
>People will defend this

>playing and caring about multiplayer

Nigger pls

>caring about stupid AI and QTE singleplayer
top casual


I'm not gonna defend it but I sure am gonna ignore it.

Videogames are a luxury

Can't afford it? Well, get a new hobby I guess.

>caring about this piece of shit in any way

Fuck modern gaming.

>complains about microtransactions in games

>Pc is full of them

>People are already defending this

Don't forget to renew your PS+ subscription

>yfw there people being so slow that you enjoy micro transactions bought

If you want to buy cosmetics, go ahead. i'm not gonna stop you. Don't bitch about it though, it's petty.

People defended DOAX3, so I believe Sonyponies are just mindless drones.

Microtransactions are common in f2p which is understandable since they need to make money somehow, WoW and FFXIV have them because Blizzdrones and Squeenixfuckers will eat shit for their companies if you can't already tell, and everything else that tries to jew that hard (Evolve) is dead.

Not to mention you have to pay a monthly fee to even pay online.


Everything in the game can be earned by playing it and earning the game's currency, Relics.

This is just if you are an impatient, skilless faggot.

>tfw kids today wont know that customization used to be a part of the game that you didn't need to purchase separately

I'm not saying it's good, but i'd rather have buyable cosmetics than day 1 map packs and extra guns and powers.

Oh and I should mention you get this currency shit through playing the game from daily quests and whatever, so you can earn anything that these dumb coins will buy.

>You have to buy microtransactions

uhhhh no.

Yeah, because consoles invented micro-transactions

I will probably play the multiplayer once and never touch it again

I really don't understand why Naughty Dog never get grilled on this shit even though they stuff greedy mobile phone tier microtransactions into full price games.

10% of Uncharted players will play the multiplayer more than once

Because "greedy mobile phone tier microtransactions" imply needing to buy those microtransactions to beat the game. In this case you get a bunch of dumb cosmetic shit. It's horse armor tier stupidity. And in this day and age if you're picking your battles on cosmetic microtransactions you need to re-think your position on DLC as a whole, there are much bigger issues like day 0 DLC that restores cut content and other objectively harmful things.

Not that this is okay, but it's far far less harmful to gaming than mobile game microtransactions, or CoD map packs, or MMO cash shops. Cut out the cancer, then get rid of the polyps.

>10% of Uncharted players will play the multiplayer more than once

10% of the most commited users tend to create over 80% of the revenue from microtransactions like this.