etc... In this game you have everything unlocked from start and the skins are pretty shit.

Also the chracters suck, fuck Blizzcuck

I'd say you should check the goddamn catalog before you make a new thread you fucking retarded blizzard shill