Why do people even like Final Fantasy Tactics? It's heavily overrated

Why do people even like Final Fantasy Tactics? It's heavily overrated

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I love it.

what he said

Why tho

What the fuck. It's my fav game.

Characters, story graphics from estetics side, mechanics and story are awesome.

It's rly good RPG even without this Nostalgia bullshit.

Just don't use Orelandu and this will be 10/10.

FFT is okay at first, the battles in the early chapters are pretty well designed and the job system is an interesting way to control your characters' growth. However, as the game progresses the challenge falls apart and you end up OHKOing everything without needing to do much planning. Similarly, the story starts off strong with the medieval politics stuff but falls apart when the focus shifts to the demon nonsense. Overall it is far from a great game but it is enjoyable enough.

FFTA, on the other hand, seems to be pure garbage straight from the beginning. I'm not sure what people like about it.

Its good but I liked Advance more
If its overrated its only because SRPGS got less popular and somewhat more casualized after its release so nostalgia factor amps it up a bit for those craving SRPGS

Started it literally yesterday on a whim on my PS3 yesterday.

I think it's okay, but it's tedious as fuck. Also don't know why people get such a fucking boner or any story that happens to ape the War of the Roses or include a political narrative; it's hard to care about that shit when none of the characters are even remotely interesting.

>it's hard to care about that shit when none of the characters are even remotely interesting.

I think Olan is a good one, but you have to complete the game to understand why

Some people don't mind magical nonsense in their medieval fantasy games

It's still better than your opinion which frankly is garbage

i liked a lot of the chars, but yeah olan was one of the better ones

>mfw galaxy stop modded into galaxy chicken, 100% hit rate to drop the enemies brave to negative

anyone got the vid?

The music and atmosphere is great. The battles aren't really given to you and anyone who's thinks it not a hard game there first play through is lying. Like that other guy said though just don't use orlandu.


name a better Final Fantasy game.

srsly, this game is so good it should drop the "Final Fantasy" from the name and just be called The War of the Lions

>anyone got the vid?

Holy shit, I need to see this

>The game is hard if you don't know what you're doing.
>And don't figure it out at all during the game.
>And don't use tools the game throws at you.
All I did my first playthrough was get ninjas, learn two swords and put it on knights. The game had two hard battles: execution site and Weigraf.

oh fuck those two

come on knight!

it WAS on youtube

Fuck it


Is there a point in using any of the characters that join your party? I used the original 5 (not relevant to the story just soldiers) and grinded the shit out of them

Yes, they have special abilities and sometimes get extra talk.

flavor/replay value, mixing it up
>not having one summoner and 4 mimes every fight

Draw your sword and say that to my face, faggot.

You probably don't like tactics game much I take it?

Only for unique abilities Tbh, no harm in just using generics though

>why is their fantastical stuff in a Final Fantasy game

"Overrated" is a completely worthless criticism that means nothing and is only used by contrarian morons to feel smart and superior for not liking something popular.

7 is a superior game.

Disgaea is a superior autism simulator.


Let's do this


A big part of its longevity is based on the SCC and Double Dare, for me.

Playing with a party of pure Knights is a very different game than a party of pure Chemists, Ninjas, or Monks, and the Double Dare makes for some very interesting challenges as well.

Currently in the middle of a DD where Ramza's a Chemist/Ninja and his support is an Oracle/Lancer. It's made for some really tough fights.

The SCC and DD pretty much take care of all the lack of challenge issues mentioned by , and given the fact the bulk of your time with the game is going to be gameplay and it's not a big deal to play it over and over again.

>not being a dick ass thief with monk subs

>Being Thief when Ninja exists
>Not being a dual-wielding pistolero Chemist dealing death at max range



Wiegraf: *chuckle* All such tales of gods and their miracles are false. Those who would lead prefer that history suit their needs, and rewrite it to see that it does. And why shouldn't they? The fault lies not with them. The reeking masses yearn for gods and miracles. It is their opiate, and they consume it greedily. The people do not endeavor towards greatness, but rather mire themselves in their petty strifes --- shackles on the feet of man. Their leaders give them no more than that for which they clamor. It is history's oldest and most oft-repeated tale. Do men exploit this weakness to dominate their fellows? Mayhap they do. But they succeed only because the people are eager to know such dominion. Gods are only illusions born of man's fear. It is they who see this charade for what it is and join in the pageantry who are to blame.
Ramza: And you? You did not conquer your fear. You turned to the auracite to find your miracle.
Wiegraf: It is because I am weak, because I fear, that I turn to the gods. Can you claim to be free of weakness and fear?

The writing in this game was so fucking good


I just patched the psp version of fft 1.3, what am I in for

don't forget the slowdown fix


>preferring Ninja to Thief

Can't into uniques that way. Also can't turn a one-on-one showdown into a knight on his knees pleading for his life as he attempts to punch you for 19 damage.

That pic makes Ramza look like some sort of rapist


What WotL mods do you recommend, and will they still run on a PSP?

the writing on WotL was good, the original was meme-level trash


That's what I've heard, I've only played WotL.

Nigger I will fuck you up.

>the writing on WotL was good
Nice joke, friend.

Those challenges are awful and only serve to further reduce the tactical depth by removing options

That's a fine meme you got there, *damn* fine.

I was playing this recently:

Liked a lot of the balancing ideias this guy introduced.
But, as it is with every FFT mod, it makes some VERY questionable decisions, like level scaling every enemy in the game with your party.

Great comfy atmosphere and the job system lets you do all sorts of creative broken shit

SRPG for people who only like JRPGs.

Matsuno makes cool worlds, but cannot design a battle system to save his life.

Is this game worth it?

Several of them are really overpowered

>played the game to death.
>broke disk unfortunately
>get into emulation years later
>play to death again
>learn about 1.13
>patch it in
>mfw it's kicking my dick in
This game's just fucking great all around really.

whats the deal with the mimic, why she wear the mask?

Let's go.

No one cared who she was until she put on the mask.

"Female Mimes wear a fox mask, alluding to Japanese mythology, in which many foxes, known as Kitsunes, can transform to look like other beings. Males have a hat which resembles a parrot (beak facing back), likely alluding to a parrot's ability to mimic human speech and other sounds."
Makes sense.

The gameplay in FFTA2 was fine, it's just that the story was pretty bad overall. Nice soundtrack though.

Geomancer looks best.

well after 19 years, now i know why

>FFTA, on the other hand, seems to be pure garbage straight from the beginning. I'm not sure what people like about it.

GBA babbies.

let's do it

Give me a soft cuddly mage.

I bought it and played for several hours before I realized I could be playing Monster Hunter instead and I'd probably be having much more fun.

ROLLAN!! DRK master race.

Calculator or wizard go

Don't even fucking bother. It has about 10 bosses and 20 tiny areas and practically all you do is fight these bosses over and over again mashing the A button. Get Fantasy Life if you want even slightly entertaining repetition.

The game mechanics suck. It's overly simplistic, grindy and lacks any semblance of strategy.

>any semblance of strategy.

Why would strategy be in a tactics game?

>It's heavily overrated

Yes, definitely.

>Why do people even like Final Fantasy Tactics?

Because it's not as overrated as you think.

It's because the job system is fucking great and anyone who disagrees is a lousy shitter who can't wrap their head around high levels of party customization in an RPG. It's by far most replay-friendly game in the series and is tremendously rewarding to anyone with the patience to master it.

With all that being said, it's not a masterpiece or anything. The balance is totally fubar, there's lots of annoying difficulty spikes for newcomers, the story pales in comparison to Tactics Ogre (even more so if you play the original PS1 version), and some of the mechanics are poorly designed (seriously, the Zodiac system is goddamn pointless). So yeah, it's a broken, unintuitive mess of a game, but fuck it. I love it and I have fun each time I do a run of it.

Sauce these please, they are too cropped for results on google.


you are a good soul user.

what kind of arbritary challenges have you set up in fft?

No Orlandeu is a obvious one.

What's your favorite class? Mine is the thief

>your Genji armor is mine, MINE

Regardless of how some feel I think FFTA was still a decent game if not only for the expanded lore and races. Also the novelty of a tactics rpg on a handheld was still fairly new even if Golden Sun as a rpg was still better.