
We are all gathered here today to pay our respects to a framchise that has in many ways defined a generation, but first, could anyone like to say some words?

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I love how CODfanboys all over the Web are scrambling to accuse it of being some massive conspiracy

so, people like Niggerfield and hate Halo Warfare

nothing to see here

Good riddance

This 'CoD vs Battlefield' thing is getting ridiculous.


Both games are retarded.

>>Sup Forums

>youtube comments

>muh pol boogeyman


Battlefield 1 looks significantly better.

And battlefield 4 is better than any COD in the last 5 years.


And then COD will sell a billion jillion copies just like every other time.

It's easy to click dislike or join a petition but the COD consumer has no spine.


CoD and Battlefield are retarded, whether one is better than the other won't change that.

Both of them are shit normalfag games.
If any of you fags buy CoD or BF over Persona or FF you have zero reason to be on this board.

EA bots are going ham lately


>Heterosexual men
>Buying FFXV

Fucking Hardline was more enjoyable than any CoD that isn't Modern Warfare or WaW

>implying cod won't outsell battlefield 2:1

>people hate Call of Duty for constantly rehashing mechanics
>Battlefield does the same thing

Modern shooters were a mistake.

someone post the "Boycott Modern Warfare 2" steam-group picture

>FF15 gay fucciboi edition

I think it's more that the person who would but COD doesn't care about trailers. they would but it regardless of marketing at this point.




Well lets see if this translate into BF having more sales.

What if I'm interested in Persona and CoD/BF?

Battlefield 1942, Vietnam, 2, 2142, Bad Company 2, 1943, and 4 are all legitimately great games.

>Rehashing Mechanics


Battlefield is more realistic so it wins.

I haven't played a Battlefield game since 3 and I've never touched a ww1 game because I thought they'd be boring. I might check this out though. Also my friends might get it so I don't have much of a choice. I hope they have good revolvers.

What if the COD consumer likes COD?

I plan to buy Persona and BF1.


CoD: trillionth futuristic FPS in the last few years; 0 new ideas to the table
BF: setting that's totally underdone and I can barely name more than 5 WWI games in general, not just shooters

There's no conspiracy.

Press F to pay respects

well it wasn't the first post this time around, but this thread still got done pretty fast.

Too bad BF is too ''hardcore'' for the cod audience. 1B cod sales to ~350k bf1 sales are in the future, like always.

Huh, I guess you're right, maybe the games are pretty good. I guess it's just the fanbase that's as retarded as CoD's.

Nerd communities are so garbage and petty that much every extreme reaction to a "nerd property" should be taken with a grain of salt. New Ghosbusters has women? Let's raid the youtube likes? Some video game developer said something us gamers didn't like? Let's raid the metacritic user score! Some little-known developer fucks a games journalist for positive coverage? Let's create a whole god damn movement dedicated to tearing down games "journalism"!

I mean come on.

I'll try to get in faster next time my man.

Yes I would say you're all faggots. God damn do I love futuristic sci-fi shooters. Umad? Let all the cry babies go to Bf1

The OG vlbattlefield vets are fine, but the bad company babbies are cancer.

This is the only reasonable argument in this whole 'CoD v BF' fiasco.

Infinite Warfare doesn't look like a bad game, but the 'near-ish future' setting has run into the ground by now. WW1 is still relatively fresh context for a game.


>>Sup Forums

Just saying come November somebody who prioritizes CoD over anticipated jrpg games shouldn't be here.

This right here. I remember all the buttmad fans that wouldn't play MW2 on PC because no dedicated servers, yet when the game released it had thousands of people playing online even those who were actively against it.

>samefagging to /thread your own posts


Exactly, the same happened to WWII settings, modern war and now near future.
If Battlefield starts a new old wars trend, we might come full circle in a decade

If I'm not mistaken, Bad Company is when the series started to pander to CoD's demographic.

I guess it paid off really well to EA, only now the trade off was a shitload of kids and douchefucks moving over and inciting shitty fanboy wars.

I don't think so.

It's true that COD is only hated in the gaming nerd world like Sup Forums and Reddit because it's boring and rehashed to the point of extinction. Normies still like COD, they like how boring and samey it is.

But these two factors could lead to Infinite Warfare's demise.

1) CODfans cannot stand scifi. Even though COD's take on scifi is so utterly generic and safe, it's still too much for CODfans. CODfans like modern warfare and ww2. They were able to stomach Blops 2's "ten years in the future" scifi and they liked Blops 3's campy, slapstick version of scifi but they will not tolerate space warfare.

2) COD:Ghosts is utterly despised by CODfans. Ghosts was only a few years ago, most of them remember how bad it was and aren't going to jump into another game developed by neo-Infinite Ward.


>battlefield 1 looks significantly better

Based on what

This shit pisses me off.

That BF1 stream chat was fucking terrible. Most of the community is completely oblivious to how annoying they really are.

>This 'X vs Y' thing is getting ridiculous.
fixed that for you user because let's be honest here.

that's just twitch chat being terrible, though


Did any come out of the shadows to claim they were behind this yet?

EA and DICE listens to twitter followers, facebook, youtube, redditors, etc more than their own official forums. It's been that way for ages.


You're only further proving my point.

Ghosts sold 19million copies.

It's "utterly despised" and yet it sold 19 million fucking copies.

>caring about the campaign

Literally retarded.

Someone really should send this to DICE.

Using the word nigger doesn't make you from Sup Forums you stupid newfag

Seriously, just go back to Sup Forums. We get it. Niggers. Lol. Wew.

>dude the first world war is so awesome!

No wonder Americans jumped at it.


>>Sup Forums

>Lists the most entry-level normalfag JRPGS

>CoD samey

>the dislikes on youtube are for being different


>even """discerning""" cod fans are disappointed

fucking hilarious

Do it

>future war

Not anymore.

*smacks lips*

Battlefield wins because of vehicles. I need vehicles in my military shooters. World at War was one of my favorites just because of even that one tank.

You guys should try to pick up a few new racial slurs, the ones you use are getting kind of old.

That sounds like bullshit

Why is it called Battlefield 1?

Because its the FIRST world war

also inb4 "cuz battlefield won" saw that shitty joke on the youtube comments like 50 times and some idiot even spelled it "one".

I'm still not seeing what's wrong with the new CoD besides that shitty Bowie cover. It looks pretty much like the other future CoD's. Are people just mad about the remaster?

It will die like halo... NICE.

>You lived long enough to see CoD die

I thought Ghostbusters was the most disliked trailer on youtube?


>Assassin's Creed

what else

Cod's trailer showed more gameplay and was more realistic anyways.

Literally hivemind in action

It's Normie Magic user

yeah me too?

Press F to pay respects

>this is article-worthy

gaming journalism is really funny sometimes


It's not the most disliked but it's getting up there.

>youtube dislikes killing a franchise


You wish