Post games that got downgraded

Post games that got downgraded.

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So.... literally every game ever?

Metal Kek Solid 4

Am I looking at a modern game or Vice City?

>R2 accelerate
Whoa, good thing that was there. I thought that was real life not a video game.

but seriously, UT actually runs like the top screenshot

Back when games were good they improved before the release.

and wasn't funded by kickstarter

why are posting real life photos in this thread?

wtf is even op's meme then?




Stay butthurt psnigger

>footage is years old

Nintendo now has a deadline and still they have Aunoma in charge, forget about the open world, it will be a bigger TP with more linear paths and a lot of bloom.

Blatant shit posting.


I like TP. None of the shit you just said is bad news for me.





SONY always wins.

One on the right is a tech demo of what the wii u can do, not representative of game footage.


>a tech demo of what the wii u can do
except it's literally impossible for the Wii U to do it

oh, bait

That looks real, holy shit.

Nice bait, but to explain...

Left, tech demo. Nothing to do with an actual Zelda game... like the Spaceworld demo for the Gamecube.

Middle is a vertical slice... they make a highly polished small section of the game to see what's possible (a goal)... this is what's spammed out by the PR department.

Right is the actual game in a early development phase.

This looks worse than ps4 launch title Shadow Fall.

What the fuck are these filenames. Are you a paid shill or just trying to look like one?

PS4 automatically names them when you screen cap them, you retarded frog poster. People have gotten early copies.

We are 'ps4 sony always wins legion of the definitive gaming experience'.
Join us,and you will be granted with the best graphics/games/exclusives.

Dump that meme pc overpriced platform that has nes looking games in 2016/x lying box /nintendo rehashed i don't give a fuck about fanbase thing.

You can thank me later.


UE4 games made by Epic are gorgeous.

Why is it always this one shot I see of this game?

because the rest looks even worse.
Just look and womit


What is so bad about it? Lightning?

I'd handle the other downgrades, but that fucking fog hiding bad render distance kills me

That's fucking retarded. Then again what do you expect from a console that has a fucking social media button on its controller.
Even if you weren't just shitposting there is no way I'm ever buying one of the current gen consoles ever. Decided that after the E3 they announced them none of those companies were ever getting money from me ever again.

I'm confused. I think the first two look great.

they do, middle one is a slight downgrade, bottom is the end result.

>what kind of skybox do you want?


Well that's one way to do it right

The fuck you smoking?
the worst part is I fell for it

Is that really necessary?

nice ps2 game.

But user, that's not Uncharted 4.

Ubi can build a world but they can't make a game for shit.
I would actually be okay with them designing everything but outsourcing the rest.

>goes a ways
>"Ok that's pretty impressive"
>still going
>"Wow they really went the distance here damn"
>still going even farther
>"Alright, settle down Epic."
Hahaha what the fuck.

that was for the n64 try to keep up user

It's proc gen, but just a little touched up around the arena, first time I saw that skybox, I actually thought it was 2D with very high resolution
All the UT4 skybixes are like that and they blend perfectly with the map


tech demo

Because they can

Cuz it looks fucking cool? Why not?

Ask not why. Ask only why not.

none for mighty no.9
you know the concept art looked better...
the style reminded me of shantae

>it's fucking retarded that screenshots have filenames when you take them

Jesus christ you are actually dumb as fuck.

MN9 though was such shit and that became clear so early that it barely even counts as having any expectations beyond a month or two after the end of the campaign.

Although yeah, what actually was produced was pretty hilariously fucking terrible. But that horse is well and truly beaten.

As much as I hated to admit it. I actually enjoyed the Uncharted series. Not buying a PS4 but I really want to play the 4th one. And it looks good too. I mean, they could be shillshots, but still, they've managed to make the past games look good on shitty hardware, and it's their hardware, they know how it works.

Any other videos like this?

After the pure perfection of UE3 and then the garbage shit show that was UE3 I'm actually so surprised they managed to make another god tier engine.

Pure perfection that was UE2* fuck my glasses are literally broken right now.


it's a picture of uncharted ga on psvita you fucking retarded cunt

Yeah you had me pretty confused for a second, do what I did and buy a spare pair to keep around. Having to go without them is hell and when the frame breaks it's fucking impossible to make them work or patch them up with tape or something, at least if you have a heavier duty prescription like I do. I hope my eyes stabilize soon so I can get lasik.


>being this mad

it's not that hard to verify

the unharnessed power of ps4

Why do Sonyggers prop up Uncharted again? The game looks great, but it isn't a generation ahead of Rise of the Tomb Raider or anything.

>single small room

It ran on WiiU on the showroom floor.
You can change the camera angle and adjust the view angle abit with WiiU controller.


Because what else is there, Bloodborne and? Nioh is pretty neat too but we don't have too much information on it right now. If it's anything like the alpha it will be pretty great though. Also Nier 2 is something I'm looking forward too.

I kind of defeated my own point, but 4 games aren't really worth the current price of the console.

this looks better than rise of tomb rairder max on pc

Are these UC4 shots supposed to be impressive?

As a functioning playable alpha that's been released for free? You tell me.

Sony shill detected

Anything on ps4 looks better than on pc.

>Reading comprehension

>look up Unreal tournament because of this
>it looks like a tech demo from E3 made to scam casuals but it's actually real
Holy shit

>Those shadows
>That foliage
>Those textures
Kek, I've played F2P games that look better.


was getting caught part of your plan?

Go ahead pcuck
Name them

Shouldn't you sonyggers be in bed? School starts in a few hours

Are you legitimately retarded? Don't even answer that, I already know. I'll try and re-word the post in a way you can understand.

I asked if you thought a functioning playable alpha that's been released for free looking the way that it does is impressive or not.

How does it feel to be such a bitch you have to shill a console by a multi million dollar corporation because you have buyers remorse?

too smart for government indoctrination projects

Not him, but the thread started with one. That was kind of the point.

Having said that, do you really measure the worth of a game by its graphics? What is wrong with you fuckers, on both sides. This is the shit ruining video games.


>Literally ignoring the post and trying to change the subject because you don't have an answer
god I hate you and I'm not even


UC4 = Uncharted 4 you fucking moron.

I'm not that guy, buddy.

>these are meant to look good
>look worse than Tomb Raider
