Zelda U

>First game in history about archery.
>It's a Zelda game no less.
>has as long a development time as Ocarina of Time now.
>Nintendo saying it will change all conventions in gaming like Ocarina of Time.
>Aonuma says this game is something completely unexpected like Ocarina of Time.
>confirmed to be as big as Kyoto city.

Post in this thread if you're hyped as fudge. YEAH BOI!!!

I know what I'll be doing all of 2017 and 2018.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not crazy about the 3D Zelda games, but this one looks baller as fuck yo

Link Between Worlds 2 when?

I'm hyped and I want to see more come E3.
That being said, I REALLY hope they don't show too much.

>tfw Nintendo will build a dungeon on their E3 space.

>I REALLY hope they don't show too much.

Fuck off mate. After how long they've left us in the dark, I want to drink from the fountain of unlimited information until I'm content.

And yes, I am hype as fuck.
Zelda is quite literally a system seller for me. It's what I wait for before buying a Nintendo console (which is why I skipped the Wii U).

Despite how angry I am due to all of these delays the game has had, I am willing to overlook that shit because Nintendo seems pretty fucking confident that this game will be their savior. This Zelda-only E3 that they're having is testament to that confidence.

It all depends on this. If this game isn't a straight up masterpiece then I worry for Nintendo, but despite all the odds, I'm actually expecting them to pull through with this one. Now all that's left to do is to wait and see.

They also said that playing this game would make you want to play TP again. Which implies.. Things. I may not like those things, I may like them very much.
They will have a very, very sad reference to Midna, won't they?

On contraire. I want them to show as much as possible so we can speculate on more sequence-breaks, overworld lore, story and secrets until the game comes out.

I remember before Skyward Sword came out, an user on Sup Forums hyped everyone up saying that Zelda was the Triforce and got sacrificed at the end for the villain's wish; but that in exchange, it grants her one wish too. So she wishes to always be together with Link. Thus creating the eternally reincarnating cycle between the three.

I want to speculate about everything again. If this game is a return to what made Zelda 1 great, then playground chatter is what it lives off.

I mean I want to see this game, but there are games that blow the lid with trailers and show all the important shit and kill all the surprise.
I want speculation, but I don't want to be disappointed after the game comes out because we've already seen most of it.
I don't want to see anything past the beginning of the first dungeon of this game.

>Epona is a red horse
>King of red lions was a red boat
>The bird in skyward was red

>Zelda U
>Brown horse
You had one job.

I am metering my expectations but I hope it has pretty environments.

>tfw Link is permanently blue

This is how the new Zelda is changing conventions. Everything else will be the same.

>about archery

>First game in history about archery
Literally, what?

>change conventions

Yes!! Like the horse moving itself through the forest, so good!

>implying you won't be able to ride other horses

No need to tell him to "fuck off" mate.

I don't think he said that you'll want to play TP again. Aonuma said that it'll make sense if you go back and play TP again, the things that they pulled from that game as inspiration. Which I take to mean, about Epona or the way you will be able to combine more and more items with the bow or Link.

I refuse to get my hopes up, not after nintendo DEMANDS to have motion controls in every game

I hope it has more focus on exploring dangerous lands rather than talking to NPCs. I liked how SS had Skyloft as a hub where you could get stocked up and ready, but they fucked up by having numerous friendly NPCs on the ground and by segregating areas too much.

Here's what I predict.
>Game will be good overall
>Non existent difficulty will hold the game back immensely

>Inb4 token retard chimes in by thinking asking for difficulty =/= wanting Dark Souls
My complaint for almost every Zelda ever is they're too easy. Nobody is asking for ball busting difficulty, but for the love of god just don't have it be mindless. Challenge is necessary.

At the very least I would like a Hero mode available from the VERY FUCKING START of the game. Quad damage from enemies just like ALBW. Yes please.
Customizable difficulty would be even better but that's never going to happen.

It will be Skyward Sword 2.0. Modern Nintendo is incapable of pulling off another OoT, or even another MM.

>That huge ass sword
Are we actually going to get to use it? Could the master sword be that big?

I fucking hope so.

My prediction is that there will be multiple weapons.

They wanted to keep the game diverse

skywars sword was insulting, so i dont get my hopes up.

would like it a lot if they actually do something with the crafting system and give you a way to spend rupees this time.

also hero mode available from the start and no waggling

That sword...it is more like a Slab of Iron than a sword.
Link the Blue Swordsman

He's blue because blue is a cool color, which makes it yin. Gerudo are female too, also yin.

He's an adopted Hylian orphan raised by Gerudo. That's why he has long hair, Gerudo vambracers, hawk guard, and a Gerudo black stallion in the original trailer (I'm guessing you get to pick your horse).

The Sheikah are the bad guys in this game for once, who are also yin alignment. However mid-way through the game you find out the Gerudo want what the Sheikah want, even more. It is a game that portrays the bitter irony that the faction who save Hyrule become exiled, while the warrior clan that almost destroyed it from within because of their greed, have their last few in number subjugated to a small agricultural village.

This is the game that the Shadow Temple in OoT is talking about.
>Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody history of hatred and greed.

Get the tissues ready. This is gonna be a tearjerker.

A game about the Gerudo and Sheikah sounds amazing. It's what I wanted in SS, since it was a prequel to everything.

Wonder if we're going to get sexy Impa or old, fat Impa in this game.

>First game in history about archery.
This is false, and they only focused on the bow for the reveal trailer because they're overly excited about their new dismount bow attack system.

Swords are going to be the primary weapon as usual.

If this game sucks, I'm quitting Nintendo.


But they didn't show the new dismount bow system until 10 months later?

What's your point?

That Link has never once used a sword so far and in the trailers we have to go off, has used his bow exclusively.

>one whole trailer

Wew lad.

I'm sorry? When was there another trailer?

Reveal trailer and Spike VGA trailer.

That would be cool.

>Nintendo game

At this point I'd say being cautiously optimistic would be overdoing it so I'll just say I'm feeling guarded if not pensive towards anything that company says at this point.

I'm wise to your shit Nintendo and you wont fool me ever again.

I was unaware of the second, because I don't pay attention to bullshit awards.

I would agree to an extent, but Skyward Sword was the last main 3D entry in the series, which I thought had some some great ideas which were hampered by mostly waggle controls and an overly segmented world, which this game seems to have gotten rid of entirely.
I'm cautiously optimistic.

>hyped for legends of bullshot downgrades
No. But that's because I don't want to feel let down and rather enjoy it for what it is, so I'm keeping my hype low so I'll be excited no matter what. Archery is one of the few times that new screen controller could be really cool, like imagine if they have it so that raising it up to your eye automatically activates the bow and then simulates you looking first person sighting, could be a smooth awesome mechanic. Hope the gimmick usage is awesome not crap.


Saying and doing are two different things

You can try to tell me it was "never supposed to actually look like the left" but that's bs. I'm sure on the NX it'll be better then on the right, but will they actually get it all the way back up to how they originally showed it off? I'm skeptical at this point, and I definitely don't think it'll happen on the Wii U as promised.

But if I treat the right as more realistic then it can only go up from there, and that'll be good enough. I care more about the mechanics and fun of it anyway.

>direct feed vs picture of a television
>"why does one look like shit, mommy?"

I just want another good Zelda game, I don't need something "innovative" fuck.

I sure hope you're not serious trying to pretend that that's what anyone is talking about in that comparison or is the source of the differences.

The game looks exactly how it does on the left though.
You can clearly see the area that link is in on the right side on the left image.

Every other area in that video we got showed lush beautiful terrain. That was over a year ago too, the game wasn't and still isn't finished.

Also it was a shitty quality stream.

>Are there any Western games that influence where you get these ideas or inspiration from?

Aonuma: Certainly, I do play Western games. I think I've put some comments out there about being really interested in Skyrim, but then people started connecting it to the idea that I was making an open-world game now. I really didn't want to make that connection to explicit since it's really not how it works.

I do play a lot of games from the West; for example, I've been playing Far Cry, which also has this large, open world. When I play these games, what stands out to me is that there are different kind of themes and the ways that they make the player feel when they experience them. I think that that's always a really valuable reference for developers. And I think that is something that all developers do. It's something that they all think about when they're playing other games.

But if the NX final ends up looking like on the left then all the better, and it won't have hurt for me to be skeptical in the mean time because I'll be even more hyped. And otherwise I won't mind and won't feel let down if they don't manage it. I see that as win/win.

The fact that the official website features a fixed camera at that same place with no changes confirms you're bullshitting yourself.

>he is this retarded
It's much, much more difficult to make comparisons on details when one video is a picture of a television, which is known to give an inaccurate image of what's being displayed on it.

>reverse bullshots
So these are a sonyggers tools.

That is literally the exact same screenshot.
It's the ONLY screenshot Nintendo's been using since they revealed it.


>Literally one area had poor looking textures
>This was from back in 2014
>On a stream recording video of a television

Skip to 1:38. The game looks just as good, if not better than the image on the left.
Nintendo has no history what so ever of using bullshots.

Yes, that part on the right looks like shit, but if you watch the footage, there's grass all over the right side of the image. Grass is still there. It's just that part that lacks it and it's a flat blurry rock texture that I hope they mask

It's not a screenshot.


>First game in history about archery.
Really? You actually believe this?

>has as long a development time as Ocarina of Time now.
Skyward Sword had a long development time too.

>Nintendo saying it will change all conventions in gaming like Ocarina of Time.
Highly unlikely.

>Aonuma says this game is something completely unexpected like Ocarina of Time.
>Doing something unexpected
Hahaha, no.

Its gonna be pure trash, worse than star fox zero

Platinum Games has nothing to do with it, so it's guaranteed to not be trash.

Star Fox Zero is good.

Faggot spotted

Star Fox Zero is a great unfinished game.

>I care more about the mechanics and fun of it anyway.
So why are you excited for a modern Zelda game?

It is. Not only clearly unfinished but very inferior to 64, but god dammit I still like it a lot

I really hope it delivers. The switch to a bigger open world and all the delays has me worried that it's in some kind of development hell where everything is just falling apart.

Yeah, it just makes you feel so cool sometimes and the music is pretty fantastic. Really sucks that it seems to have gotten shoved out because the Wii U's at the end of its lifespan already, could've been fantastic with some more polishing and content.

Aonuma is in charge of it, so it's guaranteed to be trash.

Aonuma is a good designer when left to himself.

When he has to work with Fujibayashi or someone else, they hold him back and the games end up stale.


All stale. I give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he would have corrected what was wrong with all of those, if he didn't have to babysit the noobs.

Phantom Hourglass was the last good Zelda and it was all 'Numa.

Yes, the controls did suck but if it had been a Gamecube game, then we would all be saying "GIVE US ANOTHER PHANTOM HOURGLASS!"

The game is GOTY material. Don't you dare tell me it's not.

>Aonuma is a good designer when left to himself.
He really isn't. He's a man that hates the very core of Zelda.

>When he has to work with Fujibayashi or someone else, they hold him back and the games end up stale.
Or perhaps he's the one that holds them back? Or perhaps the Zelda team just no longer has talent.

>Phantom Hourglass was the last good Zelda and it was all 'Numa.
If you're going to troll, at least put effort into it.

>Nintendo saying it will change all conventions in gaming like Ocarina of Time.

Bullshit. They're just going to turn LoZ into an Elder Scrolls game and call it innovation.

How has no one commented on this?
When I think red, I think red like the King of Lions.
Epona just looks like a lighter shade of brown.

>The game looks exactly how it does on the left though.

Yeah, if Link was in the presumably unloaded area off hundreds of feet in the distance with flat textures and grass, sure.

He has used his sword. When he was riding on Epona.

Nintendo expects to revolutionize gaming by adding bows to its adventure rehash?

It's a reddish brown. Personally, I think it looks more orangish, especially so in-game

Rehash is a buzzword.

He is one of the pillars for Ocarina of Time, which is still the best GOAT. I don't need to defend him. The truth speaks for itself. And hurr durr I TROL U. Phantom Hourglass was his brainchild.

How is Zelda anything like an Elder Scrolls game even if it is openworld now? Did you think when typing that?

No hype, but i want it to be good. Pls be good.

is buzzword a buzzword?

He's wearing a shield in the gameplay demonstration, though.

I don't think it's even possible for horses to have red fur.

Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks (to a lesser extent) are riddled with problems. RIDDLED.

>He is one of the pillars for Ocarina of Time, which is still the best GOAT.
All he did was some dungeon design here and there, he was nowhere near as involved as revisionists believe. Besides, Koizumi, Miyamoto, and Tezuka were responsible for the bulk of OoT.

And no, Ocarina is not the GOAT, not even close.

>The truth speaks for itself.
You're right, the truth does. The truth is that Aonuma is on record as saying he's incapable of killing Octoroks in the original game and found the most fun things to do in LttP to be cutting grass and lifting stones. This is a man who is awful at Zelda games and was given full control over a series he's awful at and dislikes. A man who was hired by Miyamoto just because he made wooden dolls in college. The proof is in the pudding.

>Phantom Hourglass was his brainchild.
And Phantom Hourglass was the worst Zelda ever made barring the CD-i games.

>Nintendo has no history what so ever of using bullshots

I always say it and i'm always right, Nintendo fans are the biggest cucks in the entire industry.

Not even CoD fans eat this much shit

Spirit Tracks had 99 problems and everything about it was one, but Phantom Hourglass only had bad controls. That's it.

Everything else about the game would be off-putting only to a casual player.

Your opinion is bad and the fact that you don't think OoT is the best GOAT only proves it.

>Spirit Tracks
>worse than Phantom Hourglass

Considering you're actually defending the pile of garbage that is Phantom Hourglass, you don't have any room to talk about bad opinions.

Please, show us examples of nintendo's long history of bullshots.
I'll wait.

OoT is the GOAT

>First game in history about archery.

Titan Souls
Link's Crossbow Training

Spirit Tracks is so bad it's the only Zelda game I won't add back to my collection.

I consider it non-canon in every regard.

Its literally 64 but slowed down and with terrible gimmciks

Its awful

Kill yourself faggot ass waste of space.

>confirmed to be as big as Kyoto city.

>hyped as fudge
If there was ever a real shill post on Sup Forums, this is the one.

It's amazing how Spirit Tracks managed to somewhat improve the controls of Phantom Hourglass yet still be worse in every other conceivable way. Phantom Hourglass was already bottom of the barrel and it's astounding how they managed to find a way to make it even worse.

>And no, Ocarina is not the GOAT, not even close.

Found the memelenial.

>"is so bad it's the only Zelda game I won't add to my collection"
>but will add Phantom Hourglass
>when Spirit Tracks is a legitimate improvement in every single way