The main reason id want to play this game is for the story, Is it good...

The main reason id want to play this game is for the story, Is it good? Are these two characters the same ratchet and clank I grew up with

If you play for the story you can skip this safely.


>playing R&C for the story

>The main reason id want to play this game is for the story

Behold: The modern gaming audience.

Im a huge fan of all of the previous games, and I am satisfied enough with the gameplay of the original ratchet

>The main reason id want to play this game is for the story

No its not worth the story. The story is a mess because it's supposed to be tied with the movie.

The story is crap and disjointed b/c of the movie

The gameplay is great though because all the weapons are satisfying.

Not really. Some weapons are really underwhelming like the bomb glove and Mr Zurkon.
Bomb glove is way too small and does no damage. Mr Zurkon is out for like 10 seconds max.

The story and characters are shit. But the gameplay was fun.

Not OP, but what in particular has changed between the two versions of the games?

Less planets. Less charm.
More strafing. More annoying on screen prompts and people not shutting the fuck up.

Well that depends. Did you enjoy the story of games like Tetris, Pong, and the Terminator Salvation Arcade game?

How so, are the characters still the same?

No, they're not the same. Quark is re-telling the events of R&C1. So now you have human galactic rangers. But Quark is also characterizing Ratchet and Clank as bumbling loveable heroes. All the character development in the first game is gone.

>The main reason id want to play this game is for the story
Then why not just see the movie?

I perefereed ratchet and clank as they were in the ps3 series,
are they at least like that?

because appearantly the game tells the story better

Didn't play PS3 series, don't know. But if you're looking to pick up the game for story, just don't bother. Insomniac didn't really give a shit. Hell, even during the cutscenes that are random off putting cuts between each scene or gameplay. Very jarring. Sarcastic tone is all gone, not even a single crotchitizer joke.

Crotchitizer didn't exist at that point though. Guess they could've forced it into existence but eh.



Story I'd trash and nothing like the original games