So i'm about to buy the old 3DS and wonder which games should i consider getting, could you help me with that?
ITT: we post favorite 3DS games
3DS favs
here's a list of worthwile 3DS games
Nice one senpai. :^)
My favourite 3ds games are:
Go away
You can't be this retarded. Why is it so easy to figure out who the "no games" falseflaggers are?
True story
whoa my mouth just went dry from all that salt
You should definitely get SMT IV. Other games you should get are listed here:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Smash Bros 3ds
Link Between Worlds
Fire Emblem
Monster hunter 4
Pokemon? (If you're interested)
Luigis mansion
Majoras Mask/Ocarnia of Time
Some indies
Kid Icarus Uprising is the single best game on the 3DS.
Anyone who doesn't have it but has a 3DS is a failure.
Kid Icarus Uprising
All the SMT and Etrian Odyssey games
Rune Factory 4
Monster Hunter 4
Ace Combat AHL
Pushmo and Crashmo (eshop)
Source of that ass family.
Shit this thread just got fucking destroyed.
So you're some teenage twitchfag too, huh?
only the 4th one? i'm quite a fan of persona series, are the other SMT titles not worth getting into?
yeah, i guess i should get pokemon. Should i get the newest one or is there some hidden gem?
Understood, it looks nice
who is that japanese slut
>implying carpal tunnel simulator is good for anything other than the character interactions that you can easily just watch on youtube
good joke
>luigi's mansion
Is it better than the gamecube version?
You posted the ps4 list anonsama
so is the any reason to get smash bros if i might as well be the only one owning a 3DS in this shithole city? Never been fan of fighting games but smash looks fairy different
>carpal tunnel
Yeah I guess it wan't made for WEAK WRISTED BABIES
but in all seriousness if you get KIU learn how to hold the 3DS right. The controls are amazing but only if you don't fuck up the proper grip. Sadly I don't have the image explaining how to hold your 3DS, all I can say is it should not give you any discomfort at all no mater how long you play as long as you hold the 3DS right.
Source that ass famiglia
I'm bored. Post JAV codes.
Why is it that Japanese women are sexy but, the porn is atrocious?
give me the name right now or else..!!
post more japs
Mario Kart 7 is alright if you like Mario Karts. You might be able to find it for cheap too. DKCR3D is good if you haven't played it already.
>The controls are amazing
Not really. The dodge is fucking retarded.
Post more japs with hometowns.
It was made for people who play FPS on laptops.
ignore these shiters
they've clearly never played the game
Fantasy Life is comfy.
But I have. And let me tell you, that playing it on the hardest difficulty with those controls is fucking bullshit.
for fucks sake op sauce now!!!
Well I for one 9.0ed everything since I'm not bad a videogames.
I bet you have to blame the controls since you can't handle the cold hard truth that you suck.
>no pxz2
well fuck you too then
censorship laws
the day japanese porn becomes legally uncensored will be the single greatest moment in earth's history
she would look so much better as an anime girl
What can I say, it's not enjoyable to cripple my hands in order to play the game.
I can tell you had it easy cos yours came pre-crippled.
Does KIU use the dual analog sticks on N3DS? That's the only way I could think of it's controls as "amazing".
>Are there any good castlevania titles for 3DS?
Unless you count the original DS and VC titles, no. Only new CV was that 2D LoS game that got shat on pretty hard.
damn it got deleted before i saw it
anyone got it?
>how do I reverse image saerch
That edit is awful.
>the porn is atrocious
Bravely Default
Bravely Second
Aka the two best JRPG's of all time.
their porn fucking sucks.
reposting from older thread but idgaf
Pokemon X/Y or OR/AS
Stella Glow
Fire Emblem Awakening
Fire Emblem Fates
Bravely Default
Bravely Second
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX (if you like rhythm games, and / or want something a bit easier than Divas)
Kid Icarus (terrible controls, great game)
Zelda Ocarina of Time
Zelda Majoras Mask
Zelda A Link Between the Worlds
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Senran Kagura Burst (dont expect good framerate, expect fun but repetitive gameplay, great characters and character interactions and lots of feels. also boobs)
Senran Kagura Deep Crimson (shittier story than the one above, worse interactions, less feels but better gameplay. still great tho)
Virtues Last Reward (play 999 first tho)
Ace Attorney Trilogy
DS games if you haven't played them.
3DS is fully backward compatible with DS, so in addition to 3DS titles you also have great library of DS titles - Laytons, TWEWY, Pokemons, Ghost Trick, 999, Hotel Dusk, Castlevanias, Children of Mana, Zelda Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, Ace Attorney games, Advance Wars, Dragon Quest, Radiant Historia, ...
have a look at this. personally i like fantasy life, animal crossing, kirby planet robobot and little battlers experience