this proves gaming is dead
this proves gaming is dead
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Shouldn't you be playing dwarf fortress, OP?
Why is she so mad?
Shes black.
In what fucking world does a small woman of that frame take out two grown men
>more QTEs
wow 10/10 gaming is saved so emotional
this happened all the time at my high school, black girls are fucking insane. all that's missing is her pulling drake's hair
that looks pretty fuckin tight to be honest. And I dont even have a ps4..
Please tell me this is just what happens when you fuck up. I'm tired of games making you play a little bitch, gta 5 did it with Michael not killing Madrazo. Now this? Fuck games
It's just like one of my Japanese animes!
>fail qtes
>she kicks your ass
>pass qtes
>she kicks your ass even harder
Mashing triangle to watch your character lose looks tight?
They are probably holding back because "men aren't supposed to hit women".
Has anybody thought that Drake doesn't want to hit a woman cause he could easily deck her?
I mean, even if a woman is doing what she's doing, to me, I would hold back...
It's totally okay for Nate to punch out roided-out dudes twice his size, but god forbid a chick lightly stagger Nate with a fucking knee to the stomach.
In a world where game developers have no spine and people who don't play games tell them what to do.
>This is a 10/10 Video Game in America!
She's absolutely furious
Only Naughty Dog can convey emotion like that
You would be okay with it if she is hot
Your mum looks tight.
Europeans have been giving it higher ratings, champ.
>One girl manages to fight off two grown men who have been fighting and exploring for twice as long as she has
>Two guys who at this stage have killed thousands of people
Its the power of feminism.
has been dead since 2 but sony pays good cash to have exclusives
>Playing Western shit
I want the dudebro newfags to leave.
Maybe she's just a better fighter than them?
>it's a "QTE's don't really matter" episode
Someone post the QTE "final boss fight".
clearly she's military or at least part of some organization.
I think Nathan Drake getting beat this badly by her makes sense, also let's be honest with ourselves Nathan usually gets beat up in the climax
I don't understand what's worse. That the segment is full of QTE's, that the animations are subpar and convey the wrong sense of weight while also having extremely poor transitions or that a black woman is submitting two grown fit men.
>.25 cents have been deposited into your account
Power level, suck it beta sissy man.
>uncharted meme series
>any naughty meme games
>fail qte
>get beat up
>"pass" qte
>get beat up
truly this is the power of immersive cinematic gameplay..........
If she was ineffectually hitting me on the arms/legs, sure, I could go with that.
One hit to the face and I'm aiming to pin her.
Two hits to the face and I'll knock her the fuck out.
I don't care how weak she is, I'm not gonna let her break my nose just because she's a woman.
The answer to everything odd.
Meme Magic. Sup Forums has hated women so long that they are now being powered by meme magic, in video games and real life, allowing them to best any male.
>implying he doesn't get off to a sassy black woman beating him up
I havent been following any of this game's news nor am I a sony pony or a nintendron
This game looks like complete ass. Just the way her limbs move look so fucking retarded
You retarded? she is a black Ronda Rousey, Nathan can't handle that, every gator in this thread combined couldn't handle her.
I know I would
higher than a perfect score?
Stay fat maddie
If he can punch out hulks, why can a little woman overpower him? Not out fight him, but physically overpower him with raw strength.
Shut the fuck up dude, it is obviously a conspiracy against men by evil feminists!!!
the design of Nadine seems so stereotypical and racist. she's like that black girl in 007, 0% resemblance to real people and 0% likability.
Has she been imbued with whatever magical shit is in this entry?
Euros have been giving more perfect scores.
Because SJWs would lose their fucking minds if Nathan Drake beat up a woman.
Was it autism?
The Order? Dying Light? Sly 4? there's a lot of them
>mfw I made PS4 meme threads promoting this game for months, pretending to be anti-PC.
>Idiot consoleplebs actually fell for the meme and purchased the game!
You can't make this shit up!
I get that, I'm just saying, maybe Drake is a stereotypical 'gentleman'? I mean, it's sexist to expect all men to be gentlemen, but this is vidya.
I guess this explains why all the reviewers are giving it 10/10s
Please tell me you get to beat her and make love to that sweet ebony ass
Vivian james appreciation thread
>killed over 123930184324638416 mercenaries
>cutscene starts
>no... I can't... I'm not like you I won't kill you
The director of the game is literally a feminist. Are you going to tell me this scene ended up in the game by pure coincidence?
>One girl manages to fight off two grown men who have been fighting and exploring for twice as long as she has
That's kind of the point, isn't it? I thought the whole idea was that Nate and Sully were getting too worn out for this shit and their bodies can't take it. Obviously a fresher, more ferocious person is going to be a threat.
>Two guys who at this stage have killed thousands of people
With guns. Hell, you're even encouraged to shoot enemies first before punching them.
You can, as you just did.
In a world where game developers attend Western academia.
I'm not even complaining about
how mindlessly tapping triangle it's considered gameplay in 2016?
The way they flip when you kill women in fallout? keep up the straw-man arguments you stupid kike
>just they way her limbs move
What? What about her limbs? Looks pretty normal.
here you can see the social justice warrior going nuclear
He should've caught the kick and Tazzplex'd her out the window.
If he did Uncharted 4 would be GOTY.
>thinking they bought it because of one loser on Sup Forums and not because they thought it looked good
>He doesn't like chicks who could beat him up
I knew Sup Forums was full of fags but WOAH
>implying she wouldn't get her ass kicked at the end, getting impaled or died in an explosion etc
>Tomb Raider has shit loads of graphic death scenes and no one complain
kek, you Sup Forumsirgin cucks are so deeply traumatized that you are fantasizing getting cucked by your SJW boogieman.
dude, it is a feminist plot, clear as the 911 predictions in back to the future!
If it was written like he was holding back, SJWs would throw a fit.
If he beat her, SJWs would throw a fit.
This is the only scenario you can have a character in a fist fight with a female character and not get SJWs leaping down your throat.
In reality, he would be holding back.
In vidya land, he's losing because she's stronger than him, because it HAS to be that way.
Why is she so pissed off against anyone?
Uncharted nitpicking is a new low for Sup Forums
Best one's I've heard so far
>The birds in the distance don't look good enough
>Nathan would obviously know what a Playstation is
>Her limbs move weird
There are people ITT who won't MAGA because they want everything to devolve into SJW propaganda.
>comparing a WRPG with a movie game
If you can suspend your disbelief that skinny little white boy Nate can punch hulks and yetis to death, why can't you suspend your disbelief when an angry black chick staggers someone with an elbow to the fucking face?
>Obviously a fresher, more ferocious person is going to be a threat.
She's a woman.
There's no such thing as fighting "better". If you're a man and your opponent is a woman you just grapple her. If you are fighting two people at the same time even if you're a man there's no fucking way out.
is it wrong i'm a bit turned on by these?
by a woman who is smaller than her you stupid kike
It looks like Nathan is giving about as much resistance as a wet noodle. The entire seen including the other webms look completely fucked
She's more like a black Holly Holm, she isn't just bullrushing people.
>Tomb Raider has shit loads of graphic death scenes and no one complain
SJWs don't care about Tomb Raider, they've already been appeased by reducing her sex appeal.
Besides that, the death scenes only happen when you lose.
>good at wrestling
On average they're just faster and heavier but they tire too quickly to be good wrestlers.
kill yourself
Instead of shit posting why don't PC users go play their 6/10 game lmao
I'm hoping these are failed QTEs
You were saving that up weren't you? That moment where you'd just burst out and go full spectrum autist huh?
Not at all
they are trying to counter the posts that pretend to praise the graphics, because people are stupid enough to believe them
qtes exist, fucking deal with it. Its not like the whole fucking game is heavy rain.
qtes been around forever, the first ones I remember are shenmue and that game was pretty bomb.
Chill out with your fucking memes. I dont even like uncharted I played the first one years ago and started 2 but got bored of it right away.
>Trump literally hates free speech and has spoken against "video game violence" before
Yeah, no.