Out of curiosity, who here planned to get Overwatch, but now isn't because of the beta?

Out of curiosity, who here planned to get Overwatch, but now isn't because of the beta?

I feel like I've already seen everything this game has to offer. I had a feeling it would be the Heroes of the Storm of FPS, but it actually feels even more dumbed down than that. It's amazing how some characters don't even have secondary fire and most do not have alternate weapons.

The swing ults allow for is just not interesting either. Having a FPS with one hit kill ultimates is a terrible idea and the map design only makes it worse.

Plus because it is Blizzard I know, based on how they support their other games, that they will be painfully slow to add new content to the game and especially slow to add balance patches.

If this game was F2P I would probably play it on occasion when friends want to, but sixty dollars on console is a joke and forty on PC isn't much better.

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Its a fun game but I feel like I have had my fun with it and don't think that I will be getting at launch

is there even a difference between the full package and the beta?

I wasn't planning on buying it before the beta, but I had fun with the beta. Would buy it if it was 20€, 40 is too much.

I will buy it in a year or two if it gets 20 times the current content it has. It's fucking barebones.

I go to the gym and play basketball. With just a ball and court I've "seen everything the game has to offer".

I won't even continue. That's a stupid point you're making and doesn't broadly apply to every game.

It's fun a replacement for TF2 since valve is too stupid to release SOURCE 2 and a TF3 or at least a valve games source 2 update

but sadly like TF2 it comes with SHIT balance which is worst because 21 characters instead of 9

blizzard marketing on Sup Forums one, so yeah OP
>$0.25 has been diposited into your account

I'll get it, but maybe not at launch. There needs to be a lot more things to do. Most of the modes are mundane and feel like they drag on too long. Character customization outside of aesthetics would be good substitute, though.

>I feel like I've already seen everything this game has to offer.
>I feel like
But keep on being autistic, user.

The game's value isn't necessarily determined by the amount of content, is my point. It's not Uncharted 4 or something similar.

Dota 2 is in source 2, they're just too stupid to port their other games to it

Uhh okay? I hope I didn't offend you.

Oh you did, I'm buttblasted.

Devs are throwing money away when they release barebones cosmetic systems.

The best bet seems to be to just wait a year or two and buy it then. By then Blizzard would have added a shit ton of content. There is no point getting it right now

I think I'd buy it for 10$. Made me feel a bit like playing TF2 for the first time again. I wonder what it would be like with slightly more open and longer maps, matches seem to end just a bit too fast for my taste.

I've been playing it pretty much constantly every chance I get, and I'm totally in love with the game, Granted, I've wasted about 2 days of my life watching streams before the open beta landed, so I already knew I how much I'd be into Overwatch. I do have a few issues though. For example, I feel like there should be at least 2 more maps to make things more exciting and fresh. Like you said, I already feel like I've seen everything in the beta, but I enjoy the gameplay enough to want to continue playing.

My friends on the other hand, aren't as enthusiastic about it. One isn't totally impressed with the game, but enjoys it enough to want to buy it if it goes down in price. Another basically just plays it because it's a group activity, and likely won't buy it at all. Two of my other friends weren't impressed at all, one of which uninstalling after few games, and the last one is a Blizzfag who would be buying it day 1 with me, but he doesn't have the money. My dreams of having a complete squad on voice are pretty much dead, and I'm a bit worried about the longevity of the game as a whole if 4/6 people find it a snorefest.

>Guys there will eventually be hacks in our game like there are in every FPS games, how do we prevent this?
>I know let's add wallhack and aimbot as baseline abilities so nobody needs to hack!
I can't even begin to understand what the fuck they were thinking. Every single death because of either one of those abilities made me hate the game more and more, each one was cheap and retarded and lowered the chances of me buying the game

I don't even mind cheese in games. But fucking wallhack and aimbot, two hacks I've had to deal with my whole life as an FPS player and which are always so fucking frustrating and cheap. And they just add them. Yeah gotta make sure even the shittiest players contribute good job

what a fucking joke of a game

get rekt scrub. it's your fault for not knowing he would teleport behind you from across the map and instant kill you and everyone around you!

it's your fault for not knowing exactly where hanzo fired his ult! it's your fault for forgetting bastion's turret is the strongest weapon in the game, but also has the range of a sniper rifle xD!

>multiplayer only
>12 tiny maps, each can only played in one mode and the game has only a total of 3 (4) different modes
>most characters can only do 1 or sometimes 2 interesting things until they get their ultis
>most dont even have a secondary weapon or alt fire
>no loadout/weapons
>absolutely no other content except cosmetic items
how is this acceptable?

i just think it treats its playerbase like retards.you cant even chose if you want to attack or defend on the map.

anyways,fun game,definitely not worth 40 bucks imo,maybe 20.i also dont understand how it hopes to stay alive for too long if they will only sell skins since new characters and maps will be free

Other than some possible slight stat changes here and there, no.

I feel like concentration of shills is pretty high.

Should also ask the people who made Evolve and had a $120 dollar version of it plus microtransactions.

How am I shilling? I'm pretty clearly saying that playing the demo turned me off of the game.

I've yet to play the beta, because I don't really do that until I hear a true gamer's description of the game. But, I'm interested.

From what I've read, is it just a TvT like TF2, or is there a campaign too?

Same OP. Probably put 25 hours into the beta, played every map and character, and don't feel any need to buy it now. Had my fun, despite how utterly shallow and casual it is, but saw and did everything and it feels like it should be free to play. I don't expect it to be long lived.

Only reason I'm not getting it is because the game is overpriced here in Brazil for whatever reason.
Even the digital PC copy.
I dont get the reason but I will wait some time to see if they lower it.
Game is legit fun, with zero lags and runs like a fucking dream, but right now I cant pay for it.


I got banned from TF2 for using LMAObox so I play it and will be buying it once the beta is over.

It is better than TF2 because it's faster, more class based, better hitboxes and servers, etc.

The beta just proved that.
Blizzard > Valve.

I'll get it when I'm convinced that the people I usually play with actually buy it and play it actively.

Its shit with randoms.

I'm one of those. Got super excited for it until I finally got to play it and experience what a horribly balanced and designed mess it is.

Yeah it's basically unplayable with random people, especially on consoles. The voice commands in the game are completely useless. There is no real way to form strategies with your team quickly and the lack of a minimap is fucking stupid.

I want to see Samus and Pharah hi-five each other

I considered it, but at the end of the day I realized that all I really cared about was the SFM porn.

I pre-ordered it after the beta.

I do. It's just a 3d awesomenauts. I'd miss my fun times with D.Va and Pharah but I won't buy it.

TF2 was far, far smaller on release, and cost $30

That's exactly how I'm feeling on Overwatch.
Rounds need to be much MUCH longer too.

I wasn't going to get it but the game really plays much better when you're able to use team work and communicate with a full party of friends. Soloing in the game isn't fun and even queuing with 1 or 2 other people can be awful. I know everything is more fun with friends and I can testify to this since I played Dead Island with them and had a blast even though its a shit game but I honestly feel like Overwatch plays better when you have a team whose play you are familiar with and are able to work together

I'm ok with the gameplay, but I'm not ok with there not being a fix for the "Lost connection to game server" issue that has been reported by lots of players on the official forums.

I get disconnected upwards of 5 times PER MATCH. I am able to log right back in again but why are the disconnects happening in the first place? I ran their tracert and it was deemed clear, flushed DNS, have proper port forwarding set up and I even swapped my QoS settings to make Overwatch have 50% of my overall router's throughput when active (way fucking more than anything would ever need). No dead packets, no lag spikes - it will just log you out of Overwatch. Not B.Net - just Overwatch. I play just about every other online multiplayer game you can think of without any issues.

Blizzard acknowledges the issue and has no fix for it.

Nah. It's the best part of this game. When you get grouped with retards (which is always) you don't have to endure getting shit on for half an hour

dis wurl ii wurf fitang fah


And got progressively cheaper as it gained more content.

Overwatch is an Activision Blizzard game. It isn't getting cheaper for years.

I preordered before the beta and after playing nearly 30 hours in the last week I am glad I did buy it.

I need more.

I guess that's just a matter of personal preference, I think shorter rounds don't give you a sense of great accomplishment. That's just me though.

The open beta made me realise I'd just rather play TF2

The On/Off of the beta killed it for me

Playing the beta killed it for me

Ults being the only way to get PotG killed it

duo/trio hero teams killed it for me

I was planning on buying Overwatch as a 'new' shooter to get attached to since TF2 is almost 9 years old.

The beta experience gave me my fill. It's not worth the cash for a shallow game that caters to casuals and console players.

I also have doubts that the competitive community would survive at all after the first year or so without a whole lot of help from Blizzard.

I just want to play TF2 because Im banned.

This is sort of filling the void.

>just got 111% kill participation as Mercy

Played it already like half a year ago. Got bored with it in a few days back then
Played the open beta and got bored after a few hours

The only way they get me to play it more is if it is free

After playing the beta, I don't think the game has enough content to justify the full price to me.

That's how every modern Blizzard game survives competitively. Look at Heroes of the Storm.

I actually had close to 0 interest in overwatch and now I'm going to get it because of the beta


Had fun doing this today.

Will buy it once it's at half the price.

Maps are terrible
Character balance is way off
Way too much emphasis on ultimate skills

All of these issues could be solved but this is Blizzard we're talking about

ITT: Poor people try to rationalize not buying the game. "It's fun, but not THAT fun" hahaha.

It's an ok game, I probably won't play it 2 hours a day until they release more content but it's only $40 and a good time waster.

VAC Banned 7 days ago. Its sort of similar to TF2 and I might just buy this to spite valve because of their shitty practices.

I'm getting it, I have faith in it. All t he "durr I've seen it all" fucks are wrong because they already said they plan to keep it updated with new heroes and maps, and if they want an e-sports scene we can assume balance patches as well.

I fucking swear people have it blocked out of their mind how bare bones tf2 started off

>"I got banned for being a fucking moron so I will buy a blizzard game."
Makes sense

> 'rich' people try to pretend needlessly spending their money makes them special.

i'll give you 500 pounds of shit for 40 dollars user, it's shit but it's only 40 dollars. it's good fertilizer

I'll take it. You're mother eats a ton after sex. Offset the food cost a bit.

When will this meme die?

I had a fun time with the beta and I'd love to play more but the game itself doesn't feel worth $40.
If it was $20, I would've pre-ordered it.

No buuuuuuut they are supposed to add more characters and maps and shit for free down the road. Don't know how long that will be though

I COULD buy it user, but I KNOW I'll get bored of it after a week.
I could spend $40 elsewhere and get more content.

Just because we had three hour stalemates on tc_hydro and demoman grenades detonated on impact after bouncing doesn't mean the game wasn't solid. Overwatch is releasing with more heroes but not much content otherwise.

TF2 also had new maps and mods quickly because it was a Source engine game - Overwatch is completely controlled by Blizzard.

>No buuuuuuut they are supposed to add more characters and maps and shit for free
But they've already said they are dabbling with the idea of paid content.

I'm still glad I pre ordered, the game reminds me of why I use to play TF2 before weapons ruined (but ironically kept it relevant) the game.
I feel that some fine tuning is kinda needed but ultimately the fact that all characters are in some way op is nice as it forces you to think " what crazy strategy can beat this?" Rather than just sticking to the same character constantly.

I think there should be an option or a complete removal of being able to stack the same character, though this can be fun for shits and giggles on both sides.
What really will make or break it is how much content is down the pipeline. I want more lore stuff, possibly even single player story missions, more game modes like ctf and Monday night combat style fort maps. And possibly adding 8+ characters. Not too many to swamp the game play, but enough to keep you looking towards playing more.



Game will fail just like that Star Wars game did. People will just get bored of the same shit. There is not enough content to hold peoples attention.

Fuck man how can you compare this game to that trash.

Shitposting is easy, that's how.

I feel like the game blizzard created is just flawed to the core. As it stands right now, the game is all about picking "safe" heroes to start with and then counterpicking only to get counterpicked to counterpick them etc. The only fix for this is to not allow class changes but then everybody would be playing the same 2-3 team set ups all the time and one person not following along could potentially fuck you.

>Ults being the only way to get PotG

But they're not

I didn't plan on getting Overwatch but probably will because of the beta

>if I disagree then it's shitposting

The game is basically the latest Battlefront. Pretty, but no content and basic gameplay. Most people will be bored after 10 hours when they realize they already this.

Played alot of the beta, I'm with alot of people here in saying that it isn't worth $60, let alone $40.

You've basically covered all that there is to the game in the beta and it isn't enough to keep on playing.

A ton of hype, not enough substance.

>The game is basically the latest Battlefront.

I thought it was the latest TF2

>google cost of Fertilizer
>82c per lb
>410 Freedom Fries for 500lbs of Fertilizer
>google cost of manure
>50lb bag for 91.33
>913.00 Dollarydoodles for 500 pounds of actual shit
Yeah that does sound like a good deal user, what's the problem here?

Not with that tick rate.

Overwatch is a $40 TF2.

It is an alright game. Not worth 40 though. You might not like honest answers from Sup Forums since it is infested with Blizzdrones who do it for free.

>basic gameplay
oh shit, it's you again.

A tick rate is something that no one cared about until OW shitposting threads

I had more fun with the battleborn beta compared to the overwatch beta

It had more content and it was pretty good how you unlocked characters (either campaign, killing a certain amount of people, ranking up) made things fresh. Having all the characters at the start kinda sucks because you can just play them and get bored of them.

Sure in Battleborn you can get put against a team that have better heroes but apparently they fixed that

I originally thought it was shallow and only 1hr of entertainment, but I sank 9 hours into the beta and am still having fun so Blizzard earned my shekels.

The fuck are you on about?

>Having all the characters at the start kinda sucks
I would rather all the characters be available from the start instead of having to grind points to unlock them.

>Having all the characters at the start kinda sucks because you can just play them and get bored of them.

Overwatch feels like it needs a few more maps and 1-2 more options per character

I'll still get it if Battleborn disappoints. There's not a lot of FPS competition out there which is why CSGO is still king

>If you don't throw $40 at a game you'll barely play that means you're poor

I guess? I mean I rather spend money on a game with a better shelf life and support a company who sees the playerbase as more than just walking cashcows waiting to be milked.

Maybe if you're extremely ignorant. People have bitched about csgo's competitive mode having 64 tick since it was introduced into the game. Overwatch's tick rate is 20. Custom games/servers can go up to 64 while in csgo they go up to 128.

You have nothing to look forward to.

And like I said you don't have to grind for the majority of characters in Battleborn.

I wonder what Paragon is gonna do differently to these two

>You have nothing to look forward to.

They will be adding more heroes and maps in the future, so yes we do

And we won't have to grind to get them, either

Besides, I highly doubt that you've mastered all 21 heroes in the 5 days of open beta testing m8

Overwatch is aimed at casuals which means 95% of the player base is going to be drooling retards. This means you will have to have a full team of friends if you want any kind of teamwork

>You have nothing to look forward to.

That is the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard.

The whole progression to unlock non-cosmetic shit is the cancer killing FPS

>ignoring me saying you don't have to grind for characters

>mastering Overwatch
Oh wait you're serious.

I expected to be more casual than TF2, but it's just too casual. Yeah, it's fun, but it's not like TF2 where i have the urge to git gud because the skill ceiling is quite high, not to mention it focus too much on teamplay and counterpick in detriment of individual skill. I play one or two hours every other day and feel satisfied. The progression system seems like it'll be about 1/4 to 1/3 of my motivation to play while i couldn't care less about obtaining all weapons or getting a dank hat on TF2.

Part of me wants to buy because i know at least it'll be worth the amount of hours i'll put into it, and the other part is always remembering the frustrations of the shitty matchmaking this game have and i'm sure Blizzard won't give the proper post-release support so i'll just be a huge tool faggot.

I'd honestly like to see the average's person reaction to it, but Sup Forums is a mix of vocal blizzdrones and vocal valvedrones/mindless haters while the subreddit is full of brainwashed blizzdrones comparable only to nintendrones. Even then, due to the game being shallow, the part of the community that has any sort of competitive drive will probably drop it after a few months.

I just want a competitive game to fill the void as they have infinite replayability unlike single player games, but at the same time i don't want to go to autism land, aka fightans.