What kind of a trainer would you end up being in the Pokemon world?
What kind of a trainer would you end up being in the Pokemon world?
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which trainer fugs the pokemon cause if I'm being honest that's what I would do
One with 6 Waifugants
the fat guy
googling fat pokemon trainer gave me results I didn't want.
this tbqh
Type-wise, Psychic, but personality-wise, probable just a Youngster or an Ace Trainer.
I don't know what I was expecting
Probably Bug Maniac.
I'd probably lose my license within a couple of weeks.
The one with an Ampharos.
The cute lady kind with skitties, espeons and other cute pokemon
This. Pic related.
I'd fuck all the female Pokemon
I knew I would get somebody.
So the Hiker, the Sailor, or the Pokefan?
Hex Maniac
I would probably just get a Pangoro and a Gardevoir and play vidya with them.
Probably a hiker but a lot more slim and without the neckbeard
ace trainer if i really dedicate and commit myself
I guess the pokefan. The hiker and sailor look like they do physical work.
I'd probably be a weirdo since i like ghost pokemons
Shedinja is my favorite pokemon so the nigga stays in my team
dragon trainer
always rocking a dragonair
The standard trainer who battles during the day and gets paid by men to have sex during the night.
swimmer I guess since I'd be using only water types
Cameraman trainer. Idk, I just always liked his artwork.
In reality I'd just be a supernerd, or whatever trainer has a team of pokemon that they like that are also good, but doesn't go for full on max team strength.
I used to be GOAT at Pokemon battling, but as of Gen 6, I refuse to play because of Fairy type being too ridiculously strong. It's far and away worse than 4Drag2Mag or weather wars.
I'd be a Gym leader and a chad of the pkmn world.
Why was this so funny
super nerd or pokemaniac from the old games, apparently the newer games have pokemaniacs as cosplayers or something gay like that
I'd become a mugger and have a team to 'muscle' on other trainers.
Oh and my favorite pokemon Hypno. I could just have him hypnotize them but thats no fun.
Would the pokemon world have pokemon prostitutes?
Cool trainer
Post boipucci and feminine dick.
Super Nerd who thinks he's an Ace Trainer.
I'd pick a grass-type trainer, but there aren't any male grass-type trainers.
I have a pussy, but it's not a boy one.
Hiker. I go hiking every other weekend anyways. My favorite pokemon are the fire, ground, and rock types too. Holy shit I'm a god damn pokehiker
This. I'd just have 6 Pokemon to fuck and get fucked by. Why even battle when you can just have sex all day?
Late game Gym leader with dreams of being Elite 4
Pokemon Ranger with a bro as fuck Manectric.
I miss weather so much trolling the shit out of people using their own weather was fun as fuck.
How will you make money to provide for yourself then?
>not being bi
Lel faggot
I'm a bit disappointed but post it anyway, it will do.
I spend more time hatching pokemon than grinding them for the most part, so probably a Breeder.
though I'd like to be an ace trainer too...
I'd like to think i'd be the guy who chills in a city, only battling to share like one rare but shitty pokemon, i'd probably be the snorlax
It's certainly plausible.
If a cute little Kirlia is abandoned and has to fend for herself, she might resort to turning tricks for food money.
Whoops replied to the wrong person
Fuck off tranny
>someone brings along fire types and fucks your shit over
Super Nerd
cat trainer
Probably Pokemon Collector. Image the Hoenn, Johto, or X and Y ones. Most people wouldn't just pick the coolest, cutest or most interesting pokemon we find around our hometown. We'd search around for specific pokemon we want. Most of us would want Cute Pet Animals Like Cat, Dog, and Bird Pokemon. Electric Pokemon so we can charge up phones, and the female looking Pokemon like Gardevoir and Lobunny.
>it's a skitty
By selling the video, of course. I'm sure lots of people wanna watch someone taking an Arcanine or Zebstrika cock.
No question
Now I think I'm going to play Pokemon, I've only ever played them up to Diamond & Pearl though, any recs for the newer games?
what's the best non-main pokemon game?
One with only a gardevoir.
>He doesn't know what a gym leader is
>high level gym leaders who don't have counter moves for types they're weak to.
just play the remakes of the old games.
Though i might have to swap for Empoleon
prob an ace trainer or a veteran. was consistently top 10 on the OU ladder for gen 4/5. won a few major smogon/serebii tournies back in the day
tho personally i'd want to be a bug catcher or a bug gym leader/elite four cause bug types best type
If you were bi youd still be better off being a male, you could fuck and get fucked. Women can only get fucked.
Snap and the early Mystery Dungeons are pretty good
Probably one of the rumble games. Snap is a tad bit overrated but it's pretty good.
I'd be the one with just a Kirlia
What Pokemon would you marry and impregnate?
Probably a good idea, I'll try the new ones after if I feel like it
Why isn't there a game where you can date pokemon?
Gotta love dat loli pussy, also Roselia
Probably a Cooltrainer (gen 2) since im more into having type variety. Even though most of my team is weak to Electric types, but thats ok cuz i'll be packing a Rhydon
>mega-evolves wearing a wedding dress
Made for it.
Steel > Bug > Fire > The rest > dog shit > Dragon > Fairy
how can I make one of these?
If I'm being perfectly honest I LIKE SHORTS
An aspiring Ace Trainer who later becomes a wandering Veteran.
Though I think I would be realistically a Ranger.
would you a Gina?
I encourage all to play with it - maybe we can have 7 more anons create other Gyms
That post was in reply to the apparent disgust at the poster being a girl and not a sissy fagboi.
Probably a water type or psychic type gym leader
Dragons weren't even that bad last gen unless you completely banned weather. No idea why they fucking obliterated Dragon type and kicked Dark and Bug type in the teeth.
You can't impregnate guys.
Mystery Dungeon Rescue Teams/Explorers/Super
The Gamecube ones with shadow Pokemon
Not with that attitude
Id try.
In no particular order:
Regular trainer until I find a female Ralts.
Then just train her into Gardevoir and make her my waifu as anybody else would do.
I wonder what female trainers would do, maybe they'll go for Machamps or stuff like them?
Colosseum has god tier music and atmosphere, but I wish we got a new game to polish it up and expand the world some more. That or I wish the main series would take some notes.2
Its and here's my team
>not going for 2 Gardevoirs, 1 male 1 female
>not fucking them both