What is it that's so good about this game...

What is it that's so good about this game? I've played through it dozens of times yet I still want to run through and more than a decade later people still quote it and discuss strategy even though it's a relatively simple game with a goofy story. Why is this game so amazing?

>it's a relatively simple game with a goofy story
Because this.

Because Mikami. He nailed it. From a design PoV the game is flawless. Shitty story and setting tho

Because is funny


because they remember the village and how comfy it is and they forget that the castle is a slog and the island is poorly paced.


>an ugly brown place with a bunch of screaming mexicans


This. I feel the same way about MGS3 because of this too. Already beat it about 4 times

What did he mean by this?


Because it has extremely satisfying gunplay, reloading, critical headshots, character models, bosses, and set ups for physical attacks

way to undersell it. the village easily has the best atmosphere, and it's the only part of the game where you will be low on ammo and health items. by the time you get to the castle you'll have so much money that it just won't matter.

Because every time I shoot the Red9 I ejaculate

Where did Assignment Ada fit into the story?

only if you know how to manage your money properly and don't upgrade the starting guns or buy a shitload of first aid sprays

I'm pretty sure it was just a non cannon little thing for fun

The story is really well paced, it slowly goes from actual horror like stuff to running away from a giant napoleon ripoff statue robot and you dont actually notice just how stupid it got as you play.

Was there another TPS that did the laser aim before RE4? That looked awesome and new at the time

Because it's like playing a video game version of a cheesy 80s action movie and just as fun as you would expect.

This is a good point. You actually get fucking chased by a giant Napoleon statue and I didn't even blink twice about it, because I had just spent many hours talking shit to a parasite-infested napoleon rip-off who sounds like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

>shit controls
Seriously, how has an entire generation of gamers been so fucking brainwashed into believing the worst goddamn games are in any way good?

the game gives you a strong hint that you should save your money with the Punisher blue medallion minigame.

really? I felt it was just more of the game's most important feature - shoot literally everything

>re4's controls are bad
here's the mandatory contrarian faggot

I'm sorry, let me know when I can accurately fucking aim with A GODDAMN INACCURATE AS LIVING FUCK CONSOLE CONTROLLER.

Oh, that's right. NEVER.

GodFUCKING DAMN, you little console children are stupid.

It sounds to me like you need to become better


Holy shit git gud faggot

no i think it was pretty obvious, the game was going to give you a free gun and you never know when that might happen again. (which it does, later, the Broken Butterfly).

>implying you need accurate aim to shoot those fucks
I assume you always go for headshots like a homo

>Allowing the crutch of mouse aiming to dull your twitch reflexes to cripple levels


are you a knee skrub?

RE4HD's next release can't come out soon enough.

Not him, but doing the shooting gallery on ps3 is a fucking nightmare

Oh look, dumb little 12 year old nugamer idiots spouting the same retarded memes. The only thing that should "git gud" is modern gaming.

>aiming with a retarded fucking stick with way too much play and has no compromise between accuracy and speed is an exact analog of aiming something in real life
Oh wait. Sounds like a job for... A MOUSE.


Or a wii remote


Don't elevate your blood pressure too much, man. That ergonomic keyboard of yours isn't gonna do much for the poor circulation in your legs that you've let fester.

>wii remote
>I have to recenter my gun if I move it too far one way or the other

You're one to talk, kids. Apparently you aren't getting nearly enough blood to your brains.

listen here nigger, I'm not a "nugamer" and git gud isn't a meme. the controller isn't innacurate, you are. the game was designed the be played with a controller, and countless people have no problem whatsoever beating it. you literally need to stop sucking cock


they were spaniards you piece of shit

>He doesn't enjoy suplexing

the Spanish voice acting in RE4 was done by Mexicans

You sound quite angry that I am right, and are trying to justify your stupidity by spouting obviously wrong bullshit.

Go ahead. Try to aim quickly in that game, as quickly as you would in every situation with a real weapon. Do it. You can't.

Mouse is made to be an aiming analog, and controllers are just used because consolebabies were jealous of the PC GODDAMN MASTER RACE having a fucking game genre they couldn't so they did it anyway and decided that their poorly done shit was somehow superior against all common sense and logic.

Console gaming has been dead for YEARS. It is a pathetic shell of itself filled with self-loathing idiots and poor games.

Wake up and get with the program. Admit your games are shit and move on.

That doesn't stop the actual characters from being Spanish, you know

>Guns feel fantastic to shoot, from the sound effects, to the hit feedback from enemies, to the reload animations.
>Everything Leon says is gold.
>Tons of variety and setpieces without straying too far from the core gameplay.
>Long enough to be meaty, short enough that it's easy to replay without too much of a time investment.
>NG+ and the ability to pick and upgrade a different set of guns per playthrough helps keep multiple runs fresh.

you're barely trying but people are falling for it this is fucking sad

>Ashley and I wake up from a good night of sleep
>She kisses me on the side of my lips and says "Morning you~"
>I respectfully nod my head towards her
>She gets up
>She's still wearing that short nightgown
>She's not wearing any panties
>She stretches and goes to our kid's room
>I get up and go to the kitchen to grab a drink
>I see Ashley holding Leon, our kid, to the front door
>His school bus is about to arrive
>Leon puts his shoes on but he can't tie his laces
>Ashley squats down to help Leon
>I watch her doing it
>I can see her big breasts jiggling
>so much breast being revealed
>her nipples are also extremely thick
>Her short gown is showing her pussy as well
>It's hair is shiny from her fluids
>I can see it dripping
>She's looking at me periodically while helping Leon
>She's noticing me feeling my dick
>She gets up and I come up to her
>We both open the door for Leon and say bye to him
>As he's leaving, he yells bye
>I'm gri

Red 9 is the best handgun.

Nope, Killer7 is faggot.

It's a single player game where all of the enemies stumble towards you at the speed of a cripple, the aiming has an asston of leeway and your bullet supply is larger than you'll ever need even when you're using the smallest inventory. If your complaint is that you're missing your shots in this game "git gud" doesn't even describe the cure to the major brain damage you have.

It also has really nice pacing of bringing up the action and slowing down to keep you going without wanting to quit or getting bored.

>not blacktail

Where has all the good bait gone?

You're all wrong, it's the Handgun

>not a handgun
>le take 20000 bullets to kill everything meme

What kind of low tier pleb is so shit at video games that they can't even use a stick to easily beat a single player game, let alone one with slow moving enemies.

all of the handguns are fairly well balanced between each other, honestly.

All memes aside, if you're talking about the first gun, then I'll have to agree. It's max level ability is fucking great. The critical headshot shit.

Anons like this are fucking morons for thinking damage is better than critical hits.

blacktail is the best you piece of shit

>le shitty mauser ripoff

>he fell for the blacktail meme

Kill yourself sped.

The blacktail's strength isn't it's power, it's the aiming speed. It's much faster than any of the other handguns.

It's a viable choice for sure

>game where you kill shittons of spaniards
>nobody cares
>game where you kill shittons of africans

Nah. Fuck off autist.

At least I'm not a faggot who's literally incapable of playing games without a mouse.

He's small and and not so big as he thinks in his own eyes.

I heard this is the only decent Resident Evil...need to play it!

But first I have to play Killer7

What is wrong with you

>if you're talking about the first gun,
I am, pretty sure it had no name but Handgun.

You see the same shit with Shotgun and Striker. Sure the Striker has that capacity but it's shit at any half decent range. That's not the range I use a Shotgun, I use the Shotgun for spread into crowds (knockback to create distance or just recoil to melee) and that damage on range max level is incredible for it.

I think the Riot Gun was similar but you get it late and it underperforms compared to the Shotgun if you've kept on top of your upgrades.

Aim speed matters very little when the majority of your aiming is done before you raise your weapon to fire.

Why the fuck do you faggots always try to bring politics in out of nowhere?

Fun fact: in my country, this means "Fuck it/him"

I dont care about handgun power since I only use handguns to trip and stagger enemies and finish them with that sweet sweet suplex.

Is not like you use handguns for crowd control anyway(though the punisher can be decent at that).

the critical hit bonus is nullified by enemies who wear helmets or masks, the kind of enemy that becomes more frequent the further you progress.

Kill yourself, tumblr.

I still want to know why this dude was in an oven.

That game is frustrating as fuck, good luck

Niggers first Resident Evil.

>he doesn't know what leg shots are

>he doesn't main the knife

Played on both gamecube and wii. The motion control aiming made it better the 6th time around.

the handguns critical hit bonus only applies to headshots.

Try to control your autism. Did you forget your safety blanket?

First fun Resident Evil.


Those are the only ones you need to play.

RE2 is also being remade, so that when it drops.

I just can't stand the PS1 level graphics of the original versions.

Doesn't it mean "Rape him/it"?

Is it difficult?
Or just hard to understand?

Starting handgun does have a nice max ability, but that's at the end. Red 9 kept doing well for me throughout the game. Sure, I miss out on inventory space but it's worth it to have essentially a short range rifle.

>Why the fuck do you faggots always try to bring politics in out of nowhere?

I see you weren't old enough to be on the internet when RE5 dropped, and proto-SJW journalists started complaining about it.

>No RE3
Faggot. Nemesis is best boss in the fucking franchise.

So what? If you can't take advantage of critical headshots, you've a perfectly fine alternative. One leg shot + a suplex is an easy kill.

>he hasn't played RE2 because muh graphix
You're missing out

>using guns
>at all

yeah but if you only have your exclusive upgrade some of the time then the blacktail or the red9 are much better investments because of the original handguns very low DPS.

Also, RE3 PC has the best Merc mode.

Rape is violar. Cojer has no rape connotations, just fucking literally or figuratively. Weird I know, but that is how it is.

BIOHAZARD 0 & BIOHAZARD 4 for gamecube?

Oh yeah...Do I need to play also 1-2-3 to understand the 4th chapter?

But you can use any handgun to do that.