For years Sup Forums has wanted a WW1 shooter

>for years Sup Forums has wanted a WW1 shooter
>even in Battlefield threads people were wanting a WW1 BF game
>when the rumors that next game was set in WW1 people said "Never gonna happen but it would be awesome if it was"
>Battlefield 1 is reveal and it is set in WW1
>Sup Forums finally got it's wish
>every thread is shitposting because tards are triggered by a black dude on the cover
>can't even actually discuss the actual game


Other urls found in this thread:


That's what you get for expecting Sup Forums to not be retarded.


leave it to Sweden to somehow fuck it up



I dont identify with the MC. So I'm not interested in the game :^)

It's Sup Forums, I'm excited as fuck and have wanted this for years.

Ace of spades was a better ww1 game than this

All the information released so far points at it being a shitty reskin of bf4 barely playing lip service to anything that really happened in any ww1 battle.
There will be a whole generation of teenagers that think ww1 was full of submachine guns and tanks everywhere

finally something for you to bond over with your wife's son.

>for years Sup Forums has wanted a WW1 shooter

>Sup Forums is one person meme

kek, too true. Sup Forums became exactly the same as the SJW's

>lel just let me blame Sup Forums
you dont have to browse a specific board to know that "muh divershity" is destroying video games slowly

People hate it 'cause it's historically inaccurate and SJW's got to it.

Looks like trash

Even Infinite Warfare will be better than this shit

is your gf's son a SJW too?

yeah and Verdun is already out, why would we still be wanting a WWI shooter?

>for years Sup Forums has wanted a WW1 shooter
>even in Battlefield threads people were wanting a WW1 BF game
>Sup Forums finally got it's wish
>can't even actually discuss the actual gamewish
It's an EA/DICE game, why the fuck would anyone above the age of 14 care unless they have extremely low standards?

Personally I couldn't care about the nigger. Politics are irrelevant to me. What I do think though, is that the campaign would be better without a central character. Instead each mission should be like its own self contained little story. So you'd go from the Harlem nigger in Europe, to the ANZACS in Gallipoli, to the Russians, etc. That way you could sample a wide variety of locations and types of mission.

op work for DICE

Sorry, but when I read WWI I'm expecting trench fights in Verdun, bayonett charges into enemy MG fire and chemical warfare between Germany and France, or Hungrians and Russians killing each other in the middle of the polish swamps.

Not some dindu nuffin Harlem Globetrotter and Mohammed, the worlds first gay transexual male to female asexual horserider commander shitting on each other in the middle of the desert because "Hey guys secret BLACK ops in the BLACK desert xD"

>Sup Forums caring about battlefield over the past few years

black men were in WW1, Harlem Hellfighters
had the most USA combat time
the story will probably be USA focused
ohhhhh myyyy gooooddddddd
when has a BF never been usa focused

>all the information

You mean the single 1 minute trailer and snippets of info on the classes we've heard?

Also in case you haven't been paying attention BF4 is good now.

>I can't identify with the faceless, mute character I'll probably as in the single-player I won't play

>had the most USA combat time
why do you keep repeating this meme?
they never even went to the actual front line you retard, nor were they at any of the big battles America was involved in

But that is the case here, also confirmed you play as a female Bedouin warrior in Arabia.

repeating because it's true
l o l

>Battlefield 1

it's teh original battlefield hurr

Even if you somehow spun it that one or a small group of related people ended up in all these various battlefields that would be good

please present the evidence

I don't give a fuck about a nigger on the cover. I do care about female soldiers in a WW1 game which WILL be a thing, I mean the picture you posted is a female. However my biggest concern is that it will be watered down like Battlefront was, and aimed at more casual players. The guy who leaked info about the game months ago (which were proven true when they revealed the game) said it was. That same guy said DICE LA (the ones who fixed the broken mess BF4 was when Sweden handed it over to them) are supposedly working on a new Battlefield set to launch end of next year, and it will probably be called Battlefield 5. I'll wait until that game comes out to buy another BF and stick with 4 for now. I trust DICE LA more than the cucks in Sweden.

inb4 launch is horrible

>>Sup Forums finally got it's wish
it doesn't count if it's a fucking monkey pawn

>want something
>get a horrible version of that something

>you should be happy!

>>every thread is shitposting because tards are triggered by a black dude on the cover

It's a valid reason to get mad. if you can't understand that then you shouldn't be here




>had the most USA combat time
Lmao who gives a fuck.
I hope not a single American is in this game because your burgers didn't do fucking shit during WWI.
Hopefully that nigger isn't actually part of the game.

Will the Zeppelins be basically WW1 bomber type vehicles, or will they be based in an entire Titan game mode?

I'd love to raid some Zeppelins

where does it say they saw the most combat?
what major battles were they involved in?

>for years Sup Forums has wanted a WW1 shooter
Yeah, and this'll just be Battlefield 4 with a WW1 skin.

>game cover automatically means protagonist
>doesn't show up in the trailer

there's multiple protagonists, stop fucking crying already.

Did they show any gameplay? I only saw the CGI trailer


Does anyone think this guy is modeled after an specific actor? I know this actor but totally forgot his name or what movies he played in. Can anyone help me with this?

Which would be fine except that the US was mostly irrelevant in ww1

They were integrated with french frontline troops because the french were fully integrated with their own colonial troops while the americans were segregated and by all accounts actively discriminating. The french gave them french weapons and treated them like just a another french unit

Do you know how to read by chance?

World War I
• Champagne–Marne
• Meuse–Argonne"

"The 369th Infantry Regiment was relieved 8 May 1918 from assignment to the 185th Infantry Brigade, and went into the trenches as part of the French 16th Division. It served continuously to 3 July. The regiment returned to combat in the Second Battle of the Marne. Later the 369th was reassigned to Gen. Lebouc's 161st Division to participate in the Allied counterattack. On one tour they were out for over 6 months which was the longest deployment of any unit in World War I. On 19 August, the regiment went off the line for rest and training of replacements."

Le Watch Dogs: the Television Series man

I wanted 2143 while this looks like it combines all the worst possible parts of Battlefield and Sweden. I'll give the open beta a try but right now the game looks like shit.

Thats not gameplay, its a movie made to look vaguely like gameplay

So did they fag it up and make the black dude an american? Or is he a british dominion/ french colonial troop? I'm okay with the latter.

>Even though the war was in africa
>Even though blacks took part in the war
Lets white-wash history so Sup Forums won't make memes
Lets create a game where all battles take place on a fucking plane of grass in France.

If the women had fucking blue hair and if the niggers actually said "we's kangs" or fucking whatever, it would be a problem.
Now we're talking about a realistic portrayal of WW1, where blacks actually participated. Big desert maps where we'll have awesome battles with airplanes crashing down everywhere. And judging from Dices past in customization, you can and will play as an Aryan.

Ya'll motherfuckers got me triggered.

Like i give a shit about that. The twisted part is finally get ww1 shooter by a shit developer

Who the fuck would be excited for a cod or battlefield nowadays outside of teens and literal children?

Channing Tatum?

>WWI shooter
good we get to sit in a trench and get blown up by artillery


One of the campaign playable characters is a woman, so don't get your hopes up.

>longest deployment = most combat
you're the one with reading comprehension problems lad

Not this guy.

Yeah, all the information so far makes the game look like just another battlefield. If they are going to reboot the setting then reboot some of the fucking mechanics too.

A ww1 game shouldn't have a class system, in the trenches pretty much all the combat soldiers were equipped the same or very similar.
Sub-machine guns barely existed and the ones that did were basically modified pistols, and machine guns were big, heavy, and required a team to operate. These aren't weapons you should be able to run around the battlefield with.

Its going to be a modern combat game with a ww1 skin

>realistic portrayal of WW1
>a battlefield game




Looks like Rami Malek aka IT WAS JUST A PRANK DUDE guy from that horror game that came out last year.

What are the chances of a Kill Hitler DLC?

The only parts of the war that were really in Africa was the Germans' guerilla campaign and some skirmishes in Sinai.

>>can't even actually discuss the actual game
tell me
tell me what discussing a modern battlefield game even fucking looks like. there's nothing to discuss
>dude, I like to run around in circles and watch things blow up
>dude me too no way lmao

There is already a really good ww1 shooter

that and we know literally nothing about the game so far

Which part of that says they never saw any combat like you claimed? When in fact, they saw a shit ton of it.

Just end me


>All the information about this Battlefield game makes it sound like another Battefield game
>The Battlefield games should change all the mechanics that make it a Battlefield game

Why would there be? He was just a 20 year old German soldier sitting in a trench like all the rest.

There was a whole campaign fought over the german colonies in southern africa, millions died

Yeah pre-order your collectors edition now to get your Black Bull satue to decorate your cuck shed lmao

>but right now the game looks like shit.
We haven't even seen one fucking minute of the gameplay, you're judging it over a CGI trailer with a plethora of locations and a black guy.
You people would be able to dismiss movies like Driving miss Daisy and In the Heat of the Night as shit only because they have niggers in them.

Why would you even make a WW1 game if you want to focus on Americans?

>Sup Forums now defends """affirmative action""", "progressiveness" and "SJWs"
What the fuck happened to this board?

What does that have to do with anything?

well we know who is developing it. Let's take a look at their track record and see if we can identify any game development patterns
>Battlefield 3
>Battlefield 4

yeah this game is going to be 100% trash

Fucking this

It's rough, but the damn closest anyone's gonna get to a proper WWI shooter

This guy?

Remember when we'd laugh at SJWs for taking the content of games so seriously?

Remember when we'd mock someone for suggesting that certain portrayals of female characters in games would have real life consequences?

Well here we are. Look at this thread and see what you've become.
People are literally arguing that scenes like this have "consequences" just like how Anita used to say.

>it's insane to think that sexism in games creates real world misogyny, haha!
>it's logical to believe that a strong female character in a game creates real world problems like cultural marxism, the erasure of family values, a rise in cuckoldry and the fall of the west by the bloodied swords of ISIS

Look at yourselves.

>expecting anything less
wew Sup Forums

Since when did Sup Forums become Sup Forums anyways?

How would you even get up there? It's not like you can jump off the plane onto it.

Holy shit you are insecure lmao

faggot, i hope your mother dies of cancer

>want a good WWI game
>instead of the game being about the quintessential WWI experience it's about stronk warrior womyn and some fucking american black guy
Yeah fuck DICE and fuck Sweden, hope they fucking go down soon. And fuck all of you tumblr redditards who keep spewing the same shit, including you faggots who do it as an ebic le shitpost meymay, kill yourselves.

>same character on literally everything
they... uh... they dont even have any other characters? at all? top fucking kek

Just because you're retarded doesn't mean the rest of us are.

>If you don't want the exact same formual you must want something completely different
You can only think in extremes huh?

>Yeah fuck DICE and fuck Sweden, hope they fucking go down soon.
Which? I'm not sure which will go first.

Oh god don't tell me you actually preordered it? Lmao you're going to put the statue right next to a figurine of your waifu, aren't you?

Sup Forums was always cancer, it's just more prevalent now

Sup Forums is the most populated board on the site, there are crossposters on every board, I'm sorry m8, they won

I sure fucking hope DICE looks closely at verdun gameplay, its done a damn good job of capturing bolt action centred combat

>What the fuck happened to this board?
Sup Forums happened. What started as a containment board became a fucking epidemic.

>Verdun: 1914 - 1918

Er, the whole battle of Verdun took place in only 1916

There is literally nothing wrong with Sup Forums.


>not wanting to play as Hitler during WW1

Wait, girls will be playable in this? Into the fucking trash it goes.