Is it ever appropriate to put memes in a game? If so, under what circumstances?

Is it ever appropriate to put memes in a game? If so, under what circumstances?

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When it's a mobile game for retards and preteens.

what game?

no because youre a fucking actual company that exists in the real world and competes with other big professional companies.

there is no need to be unprofessional and faggotrous by making references to the real world, instead of sticking true to the concept of your game.

its like blatant ads in movies
youre jeopardizing the artistic merit of the product,
and in the case of memes, youre only doing so to appeal to the lowest common denominator idiots.

so its not worth it.

Project Mirai.
I assume that the road roller was originally just a reference to that one MMD. I dunno if the JoJo stuff was added in localization or not.

>Is it ever appropriate to put memes in a game?
Get some competent writers. Memes are the easy way out.

>thinking standards matter when you can cash in on meme money

Wryyyy is more of a pop culture reference than a meme in Japan.

Like, putting a captain planet reference in a western game wouldn't be a "meme" either.

memes date your game severely
even worse if the memes are outdated themselves

Only If you can manage to do it in a subtle way and not like the garbage in the OP pic.

The safe thing to do is not to reference them at all because they age the fuck out of your scripts. Memes get old at the drop of a hat, so by the time the game even comes out it'll be stale.

>Only If you can manage to do it in a subtle way and not like the garbage in the OP pic.

This. If the joke works without knowledge of the meme or reference, it's a good joke on its own. Simply making a reference isn't funny.

What if your game is set in a certain time period?

As easy as it is to demonize the usage of memes it really does depend on their usage.

If you use memes in the place of actual thought-out dialogue and words then you need to fuck off.

If you're just adding a reference to the end of a description of a steamroller I don't see the problem.

the word "meme" has come to mean just that the way many people use it.

If it's a pop culture reference or something then you're dating the hell out of the game but it's not necessarily bad. If you're translating something you shouldn't just start inserting references where there were none though.

If it's just dumb internet memery then that can fuck off.


Only if it's somewhat clever and not just slapping a meme in because the kids will recognize it.

I wish people got tired of memes as fast as you think they do.


Serious Sam DD is full of what you call dated memes

And its fine

They do. The problem is that memes can sometimes get passed along to different communities just as they're about to die in the last one so they end up getting artificially extended

This meme has been around for longer than 99.9% of this website

They tire faster than they propagate
It's the propagation that makes them appear more popular than the reality.

I think it would have been fine just to call it the 'Roadroller' but that description is terrible and I love JJBA.

But memes make money! My body is le ready!

I didn't mind them when they used to be Easter eggs hidden away in a secrecy room but it's annoying when there's memes in the game dialogue.

>First game
>Fairly large number of them, but most are hidden in graffiti or flavour texts for weapons/missions
>Characters have actually well-written dialogue and personalities that doesn't rely on external references
>Second game
>Some bunch of morons in the writing team decide that even MORE references would be a masterful way to write everything
>Seeps into character/background NPC interactions, skills, weapons, mission names and descriptions, challenges etc. in huge numbers
>Actual characters are destroyed due to strange alterations to their personalities anyway so there's nowhere to turn to enjoy it

Memes are like dark magic. It seems like fun at first, but they will consume your soul eventually.

your free to do so
as long as im free to call you out on you lazy shit hack writing

Unless your game is Meme Run, no. Never.

strong bad one is pretty cool though

i dont get the outfit part

That is some massive difference in quantity. It doesn't help that the BL2 one is in a much more condensed format.

I think if the characters in the story are shitposting memers like in Akiba's Trip or Steins;Gate it's fine but if you just mean for like item descriptions then no fuck off with that

That one in particular is justified, kind of.

Forgot image.

NPC is calling yu a fagghjjutgoooooooooooo

How is 'adorbs' a meme?

JoJo is pretty popular and 30 years old.
I doubt most people who see this are either of those things.

fucking dick, shut up...


I only like them if the debts keep it subtle but noticeable at the same time, as in they don't shove it down your throat saying "lololo! Memes!"


Come up with your own jokes you lazy hacks.

Only when it wasn't a meme until you made the game

That could have worked out if they didn't go so bluntly with it. Start the item description with, forgive me if I get this wrong, "It's a road roller!". Subtle, no nonsense, and folk familiar with Jojo would get it. There's also a Vocaloid song called It'smyRoad Roller? Not sure if they have the rights to it, but there's stuff you can do. Fuck. I want to localise videogames.

If it's something that originated in the series it's kind of okay.

Like if Luigi said "I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!" in some future Mario RPG game I'd be fine with that.

The "My body is ready" shit needs to die though.

That's more of a pop culture reference.

It has its own set of problems but it is not the same as a meme.

>subtle but noticeable

>implying product placement can't be used to make scenery more immersive

E3 memes are funny until the originator embraces them, the humor stems from awkwardness and embarassment.

>Meme humor

>Referential humor

Learn the goddamn difference. Not everything is a meme.

A wise user once said in a gamedev thread:
"You either stick references to other games in your game, or you make a game so good that others will reference you". If you focus on making a good game instead of cramming memes and references in every nook and cranny, your game will invariably be better than if you went the mouthbreathing retard route.

>artistic merit of the product

Actually, the Road Roller being a thing at all related to vocaloids is a Jojo thing. See, Miku wasn't always associated with leeks: that happened after Levan Polka made her popular, since it in turn was because of leekspin.

So when Rin (not yet Len with her) was first revealed, people wondered what sort of item would go with this character. Someone made a video "as Miku" requesting the company to make it a road roller. The logic being "ROADA ROLLAH, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN"