D.va appreciation thread

D.va appreciation thread.

Post D.va


Go back to with your fucking 2hu

She's all I play.

This is a christian value board

We can't post the good stuff here

There are times in life where you'll be tempted to ask, "Who will let me?"

In those times, I ask, "Who can stop me?"


How about sticking to the already existing thread you cum guzzler

shit character

If its d.va's I'd guzzle.

i wanna put my d in her va

I said it in the other thread but man those feet and kneepits are turning me the fuck on.

I'd suck her feminine cock.

nothin personal, kid

god I want to stick my dick between her breasts and fuck it so damn hard

she singlehandedly awoken a latex fetish inside me I was unaware of


Clearly best Grill




I just noticed her keychain
I saw this pic a hundred times at least but only now I have noticed it
What the hell

Another game where discussion will forever be ruined by braindead mouthbreathing weebfags that can't go to /jp/ or /e/ or /h/.

Or you could just, ya know, not open the fucking thread you cock guzzling faggot.


wow your obvious cultural and intellectual superiority has humbled me, i will now reform my ways and become a productive, normal member of society

>Expecting a good discussion on Sup Forums

Not that its impossible, but what did you expect going into this thread?

Does anyone else email Overwatch Porn to Chris Metzen?

I make sure to keep him up to date.

Really what did you expect.

Can you even read the op

People to use fully functioning boards for their intended purpose?

Or you could, you know, just go to the appropriate board for your whyfoo faggotry so we have more on topic threads on Sup Forums and don't have to put up with your cancer?

Koreans get off my board

>He doesn't know

Come to Reddit if you want actual video game discussion, 4cuck retard.


too bad she's fucking garbage in-game

Lets be real, Sup Forums is bad if your actually looking for discussion. Try the Overwatch /vg/.

Shouldn't you be making a blog post on tumblr how triggered you are?

>/vg/ oh the place that only talks about how they want to fuck the girls and don't discuss the game period? /vg/ is just as shit as Sup Forums for discussing games just for different reasons

D.va is fucking shit

Best fuck of to another site then.

sauce please

Why do people like her so much?

She's not even that attractive

You can't talk about vidya anywhere. It's really frustrating

Did you guys notice something?

D.va. Sounds like Diva. Diva can mean a celebrated opera singer, or a regular singer.

I have no idea how to play her


There's like 3 Overrated threads going on, why not use one of them?

>fly into enemy backline
>hold m1
>press E if under heavy fire
>if still under fire after E goes down, booster out to health pack
>go back to step 1

Have you tried any discord groups? Had some good interactions with peps there. It also helps the conversation doesn't goes from opinion, to getting called cuck, to swearwords, etc


Jealous white woman detected

Daily reminder that if you like D.va or Widowmaker, you are a shit taste pleb because there are so many better waifus.

Use her boost to get up to snipers and fuck with them, then boost out.

Use boost plus ult to send bomb into other team.

Press E when in a group to soak damage.

When will you underage faggots learn how subjectivity works? Fuck.

that link doesn't work

>For video games
>Instead it's just a bunch of weeb whyfoo fags avatarfagging and ERPing each other

When does this game release in Japan? That's when the real shit starts.

>Adorable Chubby face
>Sexy body
>One of the best characters in the game
>Literally immortal if played correctly
>Pilots a cool robot
>Robot is actually a fucking nuke

whats there not to like

You play her like you play reaper

Does D.Va's charge do any damage, or is it just a mobility/disruption tool?

a lot of these pictures make her look line a phantasy star online character.

It does slight damage, maybe about the same or slightly less than melee. I'm not sure of the specifics. I've straight up flattened a few Mercys running from me.

>Install overwatch to check out waifus especially dva and mercy
>Play only male characters and enjoy them way more

Fuck off, D. Va is a legitimately fun character to play

Same as melee.
You can melee someone as you charge into someone to double the damage.

Pretty useful.

Same here....


The only way this game could get better is if they add a 1X year old Japanese Idol hero

I don't know how a singing-based character would work since there's already a DJ on roller skates, though

>she will never stroke your cock with her feet
>you will never fuck her kneepits hard

Oh shit I didn't know you could do that. Does the melee interrupt the charge like shooting? Should I melee right before connecting since the charge has a knock-back?

You all disgust me, waifufaggotry is a blight that should be expunging with the same vitriol and fury as with expunging sjw influence, inclusionism, and casuals, if you want porn so badly, fucking watch some goddamn porn.

>inside mech
>fast and low damage
>outside of mech
>fast and high damage
i love putting tracers and genjis in palce when im out of the mech


i play her but she needs some sort of weird tweak to her skillset

at least let her shoot while boosting and get rid of the slowdown on shooting.
also let her shoot while shielding

>Japanese Idol hero
>If she's a Support she'd literally be a healslut

I don't see why not. Japs buy way more western games nowadays than they did some years ago. Fucking hell, if the Jamaicans get a character, why can't the Japanese? The Japanese probably hate D.Va anyways because she's Korean and stealing their number 1 export product, Evangelion merchandise.

i think she just needs a little damage buff.

Melee interupts charge yes. I'd wait for after the connect, but the frame is pretty tight.

But meeling interupts the charge at a perfect minigun range.


they alreaddy have too though

Does D.VA's ultimate hurt friendlies?


>tfw unlocked a lot of d.va skins in the beta
>they don't carry over

fuking jews

Probably the self-loathing pretends to hate anime tsun-tsun, right?

no only herself and enemies

This is the best one of them all.

no only yourself and enemies

They already have 2 (one technically since Genji and Hanzo were the same person before Blizzard split him in two) but they're both men

It'd be a major disservice to the world if there's never a female Japanese character in Overwatch

High damage outside mech? Nah, just fast.

Thanks user.

Fuck off, you waifufaggots and wannabe otaku are just as vile, corrosive, and a danger to quality as the sjws are.

Hanzo and Genji are japanese as fuck how are you forgetting them

Shit, I forgot about men. What a fool I've made of myself.

I love bodysuits, don't get me wrong.
But wouldn't it be better if she looked just a little more thick

>I forgot about men
>implying all of the waifus aren't the best at their roles anyway

The only girls I don't like are Zarya because of the bulldyke haircut and Symmetra because she's a Support that can't heal


>in a bodysuit

How about no, she already has massive breasts for a 19 year old Asian girl

I like D.Va, she is definitely my go to tank when I play tank

she definitely needs a buff

Shut the fuck up you insufferable shit

Fuck off with your fat bitch fetish. She's lean with a nice waist and plump thighs. She's got a great body as it is. We don't need your fat acceptance bullshit.

She needs an alt fire

Why the fuck does her mech not have homing rockets or something