i want to be a shinto daimyo
what games let me kick ryoka/genma butt as a holy samurai?
i want to be a shinto daimyo
what games let me kick ryoka/genma butt as a holy samurai?
Shogun 2
this, shogun 2 lets you kill the fuck out of daimyo who would dare listen to the christian god
other than that i'm not sure, maybe there's something if you're one of those fags that plays musou games
Gekkokujo for M&B Warband.
Also, Way of the Samurai 4
Skulls of the Shogun
Sengoku Rance (for those who don't know, its a hentai game with a fully formed RPG/RTS inside and this one takes place in sengoku era Japan)
Samurai Warriors series - there's one on PC now too and if you like Koei "Warriors/Musou" games, its enjoyable and tells the historical story as well (in a rather crazy way, admittedly)
Oh that reminds me, Sengoku 3... I still have to beat it.
nobunaga's ambition is pretty fun too, if not simple.
chances are you might learn some japanese history too
all people who enjoy samurais are uncultured swine
yeah, ninjas and daimyos are so fucking stupids, mans
smoke teh herb
enjoy futoi women, japan stronk
>being interested in a particular country's history means you are automatically obsessed with said country
man you're a fucking retard
wow read my post next time
That mount and blade warband jap mod.
>tfw im equally if not more interested in other countries with rich history like the ottomans, the chinese, the indians, the aztec n mayans
>doesnt matter because all that is null when someone mentions Japan
I wish there wasn't such a big stigma in liking japanese culture/history
> the ottomans, the chinese
Good lad
Literally Civ5, expel anything but Shinto, also nice to have Buddhism in your country, best if one of your allies has some buddhist presence in your nation. Expel christianity and islam out from japan
Onimusha obligatory
I hope you played the Nioh demo because you're gonna want a piece of that action when it releases
ganon pls go