ITT: Masterpieces with Giant flaws

ITT: Masterpieces with Giant flaws

80% of the game is way too easy, even on hard-mode. the 20% is Bitterblack Isle

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Almost the entire second half of the game is poorly designed

Too Much Concentration on story and Cutscenes rather than Gameplay. Multiplayer was solid atleast.

>fighting any bigger monster near an abyss
>charging my arc
>let it rip
>ranger pawn rushes in to climb the beast

DD is not a masterpiece

there are parts of it that are really, really good.

But the game suffers in so many parts, the shoddy game pacing with dull tedious quest design for the first 80% of the game, the shitty npc's and shitty writing, the horrific kill 80/collect 80 sidequests, the dull map design etc.

The combat is really fun, but it's really the only thing that makes the game unique

the game was a masterpeice because of it's unique game mechanic, its basically an MMORPG but with AIs instead of Online players. i agree what you said tho

>there are parts of it that are really, really good.

Wasn't the game the very first attempt by a japanese studio to make a western style RPG(dark fantasy, choices, branching story, overarching quests)?

While I really like DD I must agree with what you said. But still, the fact that this game can hold you for so long while having these flaws means that it's pretty fucking good

>it's a masterpiece because it's a single player mmo

Anyone else think Ranger is OP as fuck?

It can kill Death in one encounter. Blast Arrows + Tenfold Flurry + 4 x Conqueror's Periapt = EZ modo. Highest possible DPS in game I think

I know what you mean, but the basic outline of the game and the character investment is so good that you can ignore those bad bits.

If you look at it as a fun dungeon-delver in 3D with minimal multiplayer interaction, with a few other parts tossed in, it's much more fun.

I don't think the writing is shitty, though, save for a few minor characters -- the lore seems quite deep, I definitely got the impression that the game's got some heavy internal lore and allegorical components of that lore.

The quests though, most are just utter shit.

Tons of escort, fetch and kill quests. Very little story. Large open spaces to explore. Very shallow characters.


The Chambers

Fight Night

They stopped making them to make UFC.

Game's too short and the traversing is quite a chore

Before release Itsuno said this is the dream game he's wanted to make since he was 14.

Japanese dev culture where the director is king works, but only if they have restrictions. This was a vanity project that could have sorely used some Western design-by-committee to reign him in. You need look no further than the messes made by Kojima, Toriyama, Nomura, and Matsuno, along with this game to see that I am right.

Masterpieces don't have flaws.

Loved DDA but honestly the main game itself is so lacking and has an absurd amount of flaws. Though BBI was an incredibly fun dungeon crawler. I think I had about 40 hours in the main game with like 60+ hours in BBI alone. I think they would've been better off designing several closed off levels instead of trying to create a very barren open world.

>Bitterblack Isle
>same 3 rooms again and again til enboss

This game is the best thing ever.. yet it is so flawed

What we need is a sequel that fixes all the flaws and keeps all the things we loved.

It has the potential, BBI is fun as fuck. A sequel that improves on story and makes the general combat more like BBI could be GOAT

>Very little story
It's there if you paid attention.

The story is that the Senechal, the God of all creation, has set into motion a plan to give life will by testing its very survival. The Senechal commands life; the Dragon commands the Arisen; and the Arisen commands the pawn; the entire game is an allegory on what motivates living beings. The Arisen itself is supposed to be a testimony as to what sheer will itself can achieve, that a human life can step outside the limits of its immediate surroundings and can, by its own accord, change his / her life for the better.


Have faith, user. I promise you, the future will be bright. We will have a moon level. We will traverse the infinite spire. Hang in there.

Considering Crapcom has already made a fucking card game and MMO out of the franchise, the future is anything but bright.

It hurts to think what this game could've been with a AAA budget and more development time.

Well, the game was barren because it was half finished. But one could argue that was due to overambition back when capcom barely gave their employees the time of day.


I'm a fan of things going through circles. Things that turn and turn, things that repeat themselves. But it's not the circle that's the appeal, it's the focus of getting out of it.

When you know that there's a circle, you can attempt to break it. Daimon tried that, and he just became part of the circle instead. It's depressing, because that way the story will never have a true conclusion, it takes away all the struggle and hardships that your will has gotten you through.

>watching people play games

Why would you WATCH anyone play Dragon's Dogma?

>Twitch matters


No one cares.

It has already sold close to 300k without ever being on sale. That's pretty damn impressive for a console port of a 5 year old game with barely any marketing.

Not masterpieces but:

Stella Glow
>even with animations off gameplay is slow
>on the easy side tactically
>can't save best girl

That's the thing, isn't it? Japs always go full fucking retard with philosophy. What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to have free will? What does it mean to overcome and what do we have to sacrifice in the process and what is left of us when everything is said and done? Don't get me wrong, i like that shit to certain extend(DX:HRs melding of man and machine) but i much prefer the(better) Bioware/CDP style of storytelling. Humble beginnings ->get betrayed -> investigate ->have a twist or two ->bossfight ->credits.

>user didn't played solo hard mode
kill yourself my man

>tfw did that
Did it just yesterday in fact.

Shame the Duke's set is such utter shit
I find the game is much more fun without pawns tbqhwy

>Humble beginnings ->get betrayed -> investigate ->have a twist or two ->bossfight ->credits.
But that's how Dragon's Dogma goes if you don't try and read into everything by asking the Dragonforged 20 questions.

Lack of enemy variety makes the game feel too repetitive
Also, less problem solving to progress

It's still easy. There will be a slight "difficulty" early on due to everything one-shotting you but you get so much experience and money that you could be so highly leveled with really good equipment and beat the shit out of anybody.

i was very excited for this game but its nowhere near close to a "masterpiece"

it only became playable years after release-- an action game that struggles with 25 fps is not even borderline playable.

the game just reeks of japaneseness in its design...not in a good way, feels like an old ps2 or dreamcast game.

OP here

Had the same expereince, only BBI was able to give me a hard-time even with Cursed stuff lvl 3

>entire motivation to go through BBI more than once is getting all the weapons and armo
>once you do the entire game is a complete joke and you're bored of it

That's a bit like saying "You don't have to read the epilogue", it's all part of the story and, in this case, even vital to get a better understanding of the world, the Seneschal and Grigori.

>the game just reeks of japaneseness in its design...not in a good way, feels like an old ps2 or dreamcast game.
Why do people who dislike vidya play vidya?

Yeah, all of the deep and interesting stuff is there if you really want it, but otherwise the main story leaves you in the dark enough that the game can count as both eastern and western storytelling.

>tfw did BBI at least 20+ times to get the entire Hellfire Armor set
>not a single Hellfire Armor

I fucking hate this random loot shit

why do people herald games that are nothing special as amazing?

why did people pretend like that "the wind is pushing me" song was some epic song and not completely stereotypical j-buttrock?

why do you get so absorbed for hundreds of hours in a single player game that my casual girlfriend beat in 2 weeks, did some BBI and then quit?

dank meme pic, you come from reddit too?

Ever seen RE: Revelations 2 RNG system?

It's the worst one of all time. the max level weapons are literally 0.00003% chance to get

>loot in a capcom game
>dropping ever

Nigga i've leveled from 62 to 200 in BBI and only gotten one set of scale mail panties.

Are you the right vocation? Because the cursed drops change depending on the vocation of whoever picks it up.

I'm very glad you did, to be honest it's the only good and fun way to play it, and besides, on Hard pawns tend to die fucking easly and it's a pain in the ass for them to cast useful spells for the situation.
I thinks this shit happens with most if not all RPGs in history. Isn't the joke of this kind of games that you put your own rules and handicap yourself? Isn't this what most of DaS players do? I read sometimes here and there that there are certain items in the game that makes it more easy.

dolphin-eating zipperheads can't program good netcode if you paid them in soiled panties

Pure warrior with a ranger pawn.

I think the song got popular because it was totally unexpected in this kind of game. It was kind of good and also highly premonitory. Combine with meme status due to the first point and there you go.

The biggest flaws this game have had to deal with it being on shitty netbook tier consoles. It was ugly as sin and ran like dogshit.

PC version fixes that.

>elven sanctuary

Are elves even mentioned in the final version of the game we got?

still doesnt fix the fact that its a coop game they decided to make single player halfway through development

japanese just dont understand video games on so many levels, its really bizarre

>make vanquish
>dont put it on pc
>make a coop pc online rpg game
>have it be a single player only console game that runs at 22 fps half the time
>make a new iteration of the biggest fighting game ever
>dont include fucking arcade mode

how are they so constantly shortsighted? how do they constantly do everything so wrong?

You might want to go check the list, then. On /ddg/.
Or just ask someone to rent your pawn and send it back wearing panties.

Yes that's impressive for a port. But not for a hope.

I mean i got one set and with them both being lv200 and over 230 hours played it doesn't really matter - I'm done with the game.

Here's my challenge:
>Start a new character (on a different profile- if you don't want to erase your current one)
>Go to Bitterback island as soon as you can (I think you have to reach the encampment, maybe defeat the cyclops too)
>DON'T do any questing in the meantime, keep your level as low as possible until reaching Bitterblack
>Play. Can't leave the islant for outside equipment, must fulfill your needs from the 2 npcs there

This right there is a fucking MMO after the second expansion. Not even a team of 200 devs and 4 years of development time could get it done.

That just sounds tedious. Like you'll start getting overpowered shit quickly, but the first few hours are going to just be you dodging while whittling away.

This is fucking retarded, you need to have near endgame shit to do BBI.

The minimum level for BBI equipment is 46 (level 2 gear), rising to 51 (level 3 gear)

If you use them before that level you have massive stamina drain making them useless

It's a cool idea but honestly impossible

Gonna be either stupid or easy. Because of how defense works, if you're underleveled/geared for an enemy you have to chip away at them for ages. That's just tedious. But once you're high enough level to handle the first room of BBI (level 25 maybe?) you level super fast in BBI and then it's just a normal playthru.

more like
>80% of the game is bandits goblins and harpies

>still doesnt fix the fact that its a coop game they decided to make single player halfway through development
It was always intended to be singleplayer, you retard. Western kids today don't understand japanese design conventions, like the idea of a singleplayer action game inspired by wrpg mmo shit is so completely alien that it just had to have been some downgraded version of a multiplayer game.

You could probably make it to at least the not-Beholder if you decide to not fight anything and loot everything.

actually it's pretty doable up until the first major boss (beholder).
You level fast enough to be viable deeper on, and the starting gear is just enough to kill the first few monsters on the island.

Only after the beholder (which is a pretty tough fight keep in mind) it becames tedious, with fire salamanders, and their unchippable health

still a masterpiece for me, didn't have fun in ages till this game.

That honor goes to Magic Archer, it has almost everything you mentioned plus homing arrows, ultimate EZ modo.

Does anyone have the webm of DDO's Alchemist class?

You mean the devil may cry 4 trickster style?

Probably, but I find strider more fun, mostly because of terrible bend and brain splitter.
Those eliminators used to kick my ass in the second-last area of BBI. Now I can send them flying every time I use terrible bend.

The climbing mechanic would be cool if there weren't the fromsoft-tier nonsensical hitboxes
>get on chimera's back, chimera jumps up and down, you die
>get on cyclops' back, it swings a club left and right, you die

His DPS is pretty low compared to the stuff Ranger or Strider can pull off

Here, everyone. Have a speed run of BBI:

It would be nice if you didn't have to re-equip thrown items every time you used them. Also, I watched one of his earlier runs where he tried to get more XP. He casually ran up to a banshee and threw her off a cliff. It was pretty funny to watch.

The Ranger can take 4 hearts off Death and knock it down (prevents from running) with a single tenfold flurry with the buffs and items I listed, can MA?

You can spam tenfold flurry every second

I've actually never had that happen. Do you have a video?

He said masterpieces with giant flaws, not average games with giant flaws

I don't, but I haven't climbed an enemy again since that cyclops shit.

post pawns you cock suckers.

Almost every hybrid classes are ez modo. I played as Mystic Knight and once you get Abyssal Anguish, you start dealing an absurd amount of damage on almost everybody. The only boss that requires you to really buff the shit out of everything with external items is Daimon 2.0

Did he just play on easy mode?

Ranger can stunlock him with Tenfold Flurry

>horrific kill 80/collect 80 sidequests
You're not meant to go out with the specific intent of doing those quests. They are just something you pick up and take care of while doing other shit.

Jesus I did not know throwblasts did that much fucking damage on Daimon

The climbing is actually all kinds of fucked.

1. If you're climbing up a flat surface like the back of a condemned gorecyclops, it's usually pretty straightforward. However, if you come to any turns or appendages, it suddenly becomes almost impossible to figure out which direction you'll go when you move the analog stick in a given direction.

2. The game sometimes just will not allow you to let go because the monster is in a specific "shaking" animation. The monsters can chain these animations together so that you are stuck unable to do anything for 30 seconds or more. So many times, I'd futilely mash the dismount button while watching my stamina bar drain. My character would fall, then get hit because of the stun from having the stamina bar drained completely.

3. Inflicting torpor should theoretically make it easier to climb an enemy, because it reduces their movement and animation speed by one half. Instead, your character is stuck and unable to move or dismount for twice as long, because the "shake" animations take twice as long to complete.

Yeah I know Ranger can do some really OP shit in this game. I think there's even a video of a guy beating Death pretty easily as a Ranger.

I never tried this game as a ranged character so maybe I should.

When I was playing this game I kept thinking of it as a sequel to Tower of Doom and Shadow over Mystara without the D&D license.

>However, if you come to any turns or appendages, it suddenly becomes almost impossible to figure out which direction you'll go when you move the analog stick in a given direction

Oh man I know all about this fighting Ur-Dragon. Trying to get some of those crystals on its wings and body was such a massive bitch because I literally had press every direction on my gamepad to go the direction I wanted.

Rather short, also pokemon selection is a bit too limited

>you can just die to the chimera in the beginning

holy shit I wish I'd known this

main problem i felt with dragon's dogma was the world not being big enough
also lack of replayability due to there only being one save slot
im aware you can change vocation but stat gains per level are different depending on what vocation you were at the time of leveling

The save system was really weird. I freaked the first time I died because the "checkpoint" I tried to reload was the last time I rested at an inn, 5 hours ago.
