Is call of duty finished?
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People are tired of it but that doesn't mean they won't buy it. But maybe, just maybe the sales won't meet expectations this time
I bet half of the people that disliked it will buy it anyway.
Expect them to go on damage control at E3
>mfw they announce MW Remastered is being sold separately
No, they'll make more money than ever because every autist and their mother will shell out 80 gold dabloons for CoD4 remastered.
Even 11 year old kids that were literally ONLY 2 YEARS OLD HOLY FUCK when CoD4 came out will be buying it in droves
no, it will still sell double the amount BF1 does
>Space combat
You have my attention
Fucking misogynists
It's now a normie thing to hate Call of Duty.
knowing the series they'll fuck it up making it on a rail and with fucked up controls like they did in that mission on AW
Why couldn't we have something like Shattered Horizons with near future space warfare instead of another Halo clone?
Why is this getting so much hate? Is it just a meme?
Because of the god awful david bowie cover. People are upset that they went for the cheap cash in on his death.
Everyone on v is just retarded thinking HUR HUR COD IS DEAD like always.
I stopped having interest in the series like 5 games ago
it was always a meme, people will buy it anyway, like always.
I'm actually surprised neo/v/ isn't defending this shit knowing how contrarian they can be.
They need to listen to the fans. Square Enix cancelled their "augmented pre-order" thing for Deus Ex Mankind Divided. They need to sell CoD 4 separately.
You're a fucking meme, kid.
>at mothers day thing yesterday
>insane 7 year old who only talks about CoD is there
>me and friends are talking about CoD 4 remastered
>he starts talking about "call of duty 3" (BLoPs 3)
>we realize CoD 4 came out 2 years before he was born
>start drinking heavily while he babbles about zombies and bosses
Shit's getting weird
>call of duty fans
they'll forget this bandwagon in a week and happily buy it on release like the mongrels they are
1) cod is so utterly played out and boring now. ten years of the same fucking thing. it doesn't matter how many times they change the setting, everyone is just burned out by this boring shit. we've played it all a million times.
2) codfags wanted ww2 or modern, but got another scifi game (i like scifi, but cod's take on scifi is so utterly dull and generic)
3) game looked like a rehash of cod:ghosts with some black ops 3 models added in
4) the big reveal is supposed to be the space battle but it looked boring and cod vehicle combat is on-rails and not fun at all
5) it's just a poorly made trailer. it looks like they slapped that thing together in 5 minutes and then posted it to YouTube.
forgot 6
6) they're trying to cash in on nostalgia by selling a remaster of cod4. but they're hiding the game behind an $80 dollar paywall.
>cod is so utterly played out and boring now. ten years of the same fucking thing. it doesn't matter how many times they change the setting, everyone is just burned out by this boring shit. we've played it all a million times.
Nintendo rehashed the same pieces of shit for over 25 years and people keep buying it
Games with Bowie covers are cursed.
oh no my ultra realistic military simulator is ruined
that's a non-sequitur. we're not talking about why people are mad at nintendo, we're talking about why people are mad at call of duty.
and nintendo doesn't do anything as annoying as activision does with cod. call me when nintendo turns zelda or metroid into a yearly franchise that rehashes the same thing over and over again for 10 years straight, yearly, with only very small changes to graphics or gameplay with each new iteration. there's like 1 or 2 main zelda games per console generation, as opposed to 10 yearly call of duties just last gen.
>It's just the campaign because the the MP consist of redone maps in IW's multiplayer
>call me when nintendo turns zelda or metroid into a yearly franchise that rehashes the same thing over and over again for 10 years straight, yearly, with only very small changes to graphics or gameplay with each new iteration
Give me your phone number because nintendo did exactly what you just said. Maybe if you take off your nintendrone goggles you would notice this.
I remember playing Call of Duty 1 when I was 14 and getting patches off mates with decent connections and disk burners (shit-tier 56k modem). 200-250 ms ping was normal, playing Pavlov with rifles only all day erryday on the weekend. If I remember right the game is 14 years old.
United Offensive is still and will always be the pinnacle of multiplayer for the series
Fuck me, it was out in 2003, I would have been 13 and it's 15 years old. There are literally people playing the current CoD who are older than I was when it came out who weren't born when it was released.
It definitely will at e3 because of this backlash. Im surprised they didn't add the rest of the maps and dlc into the remaster. If they dlc there fans like that they'll definitely lose customers.
I've always preferred Battlefield over cod.
All those dislikes are from all the bots EA bought from jewgle.
> 2016
> Still falling for the military shooter meme
When will this retarded trend die?
you're a big memer, for me. for call of duty, we're talking about 13 years of yearly releases, witch each only being small changes upon the last in terms of graphics and gameplay. this contrasts heavily with the other two franchises which are not yearly for 13 years and made large changes in graphics and gameplay with each.
and it's actually worse than the image shows, because the metroid and zelda timelines include all of the mobile versions of the franchises, whereas the list i provided for call of duty leaves out the cod mobile games like Call of Duty: Roads to Victory, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized, Call of Duty: Zombies and Zombies 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified, Call of Duty: Strike Team, and it also leaves out the call of duty MMO Call of Duty Online
The most patrician of opinions, even if playing Call of Duty makes us plebs.
forgot image.
I didn't think the cover was bad but it definitely was a cash grab on his death.
>cod 4 remaster gets a prince cover
Im huge sci fi fag and I want to play it.
does that me bad?
Come on lads pay your respects.
>he was a baby when black ops came out
cod's scifi is really lame t b h. it's gonna feel like a surface level reskin of regular old cod and i hope you know that all of those space battles are on rails. the previous few cods have all had jet missions and it's this really dull sort of semi-onrails combat where it basically plays itself and you have a really tiny mission space to fly around in and it's just really bad gameplay T B H senpai.
>Keeps dodging mario
According to wikipedia there's over 200 mario games. Not even the most braindead nintendrone can defend mario from not being the king of rehash
mario was never brought up. i can't dodge something that wasn't brought up and i obviously cannot "keep" dodging something that wasn't brought up.
the point remains: you're trying to defend how terrible the cod franchise is by chimping out and mentioning a different company that isn't related to what we're talking about.
i'll remind you that the topic of this thread is call of duty.
>Dice devs so desperate for sales they need to make the same thread every hour
What does JUST mean anyway?
it's a synthesis of several different memes. it'd be tough to explain.
The bots are hard at work
>b-b-but Nin-Nintendo!!
No one cares. We're talking about COD right now.
Not CoD but I have a 16 year old cousin and he might as well have the mentality of a 7 year old kid. Plays Halo online at family gatherings and just screams while he plays. Cussing and shrieking and saying all sorts of fucked up shit. Easily goaded and angered by others antics. Basically been like this when playing games since he was 12 or younger. Parents don't give two shits, he throws tantrums like a baby whenever they told him to stop. I just don't get it either. It's so weird and unsettling to listen to this creature and how he interacts with other people online.
He's been diagnosed with some form of autism on the spectrum and now we're all expected to be understanding and supportive of him.
>Band wagoning circle jerking faggots who buy shit like Ass creed and Fallout 4 come to dislike the video of a game they never planned on buying to begin with
Wow its fucking nothing
EA bots and sock puppets
I mean i tried searching it up but urbandictionary gives nothing, and searching "just acronym" etc gives nothing.
If it is what you say it is then whatever, ive just been seeing it a lot lately.
This some faggot jock was talking to some other kids and CoD was brought up and was like "Oh man I hate CoD"
its just normal fags at this point band wagoning
EA viral marketing.
How's high school
Are you all fucking retarded? Of course they are going to sell MW:R separately and were planning on it all along. They were probably originally planning on releasing it a month or two later but due to the negativity on the trailer (even though at least 3/4 of the dislikes are bots) they will probably launch it standalone same day IW launches. It will probably be $30-$40 whereas it is $20 when bundled with IW. This was their plan from the start. COD always does shit like this and say on their site ''the only way to get this or that is to preorder or buy this edition'' but then sell it separately or give it for free at a later date. Impatient fucking faggots.
what's with all the hate?
How did they burn the COD fanbase this badly? I thought those morons bought everything.
>He dodged mario AGAIN
Your very first post was "The CoD franchise is the worst thing ever, they rehash like gods. Basically, they are the kings of rehashing." and I am just telling you that nintendo is way worse.
i remember playing on rifles only servers (harbor, railyard and some apartment complex map)
good times
>things that never happened
I honestly don't see what's so bad about it
I'm glad call of duty is going full on sci-fi instead of just 10 years into the future
People who diskile the video on youtube are maybe 5% of all of those who buy CoD
95% of the fanbase (kids aged 6-14) don't care that it's the same stale shitty thing over and over
For them new CoD = must buy ! because all the other cool kids already have it
What kind of world do we live in that people think fucking YOUTUBE DISLIKES mean a fucking thing? Fucking kill yourselves.
Why would you doubt that? have you met a 7 year old? that's exactly how they are.
They're gunna tell you each Mario release is super innovative so it's not the same, or some bullshit. Watch.
cod and battlefield are done and i'm glad
time we get real fps titles not this crap that gives into the sjws
Sure thing
>things that never happened
The full thing is "JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP"
>He doesn't know the JUST meme
That's what you get for having yet another white boy protagonist. We are sick of it.
Can wait to play Battlefield 1 and play as some of the more interesting and real heroes of World War 1.
Pretty good just graduated last year :^)
I hate cod as much as the next shitter here, but it boggles my mind that so many people are hating on this because its not "modern" themed.
It comes from a porn video, user.
People don't like it because it's just going forward for no reason
The new setting won't add anything new other than a campaign mission that is okay
did anyone actually play the BF campaigns past BC2 for any reason other than unlockables
because why would you do that
>it's just going forward for no reason
As opposed to doing the same thing and being stale for no reason?
Is that starwars ?
4's campaign was the funniest thing I've played in a while.
Counter Strike hasn't changed much since the mod and you see how much money that shit gets
It's a mix of:
1) Retards like "Wow, I started playing CoD last year and this year jumped the shark."
2) People mad that the Remaster is locked away behind not just the main game but a deluxe edition.
>200 mario games
super mario 64 on the wiiu eshop does not count as its own mario game even though the list would say otherwise.
That's like counting every release of a different console and pc versions of the call of duty games as their own games
If its gonna come out separately anyways why not release it at the same time? fuckin idiot shut your fuckin mouth already.
This is just a shill campaign by EA and the normies have caught on well to the bandwagon.
This is the power of memes.
The American shit just got unberable after a while but the little PAC origin story was neat on DICE's part
>hipsters think this means it wont sell millions
>if a vocal minority cries enough! that means that thing is finished! YAY TUMBLR!!! YAY REDDIT!!!111
The funny part is that fancy shmancy black man is locked behind DLC. So they are selling him on the cover so they can blame any potential problems on racism AND THEN YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY EXTRA TO PLAY AS HIM.
Fucking hilarious. Oh and you'll be forced to play as a non-existant Bedouin woman soldier, who is from a society that would literally rape her for attempting to do so. Progress!
Don't forget people who find it tasteless for the trailer to use an iconic song from a recently deceased idol
>Selling literally the exact same game again isn't rehashing somehow
Fucking nintendrones, holy shit.