>it's been 6 months since the release of fallout 4
>no-one ever talks about it anymore
damn, what made it so forgettable?
>it's been 6 months since the release of fallout 4
>no-one ever talks about it anymore
damn, what made it so forgettable?
Other urls found in this thread:
made by people who don't play games anymore because they got to rich.
Lack of actual Content and Roleplaying
It's basically the shallowest Sandbox ever built,where nothing you do matters and every location looks the same
Everybody is waiting for the geck release.
Bethesda did
It was just plain boring to me, mostly because of the small number of useful weapons and the terrible writing made the quests feel like a chore to play. The only interesting part is the base building
Sadly this. I'm only playing it currently because there is literally nothing else out right now.
The geck is already out retard
Voiced Protagonist killed it. Sure, some folks liked it, but the fact of the matter is that the lack of dialogue options made the game feel small. Without a voiced protag, you could have like 10 lines with different endings. Unfortunately, the voiced protag came with three "Yes" options and a single "No, but I mean yes" option.
The lack of player dialogue control causes the game to feel restricting, which prior games didn't do. Voiced protagonists were a mistake.
No reason to replay since you can see all the ending by simply saving before the points of no returns.
Without a level cap there is not reason to make specialized builds.
There are like 30 quests total. Miscellaneous objectives are strictly fetch/kill missions.
You'll probably see all the game has to offer on your first playthrough.
oops didn't mean to quote.
It took casuals 4 games in a row to realize that Bethesda can't make good games, and somehow history is going to repeat itself again when TES6 gets announced and everyone gets hyped to shit for a game even more casual than Skyrim.
No reason to explore because every place looks the same and all the loot is leveled
What's fucking stupid is that Beth spent millions on FUCKING ADVERTISING AND CELEBRITY PARTIES when they could have used that money to hire a bunch of different voice actors for different protagonists. Also they could have used that money to hire better writers
casuals still love fallout 4
this. is it REALLY so fucking hard to design a world not based around player level? 15 years ago I would have never believed that casuals would utterly ruin Fallout
Everyone who knows what's what about Bethesda games is just waiting for the good overhauls and quest mods to come out. Not to mention all the other goodies. It'll be a totally different game in a year or 2.
A LOT of people bitched about The Witcher 3 having high level areas. There is even a mod that "fixes" it.
wait, fallout 4 came out? why haven't i heard any of this?
TES6 is going to kill me. There will be three stats to upgrade, no skills or abilities, 3 weapons, 3 spells, all the sidequests will be guild stuff at the same level of 'quality' as the bard college..
Fuck video games make me sad
Witcher 3 sucks because it has high level areas but the loot is still leveled. So even if you kill a level 30 ass-raper at level 10 you'll still just get a level 10 legendary ass-raper weapon drop
Fuck, all those people tweeting and shit from the party who had no idea what fallout was
>can you like, take away that robot statue lol
>its scaring my friend xD
>tfw my friend bought it
>insisted i try it
>i told him it was shit
>he still wants me to try it
>launch it
>it freezes the moment i try to move the spinny thing for the baby
>his face when
Witcher 3 the best armor is either crafted or from HoS quests.
Ok that's fucking stupid. Beating something tough early on means you get the big rewards early on.
Thats beyond fucking hilarious. Polar opposite of trying to show someone a persistent glitch and it stops as soon as a witness is present
Just replay New Vegas with new mods you sperglord cunts.
>Everyone who knows what's what about Bethesda games is just waiting for the good overhauls and quest mods to come out
Everyone who knows what's what about Bethesda games knows they're shit and refuse to buy them
The issue is the fucked up damage scaling due to level difference. if the level difference is in the red, you get damage penalty and take more damage, and this applies both ways.
So you are discouraged from fighting higher level enemies and just completely face-roll grey enemies without ever needing to pay attention.
They really should just get rid of the arbitrary enemy levels and just adjust the enemy stats, moves, and ai based on the species tier list.
It's not that it's forgettable. It's that long running n threads over one game over the course of many months belong on /vg/. On top of that, you'll notice that one one talks about about fallout 3 outside of debate threads but NV threads hit bump limit every other week. It's really a combination of shitposting outweighing fan discussion and the fact that people who actually are just trying to talk about the game already have designated general for them. The reason NV thrives here is because shitposters get rekt in the general for talking shit about Fallout 3 and 4 and really no one wants to leave their circlejerk long enough to actually hear why either/any game deserves so much attention.
There's a general and NV shitposters fuck everything up.
The fact that it was uninteresting shit with a stupid plot and bad writing made it so forgettable.
I was a casual excited for it but I couldn't even bring myself to finish it.
It has fucking negative replayability.
God NV was so good, betheshit is afraid of giving obsidian a shot again because it would have a chance of not just being an under appreciated gem but genuinely eclipse 4 even in normie eyes.
>Obsidian games sell like shit
>bethesda games are some of the best selling games of all time
Yeah I'm sure they're real worried about obsidian
That's not true. The quests might be interchangeable but the locations are very unique.
There's a soft level cap. Without grinding or modding, there's no way to actually max everything in a normal playthrough.
The games aren't shit but Bethesda has started to lose it's way
Terrible game. I enjoy just going around and looting houses and reading terminals, notes and figuring out what happened in any given place but lets see. Uhh NO good vaults(which are a staple of the game since 1), no good weapon variety, lol only 1 mod for super sledge, like 3 fist weapons probably not even - oh and you cant use them in power armor because reasons
I liked the setting, and I quite enjoyed strolling down coasts and shit but as far as a game goes it's 6/10 at most. I've put more time into VANILLA fallout 3 and that is a serious problem.
>what made it so forgettable?
It took a massive shit on its own fanbase
Let everyone down
Was shit
And so everyone played it at most one time and deleted it from their hard drives.
Some things are better left forgotten, OP.
I have no idea. Pretty much all the arguments itt can be used just the same with skyrim. And yet it is one of steam best sellers even today.
I had fun with Fallout 4, it's worth only two playthroughs tops.
>Every location looks the same
Hate the game as much as you want but they actually got the map right this time.
I couldn't handle more than 3 hours
That group of people you meet that give you the power armor all have horrible voice acting and i just couldn't stomach it
>No alternative start mod
maybe here, but it's still rocking more players than skyrim
It was empty, devoid of any meaningful content (most quests are radiant or settlement shit) and it did not lend itself to replays because everything always went the same way. The only thing it got right was the fucking combat, that's how sad it was.
>thinks Skyrim is good
And there's only one voice. You can only be a middle aged american dad and nothing else. How am I supposed to roleplay as a sicilian family leader? Or my mexican wrestler? Just how?
Stats are gone, perks are only stat increases, karma gone, reputation gone heck there arent even good factions. There is nothing leftn this game that defined your character before.
Honestly the worst thing was the lack of replayability which was caused by the large amount of radiant quests and lack of meaningful dialogue. If it had those things, it would have been awesome. I don't think it could ever compete with Witcher's writing though.
Lack of any depth and the voiced protag kinda killed all replayablility for me.
Nah, the options were already pretty sparse in Fallout 3 and weirdly enough they actually took time to record 3 different variations of yes which could have been used to record actual written content.
After playing the Witcher 3 it's obvious the writers at Bethesda are burned out and don't give a shit, just working for a paycheck and painting by numbers.
In other words there's no risk, no investment and everything is boring.
Like every other game developers have been releasing lately.
This trend where only indie developers put out games with actual risk involved needs to end.
This is why dark souls, a mediocre boring brawler is so well regarded, because the japanese are 5 years behind.
You can completely avoid them, it affects literally nothing. Just run in and grab the armour/bobblehead, even people who love the game hate that group of people, they are shit.
No but seriously I went through my second playthrough as BoS and completely avoided Minutemen. Abernathy Farm got attack twice in like, a hundred hours?
The game is much better without the Minutemen but I still don't feel like playing it again. I'm playing Skyrim instead, porn mods.
>It's not that it's forgettable
>There's a general and NV shitposters fuck everything up
Yeah, no, it's just forgettable. Even fucking Skyrim has more lasting appeal than Fallout 4.
To this day Skyrim still has horrible flaws that have not been fixed by the community. What makes you think FO4 will be any different? Mods cannot fix a fundamentally broken game, and Fallout 4 is an awful framework to start building upon.
What flaws for Skyrim, may I ask?
Well it was BAD no meme joking
>Sparse in Fallout 3
There were quite a few options no matter what you did. Much, much more than Fallout 4.
Those aren't mutually exclusive things.
Same with Oblivion and Morrowind really. Bethesda is a shitty dev
6/10 action game
0/10 RPG
It's bland. Like really fucking bland, either they rushed it out or they just couldn't be arsed making it.
fuck all replayability
if you start a second save there's like 5 quests worth doing
and you can't even do faction stuff without advancing the main quest because they tied them together
which means you just end up doing the main quest again which is boring as fuck
Can we just talk about the AA for a second? Whenever you moved the game just became this haze that was completely uncomfortable to even look at. Who the fuck made this shit?
You say that as if Skyrim wasn't the biggest game of the year it came out and isn't very replayable. Of course there's going to be tons of people still riding that game. I still play NV and F3 and they're much older. People are still playing Fallout 4 but they don't talk about it. They just play and stay in their general. Not like NV fans who leak into Fallout 3 discussion threads ALL the time.
>shallow as fuck swordplay
>still no depth to decision making
>shit animations
>small world
>terrible faction quests
voiced protag killed dialogue trees and roleplaying
also >predetermined backstory
what were they thinking?
Just barely, and Skyrim is almost 5 fucking years old.
Meant to reply to this
nailed it
That isn't just Skyrim though, that's practically talking about Oblivion as well.
There's just nothing to do, and every playthrough will end up looking the same
Bought it.
Played it.
Enjoyed it.
Beat it.
Shelved it.
I wouldn't mind the predetermined backstory if they actually did something with it. Have Nate start with some combat perks and special perks relating to combat. Maybe have a quest with him trying to find out what happened to his old unit.
Have Nora start with Charisma perks and get bonuses to persuasion attempts. Maybe have her know the original Nick Valentine and have studied up on the Eddy Winter case.
Guild questlines.
Hell, the majority of quests in general are awful.
None of your "big decisions" actually matter (Civil war).
Dungeons are a big loop with convenient passages that lead you back to the start.
Garbage combat. No skyrim mod will be able to hold candle to Oblivion combat overhauls
Difficulty adding new animations due to the changes in the construction kit.
Bleak, lifeless land without any points of interest.
go back to reeddit with that shit
It's rude to /thread yourself, samefag.
Being a casual is nothing really extraordinary.
Oblivion questlines were pretty good, man. The best thing about Skyrim was encountering Lucien, and listening to him talk about Oblivion.
You're cute. Stay in school.
Bethesda games are forgettable. You see people bring Skyrim up for waifushit mods, there's nothing remarkable about those games.
Made by the famously low effort Bethesda
>normal things are reddit
You autistic fuck. This isn't your home. You don't make the rules.
>Bethesda "RPG" is bland, shallow and forgettable rubbish
Oh wait everyone with a brain did. Only retards that fell into the hype (again) bought it.
Yeah hype totally makes people play hundreds of hours and replay the quests tens of times. The ride never ends.
Meanwhile Fallout New Vegas threads are still hitting 500 posts 5 1/2 years after its release.
It feels good to have seen this coming a mile away.
>it's been six months since the release of fallout 4
>It's been under a year
>Died out quicker than Fallout 4
>Literally has less people playing it than Dark Souls 1
damn, what made it so forgettable?
Meanwhile fallout 4 outsold new vegas in the first day
>replay the quests tens of times
How? HOW? I literally refuse these people exist. We're talking about FO4 here, right? Just to clarify.
Even Fallout 3 had lots of people talking about post release, what happened?
Nobody gives a fuck about The Witcher 3.
>one build
>one morality
>one weapon type
Did anybody expect it to last longer than a few weeks? It hit home with the Plebbit TLoU crowd, nobody else
> "buy" on pc
it's not steam exclusive
Its a single player game that came out 6 months ago
What the fuck is there to talk about until DLC or loli mods come out?
>dark souls
>mediocre brawler
What? It's a successor to the King's Field games which were action rpgs/dungeon crawlers. I've only played DeS-DkS1 and calling it mediocre is pretty harsh. They were good games that had replay value.
And when it comes to FO4 is correct save for locations. I felt they did a decent job on that. One playthrough though and you've already seen everything. A voiced protagonist with limited conversation options was really the biggest issue to me. I played a low int melee and I can't recall having many dialogue options to sound like a doofus.
No mod support
Literally could have made the game last for ages.
The DLC already leaked and nobody gives a fuck outside the generic designated /vg/ hugbox.
>made by people who don't play games anymore
Why have I never made this connection