Overwatch promoting degeneracy

Why are we tolerating this?

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What do you have against sex robots? You some sorta feminist?

Idealism is an outdated meme

Because I want to fuck a fembot. Are there sexy fembots?

at least it's not a nigger

Because you can't stop it. Only in hindsight can they realize their folly.

Kind of like overdosing on drugs.

I just realize since they're going to be more characters in overwatch we might get a sexy female android or something.

>man im glad sally came me with me, i get nervous on my own
>humans can make really nice freinds
>look now our hands our on one anothers shoulder, our freindship is proof that man and machine can live together

This is coming from the board that daily is hoping for a breakthrough in sexbots so they can fuck their perfect anime girl, hilarious.

What's bad about a sexbot? It's just a high quality sexual toy. Now if it was a nigger that would be degenerate.

you know as a joke they could've made it a black women.

I do not understand why the men have to get more diverse but the women stay white.

That is not how it works.

There actually is a fembot in this game, don't know if it is going to be a hero or not.




Its that the new pixar movie?



because black women are not hot




>Futurama was right

It's call patriarch kid


Lucio seems like a homo though.

I hope so always did have a fembot fetish.



You are worst robot, return to junkyard

russia+australia+widowmaker=kill omnics

Because the jews and because only white women are hot.

Best part is the subtle implication that the only way anyone could be against robo degeneracy is if they're brainwashed by an evul cult.


Why are these pairings always
>WHITE straight woman x "foreign man"

Why wasn't the pair made of a robot woman and a man? We all know men are going to be the first to order sexbots anyway.

We're not.

That's why I use Widowmaker.

Eat lead, degenerates!

No but if the goal today is more diversity and the joke is that in the future it is just different bigotry then how the fuck are there still white people?

White wimmen love that USB

>Want to fuck a female robot
>Get angry with a robot fucking a girl

Why the fuck would you care what they do?

>TOB thinks omnic rights are a joke

Jewish propaganda

You know, women are the base of the family and degenerating these values breaks society and nations.


Because white men are difficult to demoralize so naturally the subverters prey upon the women.

lefties hate white men

what does the inside of her boots smell like?

Only I can fuck robots

Women should feel bad about me getting tired of their shit.

They are focusing on male robots fucking human females.

The game is a feminist degeneracy propaganda piece.

Surprising enough Tumblr cut herself Zarya hates the in universe robots. Shes the hero we need.

I want to help take her clothes off then take an embarrassing photo of her nude while she isn't paying attention

And what do they think happens to white women if they get rid of white men?


Why are nega sjws worse than sjws now?

Russia is still at war with omnics and Zarya's prospective life got ruined because of that war, no shit she's angry at them.

go back to pol.
no one here cares.

Post your face when you found out the majority of Sup Forums posters are complaining and having a hard time countering a LITERALLY STATIONARY HERO

The balm she uses to treat her swollen ankles which arose from being overweight.

But I would be that guy with a female robutt tho

Dem teef


>being mad because he's getting cucked by a robot


>I hate working with those walking Tim cans
>*Angry bastion boops*

Best banter

>white women are the most diverse women
You are beyond retarded.

If they are mad they are not cucked.
You are the one cheering for it.

Anyone else find it funny Sup Forums gave birth to a group more insane and unreasonable than SJWs?



Stationary with hitscan in a 20 tick game


Fuck you libcuck we need to keep these inferior races out of media . if my political agenda isn't being forced then the libs win you fucking PC cuck cuck

You're more nuts than Patricia hernandez

>Tracer could have taken the bullet for Robo Gandhi
>blinks away and lets him get shot
>people waifu this coward

You spend too much time Sup Forums.
How about you take a break, get some air and maybe something to eat or drink.

Just a quick break for your sanity.

>Hey Bastion! Check this out! "beep beep boop boop beep"

I keep seeing this posted and I know it's OW related, but I've never seen a source.
What exactly is this? Promotional material?


It's a little animated short that they made for the character Widowmaker

The libcuck agenda is everywhere you cuckenstein. And if we don't fight it tooth and nail inch by inch our race will be destroyed by the libs and the Muslims and the everyone not white

I always tell everyone it is actually the girl who is a robot. And there is a manchild mind in the robot body. Just think about it, she is perfect and everything.

>completely stationary
>has the perfect completely safe spot
>get mowed down before you can even look at him
>even worse if his team is actually protecting him

Thanks, appreciated.

I love playing as Bastion. Players just suck at this game so it's easy to mow them down. I faced a MCree that actually knew how to play and I had such a fuck match of having to constantly move to avoid him and healing myself. I'm a Tracer main myself though.

Also, anyone else think Genji was kind of weak? How do I properly play him?

Eh. Fuck white people.
I am getting rather sick of us.

People should know to just snipe him or if you wanna try hard use genji and surprise attack him.
Although when there are multiple bastions and they covered every entrance available then I can understand the frustration.

Tracer is made of glass, if she stays Widow would have shot them both.

yeah that's why we need to build a wall to keep all these muslim mexicans out, high five brother, can't wait for trump to raise my taxes to pay for his 25 billion dollar wall, it's gonna be great, finally we're MAGA

Does any group whine and cry more thanwhite people?

learn to time your E right, never stop moving, and remember walls are just a suggestion

how are blacks men going to compete?

why does anyone even care if he gets shot. like nigga back up the harddrive, build spare heads. hes a fucking robot, he aint real.

A small price to pay to keep the degenerate shitskins out of our country which is only going into the shitter due to people not bring hateful enough

No one.
Like I don't know if
is a Sup Forumstard, mocking Sup Forumstards, is a sjw, is mocking sjws or even knows what his point is.

All I know is that he is white and I hate him.


>implying Mexico isn't going to pay for it

Damnable Robosexuals, they're ruining this planet.

if you didnt exclusively go on Sup Forums you could get a nice view of all the non-white whining.