FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster coming to Steam on May 12...

FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster coming to Steam on May 12. Did Sup Forums like this FF or was the last great FF game on the PS1?

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Another steamdb leak becomes reality

Now just need 1,2 and 12

>no encounter mode

And Tactics.

X-2 > X

If you disagree, get out of my Sup Forums



>jap voices

>Storage: 37 GB available space

>Storage: 37 GB available space

>Storage: 37 GB available space



I wonder if it's the international versions.

Key Features:
Characters, monsters, and environments have been fine-tuned to HD detail, providing a richer, deeper FINAL FANTASY visual experience.
Other features in the PC version include remastered/rearranged BGM,
International Edition content,
Auto-save and 5 game boosters including high speed and no encounter modes.

>listening to a language you cant understand
fuck off weeaboo

Yes it is user, like the ps3/ps4 version

>Key Features
>International mode content

both games through one .exe PLUS both movies and VA is two languages

>no encounter modes.

I'm going to play it in jap because I've never played it in jap ya dingus




Will these be the international versions with all the changes and extras?.

>watching an american movie with subs instead of it being dubbed in your own language

fucking wamericans


>Xcum DLC and FFX on the same day
this is gonna be a busy week

no, the ps3 and ps4 versions werent the international versions either and this is based off those

Favorite FFs next to legends and CC. It's a decent long ass game.

1)read the description
2)read the thread
3)be happy

what else was on the leak list?

mfw PCMR wins AGAIN

Half-Life 3

Which graphics will it get? The original, the shit hd shit vomit, or the good hd ones?


The last big list had

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD
Final Fantasy VI
Half Life 3
Dangonronpa 1 and 2
Earth Defense Force 4.1
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Phantom Brave
Ray Gigant
Stranger of Sword City
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3
XBlaze Code: Embyro
FlatOut 4: Total Insanity
Arslan: The Warriors of Legend
Bad Rats Show
Code of Princess
Criminal Girls

>no encounter modes

Like no random encounters? Like an on off switch like in FF9?

>remastered rearranged bgm

Isnt these the worse ones? Or was it another FF game where the "remastered" music was worse. Or was it Silent Hill? Shit idk

There are no good HD ones. It's emulation(good) or HD(absolutely awful).

>Japanese audio

Fuck, Square knows how to get me to repurchase things I already own better than anyone.

I'll get it when its on sale for $10 or less.

Oh damn, he looks really chinky in the remake haha.

The new BGM are pretty good desu

you could switch between original and remastered music in FFX HD on consoles
personally I liked rearranged but maybe I'm not a hardcore enough fanboy

Still waiting for EDF 4.1

Well, they did outsource it to China.

Only on PS4 could you do that unless they patched it. I think anyway.

Reminder that they fucked up the characters and many textures.

some screens are at 1080p, let's hope it has more options and downscalling etc
lightning returns was decent porn if only it supported mouse

That isn't the actual HD release, that was early footage and he was changed.

Prove it

I still don't get why they outsourced the HD version of their flagship series, while Kingdom Hearts was done in-house.

I read it wrong sorry, yes only on PS4

Wait..Lighting Returns doesnt support mice? What..

May be right about that specific one but the character still looks like shit on the PS4 version. It's objectively worse, and so are some other characters.

Because it's cheap. I don't get why they didn't just re-use the models which were fine.

yes, you either move camera with keyboard like it's 1980 or use controller.

Enjoy my 15 year old scraps, you fucking PC cuckolds.

So the textures were patched on PS4? Why wouldnt the PC release use the same fixed textures?

we were talking about music

He did in the FMVs, as well. Different animation team, I guess.

I'm hoping someone mods the remaster so the lighting has more bloom. I don't mind the new models, but holy shit did they muddy and tone down the color on the remaster.

Sweet I was thinking of replaying them, just a question didn't the console versions have some issue with the RNG? Was that ever fixed

>cut Lulu over to Yunas side of the grid
>get heals
>get to bring Best Girl, dump Worst Girl, and still have heals/damage


lighting is easy to fix on PC just look at all those enb and sweetfx mods

what?It's not hard to add bloom via reshade or sweetfx. The HD remasters both added a lot more bloom and brighter lighting to the game already though, don't know what you're talking about.

The models are a game breaker for me, Tidus looks completely terrible when he looked pretty good before.

underage and b&

Some tracks like Seymour's final battle theme was butchered but the remastered ost is pretty good overall.

Supposedly the only time Lulu smiles in the game was removed from the HD version thanks to the new models too.

10 was one of my least favourite.

Time to kill that Dark yojimbo

thank for telling us bro


I already have in on PS4, because it's one of my favorite PS2 games.

>tfw people are still too fucking stupid to understand that the laughing scene is supposed to be ironic

god dammit I want to buy it NOW

>sacrificing free Aeon meatshields, spammable overdrives, and generally superior stats all around for your shit taste

Buy X-2
Emulate X.

There is literally no reason to play the HD version of X over the original unless you've adjusted to it or you haven't played the game before, even then its questionable.


>Can't skip cutscenes

You had one job.

he's clearly underage so don't give him attention

Oh, so nothing else interesting.
I guess Journey might be okay.
Oh well.


That's not the PS3 release, that's an old outdated screenshot before they changed the model again

i fucking wish


But again the one on the right isn't the final game they changed his model again

Except you are supposed to do the opposite because Lulu is literally the only entirely useless character in the game. She has 0 purpose after the first 3/4 of an initial playthrough all the way to a maxed post-game.

Thanks. Remember to like favourite and comment as well.

reminder that it took 2 years for xseed to port corpse party

holy crap original looked like shit


>There is literally no reason to play the HD version of X

There is every reason starting with Dark Aeons

>coming to steam

if you're not a weeaboo i know the perfect site for you

sure m8. what's your twitter?

>Half-Life 3
this is the only thing that's fake on the list


I'll take the improved tits on best girl over every single thing from the non-hd version


but seriously I want 12 to be ported, personally my favorite on ps2

X is good overall
X-2 has good combat, that is literally it


it was a game named journey, just not the ps3 one.


Go look at the list on Steamdb yourself, retard.

Oh, I see.

Half-Life 3 is never going to come out retard

>There is every reason starting with Dark Aeons


Haha ok pal.

>FlatOut 4

game exists though idiot

it's not fake, often valve codename their projects as "half-life" it's most likely L4D3

CHRIST.... Why does Yuna look so cute there!! AND RIKKU'S PANTIES...!