Best Online Store

The shills seem to be out in full force today, so lets see what people actually think of game selling online retailers.

1. Have you ever had any problems with an online retailer (damaged packages, wrong orders shipped, wrong pricing)

2. In your honest opinion, which store is the most reliable?


best goy

I've never had any problem with best buy and I love their gamers club unlocked program.
20% off all new vidya is great

20% off ain't really much when i'm getting taxed.

I got an amiibo off best buy's store once and the box was bent to shit. I don't care for collector's purposes or any shit like that but that's just poor form.

Also had some bad experiences with amazon but I'm pretty sure all of those were third party sellers through it so that doesn't really count I guess.

Ordering internationally from Amazon is a fucking nightmare and the boxes always come squished.
Though the product is never squished or destroyed.
Wal-Mart is good and I haven't tried Best Buy. Since I'm a student Amazon is the only good one out of the three.

I ordered books from Europe, once. As you said, the boxes and their content were damaged. Though, I don't know if I should blame Amazon for that.

50% of the shit I ordered online either arrived super late or disappeared. After 2 disappearance in a row, I said fuck it and decided that walking 15 minute to the closest game store wasn't that bad.

Best Buy redeemed themselves once.
>Pre order Dark Souls special edition.
>Get standard edition in mail.
>Call em and get told they have no special versions of the game at this or any other store and that it wasn't even in the system.
>Get to keep the game, which they refunded and they'll mail me a $50 gift card.
>Order special edition off Amazon but it's $20 more. Oh well.
>Get it in the mail and see that along the way a huge hole has been made in the package, denting the tin case of the game.
>So salty about it that all I do is stare at it and wonder why I even bothered.
>As soon as I set down the game I get a knock at the front door.
>Best Buy sent me the special edition copy after all at no charge instead of the gift card.
>Sell original standard copy and dented special copy.
>In the end I made a profit and bought some pizza.
>Washed my hands before playing because pizza grease on a controller is a sin.

I have absolute terrible luck with any product with a cardboard sleeve/box from Amazon, it always seems to come in squashed or dented. I should have learned when I bought Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus and it came with a huge dent, crushed case, and bent artbook, just got my Estival Versus and the outer box is all bent to shit as well, but the rest of it seems fine this time.

I usually price match from or in an actual walmart store. Then i get 10%off on top of that. I only order online for things i cant get in store. When i do its usually Amazon or ebay.

Complain. I used to casually accept a few dents and dings as a result of free shipping, until they raised the minimum to $50. Now packages arrive obviously damaged before I even open the package.

Best Buy is by far the best, Amazon and all others are shit.

I pre-order Gravity Rush Remastered on Amazon in December and it took over a week after release to get it because I don't have Prime.

When you pre-order a game at Best Buy they'll Next Day Air the game on Monday so you get it on Tuesday.

In Canada, Walmart's online store is not even worth looking at.

Best Buy and Amazon are even. Amazon holds new releases ransom for two weeks, just sitting on it if you don't pay for Amazon Prime, which is useless compared to the American counterpart. But they do have price protection. People who ordered Xenoblade got it for like 20 bux on release day because of a price error.

I've had damaged packages from all three, but Best Buy has been the most reliable.

I like Best Buy the most. I live in a state where Amazon charges tax, and Best Buy only requires $35 for free shipping and I get the game on release day. There's also the reward points which are nice little bonus. If I'm worried about the game being damaged by UPS, I can choose to pick it up in-store. If the others have a better price, I price match. Amazon's 20% off is only good for new releases while BB's GCU is always applicable except when price matching.

When aren't you getting taxed if you're buying a retail game?

Amazon doesn't charge tax in most states.

amazon or newegg is my steady go-to for hardware/software. Fuck retail.

I use Amazon exclusively out of those 3. I've had great luck with them too. Never got anything late. Plus I've had a student priced prime for like 6 years now.

Michigan here. Even though they take three days for a two day shipment, they supposedly own a warehouse (that doesn't carry videogames) so I have to pay state tax.

I'm in Canada and Amazon is pretty much the only online store I use for stuff I wanna buy (outside of imports).

I don't use newegg because newegg canada's price are retarded, I have a real best buy, so I actually walk in the store and use their pricematch (IE. paid a logitech G502 RGB 65$ (Newegg USA price -10%, they didn't adjust the price for the USD/CAD rate) instead of 120 with the pricematch.) It's less of a hassle to actually go there to pricematch than to use their online store.

I buy all my games (besides imports) at my local mom n pop video game shop though.

I get charged tax for steam and amazon because washington

Best Buy to good sometimes.

>All this Bestbuy shilling

wait, has Bestbuy changed their jewish ways then? Last time I went to there everything was overpriced to shit and most stocked games were just call of duty shit and its many assorted clones.

I'm going with amazon. They have access to nearly any game available, and only twice have I had problems with them, not shipping what I ordered and neither item was directly from them anyways, only fulfilled by Amazon. The fact that they also have constant deals on games is another major plus. And all the vidya merchandise in easy access, among other items. Massive shill but I can't reject amazon purchases.

Missouri doesn't get tax either

I bought Disgaea 4 special edition from amazon and the box came bent as hell, I did not ask for a return though because I wasn't planning on displaying it. usually

I'd probably get banned if I linked directly, but go to PS4 > Current Offers > On Sale

They've had great deals almost daily for the past week now.

However, their clearance section is a joke.

Oregon is best NW state, Fuck sales tax.

I live right over the river and can just go to portland and buy shit for no sales tax. Oregon has no money though and all the roads are shit

I exclusively use amazon because I have prime and an amazon visa so I get cash back on every purchase. I have never had any issues with Amazon purchasing games. Occasionally I've had a CD's jewel case come cracked but out of the 400-500 items I've ordered over the last 8 years, it has happened maybe 5 times.

>go to best buy
>pull up the item from amazon on my phone
>cashier price matches it
>get the savings from amazon with the convenience of getting the item immediately
>best buy mails me free $5 gift cards just for shopping with them

what other choice is there?

shame you can't price match and then get 20% off with the Gamers Unlocked card.

>driving to best buy to pick up a game
yeah, not worth it

>Washed my hands before playing because pizza grease on a controller is a sin.
You are okay in my book, user.