What do you guys think of my new vidya tattoo?
What do you guys think of my new vidya tattoo?
Congratulations, now you're going to let everyone around you know you participate in one of the most pathetic and degenerate hobbies on the planet. You'll never get hired for a real job, no one will ever take you seriously, and you'll grow out of it by the time you turn 20. Good job, fucktard.
Congratulations, now you're going to let everyone around you know you participate in one of the most pathetic and degenerate hobbies on the planet. You'll never get hired for a real job, no one will ever take you seriously, and you'll grow out of it by the time you turn 20. Good job, fucktard.
You sound mad,
Did your mummy take away all your GBP?
i don't get it
someone is buttmad here
I see...
Yes I am mad.
I'm mad because people like you are the reason men are no longer men. You're the reason men from this generation don't know how to shoot a gun, or chop down a tree, or build furniture. You are normalizing degeneracy.
>You're the reason men from this generation don't know how to shoot a gun, or chop down a tree, or build furniture.
That's capitalism's fault, actually. And It's a good thing.
what the hell does that have to do with getting inked
Your tattoo, a poo, like you're waifu
tell your kids that when all the finite resources that make your world work run out and economic and ecological collapse ensue.
I agree, good sir. Real men have class and chivalry. These tattooed degenerates would never survive a zombie apocalypse.
I am a diabloarian, I kill roguearians on sight
be prepared
>tfw I know how to do all of those things
thanks dad
Nothing wrong with getting inked. The problem is you got a tattoo about a hobby meant for children and young teens. I hope a biker gang kicks the shit out of you.
dont kick me please i dont have tattoos
people have already done it, but *tips fedora*
>dorf fort tattoo
this is entire new level of autism
i like it
What the fuck? Please tell me that's a raised drawbridge and not a fortification.
Then again, is it made of cobaltite, because good luck if any magma drips get onto the bridge when it's lowered.
And obviously that does has no reason to walk from the lever to the drawbridge after pulling it. It's dumb.
And finally:
>not activating depth representation
How is that capitalisms fault? If we lived in a truly capitalist society then these degenerates wouldn't exist. They wouldn't be able to get welfare or live off their parents. They would be forced to get real jobs and become men again.
Then why the fuck do you waste your time playing video games?
Not him, but I can do that shit too.
They're fun you big faggot, even manly men need to unwind.
i dunno man, I shoot a gun (ok, .22 to save money in bullets) I can chop trees once on a while on my old man's pop land and my father taught me woodworking, and I have a quake logo tatooed
I mean, it's not rocket science.To be honest the things that stop degeneracy is to know when to talk and when to shut up, and you alt-rightist nu-males always talk about your shit anywhere to people that doesn't care.
Sincerely, you are the chinless white trash fedored degenerate that wouldn't be able to reproduce not even 100 years ago
Because it's something fun to do with my freetime.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Capitalism doesn't prevent you from supporting your kids financially until they're 30 years old.
It's my money, if I want to pay for my son to sit in the basement all day that's my right.
Okay, but if you want to unwind why don't you do something more adult?
Go shoot some pool with your friends, go hiking, go swimming. Do literally anything but browse Sup Forums and play with video games.
Are you fucking retarded?
You think that chopping down trees makes you more "manly" or some shit?
I bet you have a beard IRL just to prove how manly you are.
Well, it has a 0.5 of truth, you think that shit is easy but you have to be buf and have stamina
>more adult
lmao who are you to tell me what is and what isn't adult? the mark of a man is he who does whatever he wills.
you following whatever is deemed "manly" is the exact definition of a beta child.
How about mine, guys? Did I do good?
All of the things he said are objectively more manly than videogames.
I try to balance both myself. I'm a casual gamer now, but a much happier and better man for it.
Gay pornstars are buff and have stamina. That doesn't mean they're manly.
You have a warped view on masculinity if you think being a man is about chopping down trees, chewing tobacco and growing a beard.
Congratulations, now you're going to let everyone around you know you participate in one of the most pathetic and degenerate hobbies on the planet. You'll never get hired for a real job, no one will ever take you seriously, and you'll grow out of it by the time you turn 20. Good job, fucktard.
what is this? some kind of magica spell made with fifth element runes?
Video games and internet are the reason men are so weak nowadays.
Why are you so obsessed with being "manly".
What are you trying to compensate for here?
>mfw the state employees getting paid near six figures to do nothing are riddled in tattoos
California though.
You're posting on an internet forum about video games so you're clearly part of the problem.
I don't get it
spoonfeed me Sup Forums
I'm pretty sure talking about manliness and what one can do to achieve it is the least manly thing anybody can ever do. Chicks dig dudes who do what they like and don't give a shit
>Says user on an imageboard for chinese cartoons
I would have liked it more if it wasn't a rainbow that people will associate with homosexuality. Pretty big too but not that bad. 6/10
>"V-videogames are for children, not manly! Haha, betas."
>Sitting in front of his computer at home posting on Sup Forums, or even worse, on his phone.
Fuck off, at least we're not pretending to be something we're not you poser faggot.
Literally no one will know what his tattoo even is from
Tattoos are still retarded, but not as retarded as you
>Nintendo now owned by Microsoft
Wtf were they thinking?
I'm sorry, I thought I was on Sup Forums. I didn't realize I stumbled into fucking funnyjunk.
We hate video games here, new fag. Back to tumblr with yee.
please tell me this is pasta
Nice tatoo op
I see that dwarf managed to escape from lava and other creatures
>inb4 undertale tattoos
Dude, I can assure 100% you don't know how to do any of the three things you mentioned. Even if you did you'd still be a faggot tho.
dwarf fortress. dwarf pulling a lever that holds back lava, thereby releasing it onto a goblin that is chained up. all while watching through the fortifications between them
extremely autistic but a sick tat nontheless
Shit looks pretty autismo but I dig the colors.
>you'll grow out of it by the time you turn 20
>implying you can even begin to grow into DF in the following 20 years
Shit, I wonder if Toady's even gonna be alive. Wonder what godforsaken swamp it is he lives in?
>mfw I built an entertainment center last week
>mfw I built a shelf for my office the other day
>mfw I smoke meats to share with neighbors and friends
>mfw I hunt deer every year and donate at least half of the meat I harvest to shelters
>mfw I'm a Korean that moved to the states and learned how to do it all on youtube because I was bored
You think men in the states are bad you should see how bad it is in Korea. Half the reason I came here was because I was so tired of being told to wear more makeup than the women just to look presentable for work.
go back to DFP
Most stupid shit ever. Who knows if you'll like video games in 10, 20, 30 years from now on? This tattoo is only going to make you remember how much of a faggot you were back then.
>Getting any tattoo pre-late 20:s
Shiggy diggy doo.
You gonna regret that shit.