I'm curious, lads: if I was born in 95...

I'm curious, lads: if I was born in 95, do you consider me a le 90s kid or a disgusting filthy rotten repulsive 00s piece of trash?

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>I was born in the 90s am I a 90s kid
you're certainly as stupid as one

There's a split on this one. About 1/4 of people think that 90s kids are kids who grew up in the 90s (so born in the 80s), and the rest of them think that 90s kids are kids that were born in the 90s.

>Born in 95
>Implying you can remember much of the 90's at all having only lived your first five years of life in them

Guess you can't really expect much from 00 trash please off yourself

Literally only kiddies born in the 90s think this.

But Grandpa, it was the kids born in the 90s that invented the 90s kids meme, and you geezers simply co-opted it.

I view kid" as the time you are no longer a toddler to right before your teens (pre-teen).

So to be actually be a "90's kid" aside from all this facebook and memetalk, I'd estimate you had to be born anywhere from the mid 80's to early 90's.

Born 95 and on, your childhood and cultural imprint began more around 2000.

First Game
>Little Big Adventure 1/2
>Custom Robo
>Homeworld 1/2
>dark souls series

>Citation needed

How can you claim to identify with a decade you were too young to experience fully?

You are a 90's baby. 00's kid.


I was born in 87 but i dont consider myself an 80s kid. Everything I remember was from growing up in the 90s.

I'd say youre a 00s kid.

born in 1979, I was 11 in 1990, I'm a 90's kid

beginning to feel too old

First Game
>ghosts and goblins Nes
>pokemon goldeneye OOT links awakening sonic2 Super mario brothers 1 and 3
>PSO, WoW vanilla and tbc. CS 1.6 Day of defeat. Smash melee
>Smash Melee Path of exile Sol contigency Binding of isaac KF2

90s kids were born in the 80s but grew up in the 90s dumbass.
You didn't watch 90s shows, you weren't cognizant enough to understand anything going on.
Suck shit 00s twerp.

"born december 31st 1999, im such a 90s kid xD!!"

i was born in 88 and i barely consider myself one

>I view kid" as the time you are no longer a toddler to right before your teens
So all the time before you are 12 doesn't count? You are one big retard

I don't get how people can remember their first game. To me it sounds like a load of bullshit.

i consider you an annoying memester that has posted this like 5 times already

now fuck off

When were you a kid?

00s trash.

I remember enough of the 90s to consider it my formative decade

>and the rest of them think that 90s kids are kids that were born in the 90s

Well "the rest of them" are fucking idiots.


You've more likely been influenced by games in the 00s.

>do you consider me a le 90s kid

You want to be one SO fucking bad, don't you? 90s kids are people born at the latest 1990. You don't remember the 90s you fucking retard. You don't form memories until you're 4 years old.

I have too many "favorites" right now so I just randomly picked one.

I think you lack basic reading comprehension. The time after toddlerhood to preteen. That's a rough age 4-12. What are you thinking?


Oldfag as fuck

What about if your born in 94?

Swearing doesn't make you cool.

>calls himself an oldfag
>obviously doesn't know the term oldfag refers to how long you've been on Sup Forums
>replies to his own post and not the other guy

Your newfag is showing.

I wasn't trying to be. Are you?

r8, h8, appreci8

yes im sorry i suck big dick desu


Wait, old as in age and being on Sup Forums. *sigh* Yeah that's right I sighed because I can communicate however I please.

And I made a post mistake. This stuff doesn't even bother me guys, but your fastidiousness is on point. Have a good day my dudes!

> SS: BoBB
That game was the shit
> Cruise bubbles
> That fucking dream level
> That fucking music level
> That fucking kelp forest level

Considering getting a PS2 and playing it again - my family for whatever reason sold the PS2

>Yeah that's right I sighed because I can communicate however I please.

I have a feeling you listen to death metal and wear camo cargo shorts and a beanie to hide your hair line.

>too fucking many (NES/sega channel/64)
>ps1/2 rpg's
>too fucking many



I enjoy some metal. The rest has never applied. Enjoy your generalizations and assumptions, I won't try and insult you with the same since your horribly confined way of thinking is already exposed.

we could be friends

You're right dude. GAME THE FUCK ON!

you're just making it worse, know when to stop

> born in 95
> remember obsessing over what people thought of me based on my age
> now work full time job saving for uni as I try to avoid a daily existential crisis
> tfw I used to think this shit mattered


>guys My mom was wiping my ass in 99 and I cant remember a fucking thing from the 90s at all. Am I a 90s kid

no your a fucking idiot now fuck off and take this shit to reddit or somewhere they tolerate these shitty threads

15 Year old who never went through gen-x detected
Take your bitchass somewhere else

Of course the data would turn out like that. The majority of people responding will have been born in the 90s, so naturally they'll move the goal posts to make themselves fit in.

We all know that to be a 90s kid you have to be born in the 80s.

But refusal to swear makes you lame. If you've moral objections to words then you're a fag.

If I'm 1993 and not, you're not.

No one actually gives a fuck except you.

t.born in 1994

>these people are allowed to post on Sup Forums

Why am I still here

You're only offended by bad words because society and religion told you they were bad,

I like you.

What about it? Chances are you were into or exposed to plenty of stuff (by age 6) that was obviously mostly the 90s, and even 80s, sure. But the bulk of your childhood would still be past 2000, and coincide with newer things that developed or made more of an impression on you.

Wind the year further back to the early-mid 80's, the closer you are to the 90s for your childhood.

Whatever that signifies.

holy shit can we stop this right here? This is more cringy than the old guy who is obviously new to Sup Forums

>people who make these posts are allowed on Sup Forums
if only everyone got better with age

so Im clearly an 80s child
dank maymay though son

I have to agree, I was born in early 1994 and my two older brothers made me watch the shit they grew up watching so I identify with the 90's way more than the 2000's.

I was born '93. I was fucking 6 when the decade ended, I didn't do shit and I don't remember shit. Hell no I'm not a 90's kid, and neither are you if you're just born in the decade. Maybe if you were born at the very beginning, you might be a late nineties kid, but even that's stretching it.



Grooming that shit taste since 95.

OP you posted this the otherday you fucking suck , you're a 00's kid.


If I was born in 1990, what does that make me?

a faggot

I think "90's kid" is just a term for faggots that act like everything was better in the 90's than it is now.

Same shit would apply to people from the 80's, or the 00's, or any other decade, but 90's has the stigma since it's the most relevant with the average adult right now.

It's cool to enjoy things from the 90's more than from other decades but to act like it's automatically superior is where you cross the line into just being a shithead.

Also I guess this thread is about posting these as well so here's mine.

why does it matter

>Born in 1983
>Lived in a poor country
>just got a PC in 2003
>got internet in 2011
>first game that i remember was microsoft flight simulator 2002,still have the disk
I think i had like literally hundreds of those small portable handhelds that had "a hundred games in one" but i barely remember any of the games and since i was a retarded kid that would break most of them,my parents were reluctant to buy me any games.
I don't even play games much these days,i've gotten quite tired of them.
Impossible Creatures was one of the best games i've played.
>Only found out about Pokemon in 2006
>Never seen Star Wars

I forgot to mention that i was so amazed by FS2002 that i would play it for literally hours a day.
The game had amazing graphics and driving the planes never got boring,i wanted to be a pilot after playing this game,it was my dream.
>Now all i do is fix computers and contemplate suicide.
It's pretty bad.

How come every insufferable faggot from reddit refers to other people as "lads"?


LOL. People are actually in the argument arguing about a time frame
Fuck guys if you both saw spongebob and read goosebumps and was around for sliming on Nick then you were both around during that era. Do you honestly need that sekrit club status that badly? Got it. 1992 ID our year. You're now no longer allowed to like anything from that time because you weren't a true 1992er.

God I hate you people. I can't leave.

>attempting punctuation
>God I hate you people



Pretty shit taste, but I never got heavy into games until my early 20s

I was born in 93 and I dont consider myself a le 90s kid

Only thing I remember is my great grandma dying in 99

also r8 or h8 my pic m8

Same here, I can't remember my first game. I've been playing em for too long to say for sure. I can only guess either others started playing games later than I did or they're just making rough guesses.

I was born in '96 but my dad raised my like a 70's/80's kid because that's what he was and my mom was heavily against any modern video games or movies. I pretty much only played Commodore and watched Star Wars and that sort of stuff until I was about 12 and got an original xbox, which was way behind the times. I only started catching up when I got to high school

New Vegas > 3

I always feel like I'm going to get judged for being a 97 kid but eh

That hella 90's kid.

>diablo 3

Fuckin 00 kids.

I'll judge you for having fucking diablo 3 as your favorite game
I mean liking diablo 3 despite its massive flaws is fine but having it as your fucking favorite?
What the fuck is wrong with you

>"oh im from generation X"

who gives a shit when you were born we're all autistic assholes here

well I haven't played Diablo 2 or anything so I don't really have anything to compare it to, I also didn't play it when it released so didn't really see how shit it was then. But how it is now, I'm enjoying it.

You're born in the 90s so you're a 90s kid.. Born in the 80s? 80s kid.. It's not rocket science you stupid fucking 90s kid.

If you werent born in 1979 then you cant call yourself a 90s kid. Anyone born after that is a 2000s kid.

There. I settled the shitty argument. Now shut the fuck up faggits and lets talk about gamez n sheit.

Nu-uh, I'm a dick

my first game was pokemon yellow also
but my adolescense defining game was pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team

leave faggot

my parents told me the first game they bought me

No you

Rate my taste faggots

how did I do