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>with a twist

None for me, thanks.

>pc cucks trying to bandwagon on franchise theyve shitposted to death because that just are that starved for games


are people's attention spans this degenerate now?



So we reached the time where shitty historical FPSs are considered old school beauties.
By the way OP, is that you in that image?


We can both play this retarded game. Go on, reply with a MS Paint comic.


>none fore me
>impliyin it means you should not like it.

I take it back, you should not allowed to do shit. Get someone to do a lobotomy on your dumb ass.


I'm sure he means old school as in, not fucking sci-fi warfare.

Also, I hope hose combat actually is a thing.

It's not really dubstep, though.

Game seems like it will be pretty cool, imo
But they used a great song ruined with some shitty electro dubstep shit

looks shit

what about halo 5 ?
Legit question

I apologize, you weren't trying to bash my tastes.
Other guys were just being needlessly salty though.

>bf trailer is for xbox one

Why is there a black guy on the cover?

After reading a few DICE interview articles from various sites, here are my take aways that get me sort of hyped.

>vehicles are now tied to classes, if you want a tank or plane you have to spawn as a tanker or pilot so no more recons using planes as taxis
>multiple types of tank, light medium and heavy
>assault gets SMGs, medic gets semi-autos, support gets LMGs, and recon gets bolt actions
>shotguns and pistols also confirmed, likely all-class weapons
>in maps that have battleships, the battleships are pilotable and controlled by players (as in they aren't on rails or relegated to being arty strikes a la BC2)

That's what I've got so far.

Oh Hi marketer

I just want to Dover Beach that shit

Why is there an arab woman riding with a saber on her hand? why is a Fokker D-3 running into a cliff instead of using it's superior maneuverability to get into the chaser's tail? why is an airship floating a few meters above the ground nowhere near it's anchorage? why is a german in rudimentary armor bouncing rifle rounds?

I curse the day i wished for a WWI shooter.

"smg" better not have more than 500 rpm
i think assault will have more melee weapons
medic should have short range weapons or same as assault

1. Because muh feminism?
2. Then you fly through a canyon while being shot at and come out unscathed.
3. If you're referring to the mini blimps, I'm pretty sure those are meant to be obstacles for planes that just sit and there and get in the way. As for the airship, why would you have an anchor if the purpose is travel?
4. Lead bullets don't go through solid steel plates. Would probably still hurt like hell and make you deaf though without any padding.


The twist is actually about an African-American from the future having a bad day.

He Is from 2205, where there is no cracka left on earth. He went on a time machine to go back in time to help humanity figure out the problems in for their global democratic socialism. Their production and economy is on a all time low, and they can't blame whitey for being poor this time, so they get Tryrone to go back in time and get a cracka. When Tyrone arrives, he gets btfo at the place the time machine put him in. As soon as he arrives in the past, not only does he see an abundant of crackas, he is engulfed in the middle of the war. Since his time machine runs on watermelon, fried chicken, grape soda, and shoe laces, he goes through many war shenanigans to get them.

The dynamic seems to have shifted, though. Assault is the designated damage dealer and spearhead. This is because those SMGs are gonna kill fast at close range and they also get the explosives/anti-vehicle weapons. Basically they took the BF4 engineer and renamed it. Medics are going to be mid-long fighters with a focus on keeping the team alive. Supports are going to be entrenchers laying down cover fire and keeping the ammo flowing. Recons are going to be making sure everyone knows where the enemies are and forcing them off wide open areas.

The mini-blimps are called "barrage balloons". They were indeed used for preventing low-level bombing runs.

>EA and Activision ruined futuristic warfare so hard that people want a game based on the most depressing and bleak war of history
>Scratch that, they want a dubstep-filled, CoDified version of the most depressing and bleak war of history

I don't get the hate for dubstep trailer music.
It's trailer music.

>why is an airship floating a few meters above the ground nowhere near it's anchorage?

If you're referring to the final scene in the trailer, the leading theory is a PTSD induced hallucination. Because the scene is very surreal and those bomber blimps were a source of fear. Especially for the British and the French who took the brunt of the German offensives.

>why is a german in rudimentary armor bouncing rifle rounds?

That armor was actually moderately effective. It did save lives. The key word there is "bouncing". A direct 90 degree hit would still kill you. But angled hits would either bounce or lose so much kinetic energy that they would merely wound instead of outright kill. The same principle applies to helmets. A direct hit will go through even modern military helmets. But an off angle hit will be deflected.

It's really uncreative and "trailer" music is just a mash of loud noises and in this case a mixed in version of seven nation army, making it not looking scary at all, more like an inviation to a theme park.

This is the song that started battlefield and lets you know what it is about without even seeing the screen. Dubstep shit has no personality and you can mix in everything with some flashy scenes

OP you're about two days late.


Seriously though, it's not a nigger protag, is it?

>It's going to top this

>or this

Fuck off.

People said there are 7 different stories and the american nigger is one of them. Putting a black american as single character on the cover for a ww1 game is still a mystery tho

Is that you in that image?

This kid want to be a saiyajin

The twist is that it's still a shitty game and setting doesn't make everything magically better

No, you fuck off, nigger lover.


Are you not going to buy the game now?

>people spend years moaning about le generic modern day and futuristic FPS
>someone makes a WW1 FPS
>autists still aren't happy.

just proves that you retards are nothing but sheep repeating what everyone else says and thinks to fit in.

I think the problem itself is because people are tired of muh cinematic experience FPS, with tons of onrail shit, slow pacing and walking, not itself with the date when it takes place the game.

Litellary "It aint me" started playing