Is this the quickest death a game ever had?

Is this the quickest death a game ever had?

I'm so fucking mad I bought this garbage.

I'm mad people like you bought this garbage

get some fucking pattern recognition

>People actually bought this shit.

I still don't even know what the fuck the game is about that's how literally nothing it is.

>7,708 playing right now
>being beat out by Football Manager 2016 AND 2015 (34,175 & 7,931 respectively)
Where did it all go so wrong?

If you didn't see this coming from miles away there is something seriously wrong with you and you will probably make the same mistake a dozen times over in the future.

So this game is already dead? People got bored of it that quick?

It feels like games are being released way too quickly these days, nobody has time to dedicate to one game because they want to play the next one

What is: Titanfall

I remember reading how nearly everyone outside of here, obviously was saying this game was "amazing" and a "must buy," not long after the news that Ubisoft was at a very high risk for a hostile takeover. Coincidence?

Did it work?

ubisoft, countless downgrades of both the map size and graphics, that fucking abysmal dialogue between 'players' during the E3 reveal, and so on and thus forth.

though you can usually look at that first point and stop there

ITT: People forgot about this garbage.

everybody should have seen it when they showed the first trailer 3 years ago

That place would at least be decent if it was a fourth of the price. Division wouldn't.

if all the DLC and preorder bullshit and everything else they chopped out to distribute seperately was just part of the main game, sold at retail price, it would have been fine.

But they were too concerned about making something that keeps on paying out.

And apparently seven times the amount of microtransactions.

2K fucked that game up something fierce. Greedy jews should have sold it for a hell of a lot less than it was sold for.

Leveling to 30 was fine. Do a story mission, do some side quests, move onto next location with destroyed NY attractions, repeat. The problem was no endgame, and instead of solving it the devs just made what was there more tedious. Fuck the incursion was so shit. Going through the wall/stairway to heaven was mode fun just for the absurdity of it all.

I actually really enjoyed Titanfall and really want this next one to survive longer than 3 months

Heres the winner

Someone doesn't remember Brink or Evolve.

>get some fucking pattern recognition
ironically, this generation of gamers are horrible at it

Nope, Battleborn.

yea i totally dropped this shit tbqh .. i enjoyed it at first, but UBI will UBI


if you bought it, nobody is praising you for not playing it anymore. You gave them their money, they don't give two fucks what you do beyond that, aside from the slight hope you're also dumb enough to get the DLC

Playing it everyday actualy, it's pretty fun

Evolve didn't live past the open beta. The moment people were asked to lay down 60 smackaroos for it they rightfully threw their hands up.

People are retarded and hop on bandwagons. Outside of Sup Forums if you aren't on the bandwagon you get berated. For example I am big into Battlefield. I kept telling people that Battlefront would be shit like half a year before it released. Everyone was like nah dude your fucking stupid it will be like a new Battlefield to hold us over until BF5. No one listened and they all fucking hated it and its widely panned now. I said the same motherfucking thing about this Division game, which I don't even know why fps communities thought this would be a good replacement game for them, and I was right. The next game I'm telling people will be shit and they won't listen is Battlefield 1. People are hyped up now but I see it for what it is. It will be a dumbed down version of BF4, less weapon and vehicle choices. I have a feeling the gunplay will be more like Battlefront, and am even worried they will remove ADS but I'm not positive on that. I'm even excepting there to have separate maps for separate game modes EXACTLY like Battlefront. Sure there might be 10 maps at launch, but only 4 or 5 will be playable on conquest. Maybe not but I get a feeling its possible.

>have a friend that was uber hyped about this game
>whenever he is hyped about any game it turns to be uber shit its like a warning system/ curse
>he brings the most expensive edition after playing the beta
>beta was boring as fuck played it for 1-2 hours and gtfo
>game releases and he played it for 3 days and never touched it again

Can we confirm ubisoft turned more shit then EA?

haha i forgot this game existed until this post

>millienials praising this game
>there's literally fuck all to do in it except run around and shoot people

Because there's nothing to fucking do.

On an unrelated note, it bugs me that people still discuss this dead game yet hate the fuck out of ESO.

still playing
still having fun
still running through the city and climbing on top of buildings

its generation z you faggot
nobody older than 18 likes this game

It's appalling to see how much work went into it and yet it still turned out to be a piece of shit.

Put 250 hours into it. I never played a game that was more broken than this. Nearly everything was bugged. Most skills did the opposite of what it was described to do, some people couldn't even log in if they crafted backpacks, client side stats, graphical glitches everywhere, and everything about Uplay comes to mind. I had more fun watching the downward spiral than actually playing the game.

That is what makes me wonder what they were actually doing. Also would the designers feel bad about it flopping so hard or would they rub their hands cause they made cash with a f2p tier game.

I liked it for the first 18 hours. Then you see the massive pattern that occurs and that how fucking annoying the bullet sponge system is and how the game had so much potential but is wasted. I was expecting some DayZ clone with permadeath but all we got was this.

the numbers are high for this game still

This DESU senpai.

Destiny does everything it does a thousand times better, and came out over a year prior. And Destiny has its fair share of detractors anyway, so I couldn't imagine this having much longevity.

Destiny is better simply because it doesn't even fucking try to be realistic.

No, this was

summer posts sure are early this year.

Killing Floor 2

>most gamers play CoD now
>a large number of them complain about CoD being "the same" every time
>this same large number of dumb fucks buy the game every year anyways
>they still play it more than any other game
Here you have a large demographic of retards who actually recognize a fucking pattern but buy the game anyways. I think they all say it just for the sake of not looking like idiots buying the same trash every year but end up looking even more stupid as a result.

No. It's that other game where you hunt a single alien in a closed environment with 4 other human players.

didn't Evolve die faster?

u wot m8

That would be Evolve.

none of those sold as much as the division

people dont realize the game had a launch comparable to gta5

its a loot game for normies who play 1 hour every other day.
they dont know shit about how loot games should be done and they'll never realize how shit division is because they already struggle hitting level 30.

wether you like it or not isnt relevant, they made a shit ton of money and you can bet anything division 2 : the return is already being made and its going to be even worse.

Titanfall was actually good, it was really a pioneer with the whole wall-running thing, and it did it well. I'm actually pretty psyched for the next Titanfall.

Also it lasted for much longer than The Shitvision.

>remove ADS
nigger what

>not brink

>a online
>these people get paid to write

I can see why the PC version has lost players its infested with hackers the game has ZERO anti cheat. Massive is one of the most incompetent devs I've seen in quite awhile.

>mfw i preordered this with season pass because the beta was fun

it hurts user

Titanfall lasted a good while

although that was mostly because it was a launch title and there was nothing else to do

Well congratulations, you got caught.

Congratulations, you played yourself.

I was so pissed about this game. I was really hyped for it with splash damage being the developer after how much I loved Wolfenstein:ET. I stayed up late for its launch too.

It was almost unplayable on most ATI cards at launch, horrible framerates and massive problems with textures not loading and just being black patches. Thats not even talking about the gameplay. By the time they patched it I was already too salty to give it a second chance.

I legit bought this two days ago and im having alot of mindless fun.
How is this any different from borderlands?
i understand the flaws but they are the same issues with any A-'rpg'
Whats the hate for this?

Bought the deluxe edition.
Just too many games to keep track of and Division has nothing to offer. I wanted to try out the pseudo MMO/Loot experience but don't have a next gen console so hoped it would survive. It's a shame that most of the interesting locations around aren't used for anything more than a few side quests because the locations are quite beautiful. It's just wasteful.

I was too optimistic after R6:Siege

It's a shitty game with shitty dev decisions.

I don't have a full list, but I'm sure someone does.

It includes such classics as:

>promising whatever an incursion is would be on the level of any MMO raid, when it's actually just a single room wave defence game mode

>nerfing crafting to a horrific degree, slipping it into a major patch and hoping nobody noticed. they noticed.

>trying to placate the fanbase, who were understandably furious about the crafting nerf, by guaranteeing high end (rarest) gear from "named bosses". said gear is at a level which will be totally useless for end game, meaning you still have to craft.

>making it incredibly easy to get top gear in the first few days via a glitch. instead of punishing the glitchers, they just made it harder for everyone else.

>refusing to acknowledge their PvP area is completely broken

The fact that the gameplay hardly changes between the first hour and the 50th.

After about a week i think or so. They patached so its even harder to find crafting materials, which is ashame because outside of dark zone, the shit you craft is usually better most of the time

this is looking to break the record for the fastest AAA multiplayer game death

Do you think blizzards are smug with satisfied that their competitors failed or shitting themselves realisation Moba shooters are DOA

I got my money and time's worth out of the game. Even from the get go, it was pretty clear that the engine had serious technical problems. PVP was flooded with hackers. Ubi punishing players for abusing obvious exploits didn't impress me.

It wasn't until somebody reversed engineered the game and found programming mistakes that game devs were supposed to stop making in the 90's that I was impressed with how broken it is. No server side modelling. Trusting client numbers. Broad casting other player's plain IPs. The whole dev team and management responsible for that garbage should be gutted.

Not really, the division is dying very quickly

>or shitting themselves realisation Moba shooters are DOA.

I think MNC had a pretty decent community atleast before SMNC fucking killed it.

I think we may finally be on the cusp of enlightenment.

I really do feel that most of the "new gamers" who were introduced to the hobby through Halo and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater have finally started coming into their own, and are just now starting to look at video games with a little more of a critical eye.

They're starting to realize they're being bent over and reamed by AAA devs. They're just starting to notice that their favorite games have become formulaic and are being held back and sequestered for maximum Dev/Publisher profits. They're finally beginning to voice their opinions that they want more from these games, that they're starting to fee like they're being led around by leash and being told to eat scraps and be thankful for it. They're actually starting to question buying the new generation of consoles when there's no backwards compatibility, barely any games, and the improvements are mostly minor and don't really benefit video game enthusiasts.

But I know the cycle now. The "new gamers" will finally see how hard they're being screwed, they'll see what video games could have been if publishers and developers weren't so greedy and cutthroat, they'll finally feel the reality of just how little developers regard their consumer base. Like us, they'll start only buying the "good" games. They'll only support the most promising projects.

And then the devs will abandon them, like they did us. They'll change their marketing direction again, and once more aim it at the inexperienced and unaware. They'll bring in a new generation of naive consumers, but this time they'll jew them even harder. The newer generations will be farther from history, less and less able to see the mountains of bullshit they've been sitting on.

We will welcome the "new gamers". They will know what we really are, what we have been the whole time. They will become like us, and we will share our hatred of the "newest gamers", and how they are ruining the industry.

Came here to post this.

Never again Ubisoft. I never played assassinate creed or watchdog so not a total lost of my life.


>people who have a job/life