This fucking game SUCKS. Beat it once and now I don't even want to play it again. Some bosses were okay, some levels were okay but overall this game fucking sucks, dude. Still has 1 hit kill gimmicks, Lothric niggers, boring ass command grabs, wonky hit boxes--I'm not just impressed. PERIOD.
well, it ain't DaSI or BB
i feel like everything between bosses in the end game was a chore
im having a hard time starting another character
I want to start a bow build but I don't want to do all the fucking work. I wish we could start the game at any soul level with any items we wanted except for the major game items. Fucking hate grinding in this game.
Trying to make a hexer but it's hard work. All the stuff is endgame and before that I'm just a shitter playing melee putting points into fth, int and atn. 2nd playthough isn't very fun.
git gud
I just used cheat engine and enabled infinite i-frames script to sprint through it, no ban for hacks like that
Get that ass banned.
Shut the fuck up with the borrowed shit. Stop being a drone.
Stop being a negative asshole raining on other people's parades. I think the game is fine and so does the majority of people who play it. These are your negative opinions your spewing out.
If you dont like it that much then dont fucking play it instead of bitching about it.
>tldr git gud or stfu nigger
why not just realocate your stats and go ng+ ?
Are you a dumb fuck? People come here to vent. I'm venting. You're a fucking moron.
This game is fucking garbage and will soon be forgotten.
I know right? It's better.
theres a pretty huge amount of people shitting on it actually
i dont know if youve noticed but its a lot more popular, and a lotta morons who happily eat shit lack the mental capacity to point out its flaws
It's this fake ass Lothric boss that I can't beat. He's boring. 1 hit kill gimimick, gay ass magic--and overall a boring ass fucking boss, dude.
I wish they brought back the VA for Crestfallen Warrior and Saulden so he could have done Hawkwood.
He doesn't sound depressed enough.
>1 hit kill gimmick
You just have to roll in whatever direction after he teleports, what the fuck user
Just boring dude. I just want my bow character already made. Gonna fuck hack dude. Ain't got time for this fake ass grinding shit. I want what I want in the beginning of the game to make it FUN. Not dread through the game with some fucked up ass character.
This. Same can be said for most bosses.
I mean if you really hate him so much, summon for him.
Also, if you don't like Twin Princes, you're gonna have a real fun time with Soul of Cinder
Sup Forums is bb really that good or people just feeling to protect it bc it's on ps4?
You're blogging. It's against the rules, and nobody wants to hear your stupid gripes. Go complain to your friends if your foul attitude hasn't already driven them away.
wait for ce tables
>not liking the best boss in the game
Theres obvious fucking flaws like any game but i still like the game.
OP every thing youve typed has come from the negative cesspool in the back of your tiny brain. Your the fucking moron if your getting mad at people on Sup Forums over videogames.
Just stating my opinion too. Sorry we dont have the same ideals m8
It's really good, especially with the DLC. But of course people will tell you it's sht because it's PS4 exclusive
It felt pretty short, and the DLC only added a few hours. I just wish the game were longer.
quite the opposite. BB is hated because it's on PS4
I wish bamco wold just stop with the WOW SO HARD marketing
The good thing about BB marketing that it wa just some vague trailers, a bit of gameplay and an OST making of
I'm pretty sure BB is hated because shitposters put it on a pedestal and regurgitate memes like "never ever"
It's a great game, just not as good as the Sonyggers make it out to be.
So just like every souls game
>people hate a game they've never played because of le meems
i have a good rig for gaming, but this is pathetic
Overall it just feels like I'm going through the motions at this point. This game will NEVER be as good as the former's.
>make it out to be
no -- it is a great fucking game
I'm just saying how it is, I think the game is pretty game itself
My first DS game.
Got me hooked for a while, but got bored half-way through and never picked it up again.
Feels repetative as fuck, open new area - push through it - fight boss - open new area and so on..
Imagine eating a bowl of sand and then getting an even bigger bowl to eat, that's how this game feels
Soul of Cinder was easy as fuck compared to Lothric though
>start game
>get bored
>start new character
>get bored
Because it's a rehash.
A cashgrab to make money for Namco.
There's nothing original about Dark Souls 3, it's like a collection of greatest hits instead of a new album.
How the fuck do I deal with Nameless King this guy's timing is worse than fucking Smelter Demon.
>People come here to vent
>to vent
You don't just solely 'vent' here
Not only are you a tripfag, you blatantly don't know the FAQs. For the love of God go back to crunchyroll or whatever cancer site youre from kid
>>people hate a game they've never played because of le meems
They do on Sup Forums.
I already said it's a great game, but half the Sonyggers on this board make it out to be the perfect game. The best game in the history, past present and future, no other human achievements will top Bloodborne.
>Thread about exclusive game on other system
>Sonyggers flood in and shitpost BB with "never ever!"
>Thread about BB
>Every single criticism of the game is met with "NOT TRUE!!! YOU DIDN'T PLAY THE GAME UR JUST A PKEK IN DISGUISE!!! BB FOREVER!! NEVER EVER PKEK!"
I had a harder time with him myself. Most people I know did.
Been playing since Demon's Souls.
This game fucking sucks. Dark Souls 1 was the best, BB was really fun. Everything else can eat a dick
It's really good, but I like DaS3 more. BB feels a bit too streamlined for me, and it doesn't have nearly as many good bosses as DaS3. It's definately more original though, and has amazing aesthetics and atmosphere.
Some Sony fans very obviously want to put it on a pedestal, which makes their opinion biased
Demon's Souls had the best gimmick bosses, the best NPCs, the best visual level design and the OST was on par with DS1
Daily reminder that if Soft had only released Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne, they'd have the perfect trilogy.
DS2 and 3 do not compare
DS3 beats DS2 in terms of world design but fucking hell the gameplay is garbage. No poise kills this game. I shouldn't shoot at knight with Crystal Soul Spear, take half it's health, yet he still doesn't stop his swinging animation. Combat is fucked in this game
I think DS3 is the best out of them all, and DS1 is overrated
>No poise kills this game
The removal of poise fixed this game. Poise in DaS1 was a disaster.
DaS1 is Fromsoft's worst fantasy game. Every single Souls and King's Field game is leagues better.
>Bawwwwww that guy in heavy armor ran through my OG Claymore build and bsed me
That's your own fault that you're fucking shit
not having poise kills heavy weapons. there isn't any point of using them over smaller ones since you can spam R1 and win. heavy weapons are suppose to stagger after a set amount of damage to give you an opening. add to the fact that no matter what armor you wear even getting shot by an arrow will stagger you. so yes, no poise did ruin the gameplay
>likes poise
>calls others shit
How many levels of irony are you on?
Heavy weapons all have super armor. You just have to time your attacks appropriately and you have the equivalent of infinite poise. You complain about R1 spam while making it blatantly obvious that that's all you're capable of if you haven't even learned how to use heavy weapons in 3.
>Still has 1 hit kill gimmicks
That's part of the appeal, and why that OP element lasted throughout the soul's series. This separates the game from others, you're actually forced to improvise, to git gud, since you're stuck otherwise. The 'emotional reward' you get when you finally succeed is pretty worth it usually.
>Lothric niggers, boring ass command grabs
Another thing that's appealing in this series, no matter what level you are, mobs you met in the earlier stages can still wop you a good one if you get sloppy a bit. Again, this helps you improve as a player
>wonky hit boxes
A valid point, FROM should should fix this thing along with many other unstable parts within the game.
My first playthrough was STR with Dark Sword only.
I feel like I didn't really experience a STR build so I'm doing another playthrough and need some fun early game STR weapon suggestions.
Just beat the Deacons of the Deep and I have a Broadsword +3
what is 'sage'
>first playthrough with a dark sword
>then broadsword
Wow what variety. I suggest picking up the great club, you can get it pretty early from one of the exiled dudes near the Farron keep bonfire.
DS1 mechanics and systems were perfect and all you DS2 diapers need to kill yourselves
Ok, a-are you sure about that?
I never tried it so I just need 4 levels in STR then I can wield it.
I just keep hearing how only straight swords are good :(((
Dark Sword is not STR.
You need something BIG. Grab a Great Club, or Vordt Hammer
This desu senpai.
Straight swords are good but they're prettying boring. If you want the xbox hueg weapon experience, just pump those levels of STR.
Leave your name blank, moron. Lurk moar.
Ok I'm going to try out this great club.
I better like it.
str weapon =/= heavy weapon.
Just use what you like and make it work. That's always what this series has been about. I've been wrecking shit in PvP and PvE with a scythe and a whip.
just going to leave this here
>I just keep hearing how only straight swords are good :(((
Straight swords have more bang for their buck than any weapon, at low skill levels. Being so reliant on r1 spam also guarantees that you won't ever get better.
If you're only using straight swords while on an STR character you might as well just be pumping stats in DEX.
I liked the individual level is 3 more than anything in 1 or 2.
Straight Swords are just pretty good for what they are supposed to be, every other weapon can be viable, even claws, surprisingly enough.
>Implying you did not summon
I bet you did.
Namefag lurk more.
>an OST making of
I wish they did more of these.
>Being so trash at a game you have to vent online on an anonymous imageboard
I liked how bloodborne there were less weapons but they were all good.
das3 there are like 100 and most probably SUCK!