Vanilla WoW was absolute dog shit

Vanilla WoW was absolute dog shit.

>shit looking gear
>shit bosses
>shit raids
>shit levelling experience
>why can't you plebs get it into your head that blizzard made levelling faster because they want people to experaince the new end game in expansions

>vanilla wow = cancer

Prove me wrong
>you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah but current WoW is worse, your point?

Erin, no it's not


>blizzard made levelling faster because they want people to experaince the new end game in expansions
Why though?
So they can reach the end of new content within the first month of playing the expansion?

I think the only big complaint I have about vanilla WoW is that the class balance is shitty. The rest of my complaints would just be the small QoL changes that latter version of WoW did, not anything big.

>calling bait because you can't prove me wrong


But you didn't prove anything, you only have a bunch of opinions


WoW has always been a garbage fire.

It was the right decision for them.
Most people quit before even reaching level 20, now, the endgame keeps them busy for at least 2 subscription payments.
Made the game worse, but made them a shitload of money. Sad reality.

>shit looking gear
See picture, old gear was good.
>shit bosses
"I never played vanilla"
>shit raids
"I didn't see Naxx until Wrath"
>shit levelling experience
Boo who, was it to hard?
>why can't you plebs get it into your head that blizzard made levelling faster because they want people to experaince the new end game in expansions
Bending over to idiots is the reason the game has lost two thirds of it's subs.

You have been proven wrong

Congratulations, your $0.02 contribution to the Clinton Foundation through your diligent posting has been transferred to your bank account. Continued support is very much appreciated!

Private server shills were just that.

Come join our private server [website xy]!

>shit looking gear
newer gear had exectly the same issues. if you're talking about graphics, shockingly a game can still be fun without 4k
>shit bosses
harder bosses
>shit raids
ok gotta be honest this is where my experience falls short
>shit levelling experience
thats why servers like kronos are literally chockfull of people trying to level huh
>why can't you plebs get it into your head that blizzard made levelling faster because they want people to experaince the new end game in expansions
>Blizz fans eat up what blizzard shits out.jpg
>vanilla wow = cancer
great opinion famalam

>See picture, old gear was good.
Judgement, the Warlock tier sets, and Cryptstalker were the only good looking armor sets in vanilla

no one is getting paid to shill for Clinton by the way, it's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to discredit her

Vanilla wow raiding
>1 dificulty level for each raid, hard as fuck.
>40 man raids
>Actual skill required for every player, you, your team vs the machine

Nowadays wow raiding
>Repeat the same content x3 in diferent dificulties
>25 man raids
>99% of the boss is just following DBM orders and the other 1% is following another addon's orders to do the dps. If you wipe is because one faggot is stupid enought to fail orders like "move here, move there, use your CD, etc".

Raiding withouth DBM yelling every fucking second was much better than now.

Congratulations, your $0.02 contribution to the Clinton Foundation through your diligent posting has been transferred to your bank account. Continued support is very much appreciated!

vanilla wow had the best fucking pvp if you disagree with me you either a druid or paladin cuck kys.

I don't need to prove you wrong, because a shitter like you will not stay on a privat or legacy server.
Better go on Sup Forums and cry about a game from 2004 that has been expanded for over 10 years

>hard as fuck

only raid that was semi-hard in vanilla was naxx, but it wasn't even hard because of the difficulty but because of all the stupid shit you had to get to be able to do it (8 tanks for 4horsemen etc)

you had 8 tanks in bwl you fucking retard how often will you repeat the same shit?

>Actual skill required for every player...

yeah you're full of shit, at most half the raid was awake. 20 of those bodies were just to soak damage and debuffs so the actual raiders could do their job. This was the case until nax and if you think otherwise it's fucking obvious you never raided in vanilla

actually druids were not that bad in pvp. its just most druid players were garbage. im not even joking.

>Most people quit before even reaching level 20,
And yet the population boomed.

Current wow is the result of pandering to casuals and bads. If you currently enjoy the game, I'm happy for you and imma let you finish, but you're among the worst game consumers of all time.

>tfw rerolling a warrior after rogue, when people found out how fucking broken they are with good gear and they were the only class that could cause problems as a rogue

You're 12

Dude, they don't want the turbo nerds in their game anymore. They don't even make content for the people that put effort into the game and just get the same raid as the casuals just with bigger health bars and more lasers to dodge, so they are busy too

Are these the same casuals and bads that bitch on Sup Forums that Bastion is OP?

I have no idea, I could not care less about whatever cash grab blizz comes out with these days, so I don't read those threads.

it was harder because there weren't 100 resources available on how to do every single encounter

a newer game obviously isn't going to be fully optimized. finding good players during actual vanilla was much more challenging, and getting proper raiding experience was also difficult. you couldn't just hop into a 40-man whenever and learn all of the encounters at your leisure.

going on a private server nowadays (even if it's blizzlike) and doing raids is much easier because most of the people already know what the fuck they're doing. back in vanilla half of the people you ran into were clickers and only had like 2 addons.

there's a reason barely anyone cleared naxx completely before TBC came out, and it's not just because people were dumb.

>Judgement, the Warlock tier sets, and Cryptstalker were the only good looking armor sets in vanilla

Prove yourself right dipshit, you just listed your illiterate opinions.

Somebody didn't really play WoW back then.

>there's a reason barely anyone cleared naxx completely before TBC came out, and it's not just because people were dumb.
Naxx had nothing to do with people beings scrubs, people at that level weren't clickers and used addons.

Naxx was such a curbstomping raid because it required

>hours of farming each week for consumables
>gearing 40 people when bosses dropped 3 items (earlier raids had some leeway with gear checks, Naxx didn't)
>specialized resistance gear for most raiders, which had a very low chance to drop
>8 fucking top geared tanks

literally prove me wrong

>Mfw the Overwatch beta ends and Kronos becomes unDDOS'd
I'm convinced it's some buttfrustrated blizzfag DDOSing and making it look like the Chinese Gold Farmers by opening the server up during their prime hours.

>made levelling faster because they want people to experaince the new end game in expansions
Yeah that turned out great
>rush people through 80% of your games content
>get to the "real game"
>the "real game" is doing the same raid every week for a year or running around single zone to farm catch up gear
The "endgame" stigma is cancer to mmos. In Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk leveling was a part of the game and its honestly what gave the game its life and length.

yep, the people who made it to naxx were the non-retarded minority

it was the hardest content (although not insanely difficult by today's standards) on top of the amount of farming and flasks and shit people needed every week, and that 4 horseman fight was stupidly designed

People think it isn't Blizzard?
>It wuz da Chinese, Blizzard din du nuthin'!
It's Wraith King all over again.

>Shit leveling experience
Just no because sitting in orgrimmar zerging through dungeons is much better right?

>shit looking gear
Then why does every paladin have judgement transmogs.
>shit bosses
Agreed, Heroic Blackhand has more mechanics than the entire blackwing lair boss fights.
>shit raids
Yeah, 2 pieces of loot from each boss in a 40 man raid, and what I said before, raids(and quality of life things, such as loot all from corpses without holding down shift and calendars in game for putting together raids) is far better in retail.
>shit levelling experience
Leveling experience in vanilla kicks the shit out of leveling in WoD or post-Cata. Sure, WoD is faster, but thats only cause they know its shit.
>vanilla wow = cancer
Also you're using a picture from burning crusade, not vanilla.

Please stop this shit.
It adds nothing to the convo and is basically spam.


Right, because spouting your retarded opinions like they were facts is not fucking spam.

>"i didn't see nax until wrath"

what the hell kinda of argument is this? barely 1% of the population saw it, the nerdiest of the nerds, its good they brought it back

none of that is actual difficulty? it's just grinding and drop RNG

I've only played until TBC, but I have to agree somewhat. MC, BWL, etc. were all just boring ass tank and spanks with no real strategy. They started to see some strategy with ZG, AQ, and Naxx. I never did Naxx, though.

Dude, I have no idea what you are trying to convey with that.

Lawbringer, wrath gear

>vanilla was hard

Actually it wasn't. WoW's entire selling point was that is WASN'T nearly as brutal as the standard MMOs at the time, that was largely why it grew so fast.

>Leveling experience in vanilla kicks the shit out of leveling in WoD or post-Cata

Agree and disagree

The questing and story is way better in newer expansions, but the mobs' strength and danger of the world was better in vanilla

>source: my ass

And at rank 20 in hearthstone im the the top 10% of players
Statistics are shit

It's vanilla WoW or nothing for me. Once Blizzard stops DDOS'ing Kronos I'm going back.

That the game has always been shit?

You retarded?

What? Its true, Everquest is brutal compared to vanilla wow.
And even then Everquest isn't even that hard, just slow


That image only applies to modern Blizzdrones.

Are you retarded? Nost made their own vanilla server to get away from that shit. The image implies they WANT that shit. The image sucks as a statement as it makes NO sense

>What is Everquest
>What is Lineage 2

You might not have actually played those games though

WoTLK babbies should consider re-evaluating themselves personally

I always thought the only bad looking vanilla set was the paladin tier 1 epic set. I don't remember what it was called but I know we called it "banana armor."

>"Uhm...only 6 inches?"

Oh right, lawbringer.

You should try games on Facebook. I think you would like them.

>shit looking gear
Nah, go fuck yourself.

The only bad part is the ridiculous pauldrons. Looks properly holy warrior to me.

That's not even remotely true. Tons of people saw it but most people never got beyond the four horseman. It was almost a completely different raid in vanilla too.

>The questing and story
How many pop culture references can we shoehorn per zone?

Naxx was almost completely unchanged in WoTLK. All it really did was change values until it was doable with 25 level 80s.

current wow have good raids

>no its not
>preferring Garrisons over vanilla wow

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Protip: you should

>health and damage stats don't matter

WoTLK babbies everybody

I fixed it.

you been had good raids
in 1 month 6.2.0 will be 1 year old

What exactly makes them "good"?

I think you could have feasibly kept the wings coming to the right and left. It was the blades coming up towards the helmet that were the problem.

>he doesnt think Dreadnaught T3 warrior was good looking

Nigga thats the only reason why I rolled a warr in vanilla

Sucked for my 15 year old self dying so fucking much and being broke as fuck

WoW was always trash.

I did at first, it still looked awkward.

Vanilla WoW was good for it's time. It would not be fun now in my opinion. I'm not happy where current WoW is, I think the sweet spot was around Wrath. I even enjoyed MoP, but WoD fucked things up.

I would rather see the game fix the issues it has than try to revert back to fucking Vanilla.

>played seriously since vanilla until start of cata, only leveled to cap in pandaria then stopped

>got 7 days and WoD for free

>got to level 100 in a few days, and geared up enough for a raid in a day, capped honor in a day too, what the fuck

This is why modern wow is bad, you can get everything ultra fast, also garrions are the worst shit and killed off crafters and gatherers completely.

Reminder that Nostfags are literally Goobergate 2.0

>Muh Community
You must be autistic enough to not visit outside Org and Goldshire to find out that the community is still alive. Stop living in the past and make new friends.

>Muh leveling
Yes, because you're autistic enough to want to spend weeks grinding away at levels.

>Muh quests
Quests are the same. Kill 20 , collect 10 . Stop acting like things are different.

>Muh difficulty
Don't even. Raiding in vanilla is piss easy compared to mythic content in current WoD.

You don't even want legacy servers. You nostfags only want something to complain about because you're too poor to play retail.

Go buy Legion and stop being a failure living in your mothers basement. Maybe go hug her and say you're sorry for being such a waste while you're at it.

Vanilla WoW encouraged mmo gameplay

Might as well play a fucking facebook game instead of modern wow

Nobody is saying it was perfect. Just that they wanted a sequel/expansion from the people who made that game. Make it better instead of a single player mmo.

Vanilla WoW only looks good in comparison to modern Wow.

>projecting this much

>shit looking gear
Compared to what? TBC clown gear? tier 0 and 1 was just fine. Some of t2 was shit. t3 was fine. who cares about 4k bullshit. I found a lot of shit in cata and after to be so fucking bland.

>shit bosses
Examples? Because a lot of them were harder. Sure there isn't the 3 phase shit that some dungeons have now. But who cares

>shit raids
Yes, MC eventually got boring, BWL was alright and Naxx was better than wotlk one for sure. Ony was just 1 boss and ZG was fine.

>shit levelling experience
Sorry that you can't hit end game in 1 day. Now I agree that zones were shit for questing and there was plenty of times where grinding was better. But overall, leveling was an experience itself.

>why can't you plebs get it into your head that blizzard made levelling faster because they want people to experaince the new end game in expansions
Yeah that's what they did with everything. Dumb everything down so that everyone could raid and get purps!!!. Now I don't mind that everyone experiences end game content, why shouldn't they? But there should be different tiers of raids and shittier rewards for casuals.

>vanilla wow = cancer
As a millennial you clearly were not there to experience the whole thing. It cannot be explained the sense of exploration and adventure. But you go have fun in your current WOW TM theme park, where everyone gets a ride.

Prove me wrong
>you can't
because clearly current wow with losing subs and LMAO blizzard stops reporting subs and shuts down 12k logged on pop on a private server doesn't mean anything. Also nice troll, but W/E.

thanks blizzard shill. Paying money for a product I wouldn't even call shit because it would be an insult to shit.

>Prove me wrong
>you can't

we can, but you already acknowledged that you won't.

>shit looking gear

I agree except for the bikini plate, cloth/leather loincloths, and skimpy robes. Nothing in the expansions has come close to them.

you only needed to remove the vertical wing, keep the horizontal wings plz.


Kill yourself cunt.

>you must be autistic enough to not visit outside org and goldshire to find out the community is alive

Are you delusional? Look at the live population of WoW atm. Most zones are fucking deserted. Perhaps on RPing servers you will have a couple of people who go to certain zones for just that, RP, but there is no fucking way you're going to come across lots of people. The world is empty and barren, period. Don't fucking rationalize it just because you can't accept it

>you're autistic enough to want to spend weeks grinding away at levels

Yeah, because being able to get to level 100 in 6 hours {sodapoppin did it recently}, a day at most if you try a little is fun

>quests are the same

Yeah, I agree there, but at least the experience was less streamlined than it is now

>raiding in vanilla is piss easy compared to mythic content in current wod

Do you get paid by blizz to shill or what? 40 man raids, while not ideal, were way harder to properly organize, as were the mechanics of the boss fights back then. You can't tell me mythic wod content has shit on c'thun back in vanilla

I didn't even play Nost but I am in favor of legacy servers because the whole point is that Blizzard's design philosophies were way better in vanilla than in WoD. WoD made wow more of a single player game and people like you forget what an MMORPG is supposed to be about

No, it still looks fucking retarded.

Go back to harassing women on the internet. The fact of the matter is vanilla wow is terrible and you and yours should stop living in the past. Go, buy Legion, and play the game how it's meant to be. EVOLVING.

>again needing to project this much

I am actually going to buy Legion. As I said, I didn't even play Nost as I don't see the point of playing on a not sanctioned server. And vanilla wow isn't terrible, that is YOUR opinion. Stop presenting it as fact. At the end of the day, and honestly, I am going to present this as fact, no matter what WoD improved over vanilla wow {which isn't much}, the design philosophies were better in vanilla than now, where a selfie camera and twitter integration passed as a patch for WoD

>Stop presenting it as fact.
Blizzard deems it is terrible and not worth going back. You will have pristine servers instead. Deal with it Nostfag.

kys faggot

Referring to me as a Nostfag while I've never played Nost and simply express my interest in the possibility of vanilla wow servers just proves how you're the type of guy who went on your knees to suck blizzard's BBC when they presented 6.1 to you on a silver platter

Besides, Blizz are meeting with Mark Kern and the team behind Nost, so it's not like they'd be doing that if there wasn't a good reason behind it.

looks good to me

I'll add that since I will play Legion and if it turns out to actually be good, it's not like vanilla wow servers are necessary. But right now vanilla wow servers are a great alternative over WoD.

I don't give a damn what you think, but WoD is a pile of shit and that is fact when judging it from its quality and amount of content it received