>TFW wanted WW2 or Vietnam battlefield
>TFW got Alternative World War 1
Nigga this shit gay.
>TFW wanted WW2 or Vietnam battlefield
>TFW got Alternative World War 1
Nigga this shit gay.
Fuck you
Nigga this shit gay as fuck
You're gay as fuck, fuck you.
Battlefield is done user. It did what it sought out, the COD crowd. PTFO is gone, now it is LMAO LEMME RUN N GUN N GET AWAY WITH IT BECAUSE DICE CANT BALANCE A GAME FOR SHIT. Was good while it lasted.
We've already had both of those.
And they were great fuck you.
Aint me start playing
except its not an alternative timeline ww1.
Ita just ww1.
Dumb nigger poster.
>Alternative World War 1
I want this meme to die.
No its not nigga.
And its still not WW2 or Vietnam you cuck
>what is rising storm 2: Vietnam
Its not an alternate timeline you fucking nigger. It was proven false.
I wanted 2143/4
>People wanted Nam'
funny one
>people are still reposting my chief keef pepe
yeah dude fucking rip I actually feel bad for the whole glo gang
I got it from Sup Forums
I love knowing that my old pepes are still around
You made my night user
Prove it queer.
seriously, you faggots like the shittiest wars
Nigga those were the realist wars
>the realist wars
>one where it was literally good guys versus bad guys
>one where it was literally IT AINT ME IT AINT ME I AINT NO FORTUNATE SON
every other war in history is more interesting than these two
hell, even the Korean war is more interesting.
>hold ctrl to not die
oh boy