Aside from the fuckton of basically recycled two-phase bosses, Dark Souls 3 was pretty fun. Which bosses were most memorable to yall?
Aside from the fuckton of basically recycled two-phase bosses, Dark Souls 3 was pretty fun...
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Prince "pssssht, nothing personnel kid" Lorian was cool.
Abyss Watchers were kinda easy but I liked the idea of an army of undead constantly fighting the abyss.
Yhorm, Oceiros and THE CHAMP were the cool ones
the rest were OK
Slashing at that tree's crotch was certainly something.
Abyss watchers
>strugle to kill them
>it was only the first phase
>that fucking flame sword
After that the two phase gimmick got a little old. Nameless king was great though.
Dat Ass Boss
That giant skelly whos legs didnt work was pretty nice
>recycled bosses
What fucking recycled bosses? Did you accidentally play Dark Souls 2 instead? 3 is the only game in the series that actually doesn't recycle any boss fights.
Nameless King was great. I've been puttng my summon sign down for him, but he gets beaten too quickly when he's ganked.
Yhorm with Siegward was easy. But Yhorm's lore makes him the coolest character in Dark Souls 3.
The Nameless king
>actually doesn't recycle any boss fights
>2 Gundyr fights
Granted they have different phase 2 fights but come on user. They're the same character
Actually didn't think of him while posting that, but the Champ was acceptable due to how challenging and cool he was.
The bosses that won on memorability were:
Twin Princes
Nameless King
Pontiff Sulayvahn
Abyss Watchers
Champion Gundyr
Dancer of the Boreal Valley
Soul of Cinder
Overall I'd say the game did a pretty great job with the bosses.
Man fuck that guy
Dark Souls 3 had the best boss design in the series, despite also having the easiest bosses in the series. There's no fucking question about that. Hopefully the new DLC bosses won't disappoint.
All the between-bonfires content has been up to par with previous games, but 3 averages the best roundup of bossfights on the whole. In my opinion, of course.
I cant really pick a favorite but I can also say that none of them so far have been "THAT CHEAP FUCKING CUNT GRRRRAGAAGAH", of which all previous installments had at least three each.
>summoning for the easiest boss in the game
Why would you even walk towards him when he's puking =?
I'd disagree there, I think DS3's bosses are easily harder than DeS, DS1 and 2. They were a lot less mechanically complex, and I felt they were only really hard for me then as a result of my unfamiliarity with the series.
BB depends I guess, but I generally found the non-dlc content relatively easy.
Nameless King, Champ, Lothric Twins, and Soul of Cinder were all great. Ocerios and Skellyman were cool and memorable, fuck gimmick fight haters.
The rest were all pretty bland, especially after in my opinion Bloodborne had the best bosses by far, with the only really bad one being the One Reborn and Rom pre-patch. Rom is good now though.
When he climbs up and reaches the end you can't escape it
>running in the the mist that will obviously hurt you
What the actual fuck
>The gundyrs
>Old Demon King
All other bosses had trial and error bullshit that blindsides you during the second phase. These were the only demons tier bosses.
>Nameless king's hand trembles when he has to kill his dragon
I hate this game though
>Enemies do more damage and can put out hits through your hits
>have stun lock for days while there being none for you
>Enemies have 4 to 5 of the same enemy close by for ganking
>have 2 or so of a different enemy type close by for extra ganking
Rom is still BoC tier
Micolash, Hemwick Witches, Celestial Emissary are all garbage as well
How retarded can you be
all of them are basic humanoid with big weapon that does 3 hit combo, DS3 is literally garbo and why hype is already dead lol
>Aside from the fuckton of basically recycled two-phase bosses
What? I don't even know what you're trying to say. Are you suggesting that most bosses having two phases is "recycling" the same boss? Or that they recycle the idea of having two phases, which is unquestionably better than just having one phase?
>starts vomiting ominous smoke
>doesn't run away
you asked for it, I mean complaining about dying like that is dsp-tier
his real bullshit move is charging forward, leaving the abyss in his wake, and if you don't see it happening and drop everything to run with him then you're fucked
Least favorite boss.
When will the dlc come out? This year? I'm still waiting for my season pass to activate.
but some are hunched over so they get a pass
Rom is not BoC tier at all. Bed of Chaos was complete unfair horse shit, but Rom is perfectly fair, unique, and very atmosphere and has great lore.
>inb4 sonygger
I also loved the Duke's Dear Freja.
Witch of Hemwick is a fun little mind fuck, I don't see why you'd have a problem with it. Micolash is great, a completely unique, bizarre, funny fight and easily the most memorable character in the whole game. He can be a bit irritating to chase on consecutive playthroughs though.
Not every fight has to be Artorias.
>BB bosses
>all hit you with a claw in a 3 hit combo
BB is literally garbo and why no one is talking about it lol
You know what's funny? Until Scholar of the First Sin came out I actually thought that was slime/acid in there room, not gold treasures.
I think this game is genuinely unfair but this is 100% your fault, i never died to this boss.
The only objectively shit bosses in Dark Souls 3 are Old Demon King, Ancient Wyvern and Deacons. As for the rest, git gud.
i would have liked to kill the nameless king alone but try as i might i literally could not land a hit on his fucking dragon's head
at least summoning two dudes to fight him was fun, though the best part was the phantom in dragonslayer armor pointed to me as if to say "you the man" after the fight was over
good times
Complaining about Gundyr being recycled is worse than complaining about the Stray Demon and Asylum Demon. Stray Demon is literally just a recolored Asylum Demon with AoE.
And I just remembered there was ANOTHER fat assed demon, the Firesage Demon or whatever the fuck it was called in the Demon Ruins.
I actually survived this when i beat him in NG+. Rolled like a madman in one of the corners and didn't take any damage. He even started this climbing move once more which made him move into the wall at the end of the room and I had to hit the rocks in hope of scratching his hitbox somehow.
Also heard of someone who ran around him. This fight has some severe bugs.
Old demon king was easy as hell but shit? I don't think so. Meteor was cool.
didn't feel the bosses were recycled at all. loved them. best in the series by far
do wish the game had a boss run mode, there's no excuse not to anymore. i'm not going to run the game over and over to refight bosses. the levels aren't fun to play, even though the bosses are fun to fight
Champion Gundyr was a "recycled" boss done right. It did not feel like an afterthought compared to many of the shitty late game bosses in 1 and 2.
Micolash would be fine were it not for his absurdly damage-boosted A Call Beyond with infinite QS Bullets. Witch of Hemwick was fun too.
Sometimes I feel like people shit on these encounters because the series has a lot of awesome traditional, 1v1 duel bossfights, and they hold them both to the same kinds of standards.
deacons of the deep is pretty high tier just for the fact that they finally made the "room full of dudes" boss fight actually a cool fight
i tried the fight like 15 times losing every time until i finally got a run where he
>summoned skeletons immediately
>then pulled the sword out 30 seconds into the fight (what the fuck)
>backed me up against the wall within 3 minutes
yet that was the time i beat him.
I got killed by his elbows and his hands hitting me in ways they shouldnt have at least 10 times. badly carried out boss.
>this meme again
there are genuine complaints to make about Bloodborne, boss variety is not one of them.
>le claw werewolf bosses
10, and they are actually really varied and different
>other bosses
You hit the nail on the head with Micolash. It was definitely the extra playthroughs that made me hate fighting him. First time was awesome.
The Witches are okay. It's not really a hard at all, and not super memorable, but fun and also necessary.
Micolash is literally a shitty npc hunter who's gimmick fight-run can be solved in a minute before he decides whether you are going to get lucky with an i-frame and not get instantly killed by his magic that he will repetetively spam again and again.
If you want an example of a fight where the atmosphere, dialogue and nature of the fight all interweave to create something truly special, a mad half dragon devolving into a deranged beast, perfectly represented by music, dialogue, and boss mechanics, look no further than Oceiros.
Micolash is honestly the worst fight in Bloodborne, and arguably only a slight step up from BoC tier.
Rom is certainly a unique boss in design.
But also a very, very shit one, don't even try to defend it.
It's a largely immobile turd who's difficulty comes solely from the many, many spider minions he has who do ridiculous amounts of damage with very light looking attacks, there's no defence here. On top of this after his second phase it will literally just spam magic attacks again and again randomly, or spaz out at close range for attacks which yet again do ridiculously large amounts of damage for little to reason on a visual sense, which is both unsatisfying in terms of difficult but also visual-gameplay feedback.
It's definetely on par with the bed of chaos for terrible boss realisation, and I couldn't believe it when I first entered the fight, it must have had a second form or some shit I thought.
Witches of Hemwick is shit, stop being a fanboy.
he's got a sword? never saw it.
I was merely applying the posters deranged generalisation to bloodborne to show how easy it is.
>grave wardens start getting summoned
Just fucking end me, Wolnir.
Objective boss tier list
>Top in soulborn games
Nameless king
Champion Gundyr
>Top tier in game
Abyss watcher
Dragon slayer armor
Soul of Cinder
>Decent tier
Old demon
>Shit tier
>Tutorial tier
Iudex Gundyr
>>>> This is the double lightning dog line. Every bosses below this line are worse than the double lightning dogs.
>Mob tier
>Gimmick tier
High lord Wolnir aka skelly
>Ruined by gimmick tier
It's physically impossible to beat Micolash in a minute, what are you talking about?
>spam magic attacks randomly
he has HUGE tells for his magic attacks, all of which are totally unavoidable. Her spiderlings also don't do shit if you properly space yourself, which is what the fight is all about.
It is nowhere near Bed of Chaos, which is genuinely unfair.
>Oceiros top tier
Try garbage shit tier.
Oh. What he said about DaS III was quite retarded as well.
What the fuck, he can summon enemies? I killed him in like 30 seconds and he just shot a mist that couldn't kill me if I stood outside his arms.
There was really nothing wrong with Greatwood or Wolnir, despite them being probably the easiest in the game if you know what to do. Literally Zelda bosses, which is actually something new for the Souls series.
Why the fuck must you shit on anything that strays from the usual formula?
They did some pretty bad reusing on the bosses. I wanted to like Oceiros and Abyss Watchers but all I could think of was how they were just bitch-tier versions of Ludwig and Maria. It really took away from it overall.
The gimmick part of the fight, the "fight-run" I was referring to" , can be solved so easily and quickly it adds little to nothing to the fight.
And when you do get to the fight, it's pitiful uncreative bullshit.
While the attacks are easy to dodge for anyone who has experience, the ebrietas spam and call beyond are both very fast acting abilities, and do insane, if not insta-kill, damage.
This is in essence the same level of bullshit lazy design that went into the BoC fight.
Rom is no different.
You mention the fight is about spacing yourself.
Which is true, but this still doesn't justify why the spiderlings can do like 70% of the average players health in one of their hits when there is so many of them. It's just poor design to make up for the boss itself being obviously rushed or simply poorly thought out.
There's just no defence here.
shit gets incredibly real when he pulls the sword out, he then holds his right arm off the ground with the sword so you almost never get a chance to hit the bangles again. he can drive it into the ground for an attack that hits almost the entire screen and totally obscures your view
yeah he can summon fucking slashy gravelord skeletons, respawning skeletons, etc
I fucking loved champ gundyr and dragonslayer armor, such cool fights.
>Ruined by gimmick
Saved by Gimmick. Slashing at a Dragon's toes would make for a shitty fight, and if it would play out anything like King of the Storm, then it'd be a terrible fight.
I imagine most people wouldn't bitch about Ancient Wyvern so much if it were just a stage obstacle like other Dragons in the series, but this time around they actually gave you a cool, fast way to kill it instead of whittling it's health down with arrows.
Call beyond and Augur are both ludicrously telegraphed and easily disrupted.
As I said, Rom is like that to test your spacing. The spiderlings are very unaggressive and do not swarm you.
The only boss I vividly remember is Mega Skeleton. What a fucking disappointment.
>I wanted to like Oceiros and Abyss Watchers but all I could think of was how they were just bitch-tier versions of Ludwig and Maria.
This is probably the reason why FROM wants to stop making these kind of games. It's literally impossible to satisfy you shitheads. If they do gimmick bosses, faggots like will bitch regardless, and if they do more humanoid bosses, fags like you and bitch about that as well.
Maybe it's for the best they kill the series after all.
You played the game while you were stoned or something?
And of all the bosses you remembered the fucking skeletons? Did you "play" the game on youtube?
>"nothing personel" guy
Please, that's the Abyss Watchers.
They're just real bad at it.
Do you really think that FROM/Miyazaki really listen to people? They do whatever the fuck they want.
No, they're not at all.
A call beyond is much fairer with it's telegraph to a newer player, but they still wouldn't be sure on the dodge forward to escape mechanism that works every time.
Augur of ebrietas however is very quick, and the huge damage micolash causes with it is in no way justified.
This all doesn't really even take away from the fact that Micolash fight is just lazy in every sense.
Roms fight is shit because it has tons of minions that do 90% health damage, every single one of her attacks does 90% health damage, and it's mechanically very simple
It's just awful
Sorry if I don't have pleasant memories of "roll sideways and jam my sword up their arse" boss #354 user. The bosses were dogshit in this entry.
Bloodborne is better
Sorry you have just described every soulborn game ever. You shouldn't have played the game at all.
Nigger I can tell you didn't play Bloodborne. I love gimmick bosses and I love humanoid bosses but Oceiros LITERALLY reused many moves from Ludwig while being far, far easier and less interesting. Abyss Watchers Phase 2 was the exact same gimmick as Maria but with less health, less aggressive, less range, and slower.
I loved many other bosses in DaS III but Oceiros and AW phase 2 were totally recycled
>mfw I killed Wyvern by smacking his ankles for half an hour
If it makes you feel better, I like the game very much outside of boss fights.
How the fuck did you immediately think oceiros was like Ludwig?
If anything the first half of the fight is more like a weird version of the asylum demon fights and the second half is like a mix of sanctuary guardian and the blood starved beast.
Thematically they're similar through opposites I guess, but I fail to see how this would ever be the thoughts coming out of the fight.
>Sorry if I don't have pleasant memories of "roll sideways and jam my sword up their arse" boss #354 user. The bosses were dogshit in this entry.
I'm curious to hear what your definition of a "good" Souls boss is then. Go on, let's hear it.
Augur is the only move where he sticks his arm straight out. He sticks it straight out, quite slowly, and it glows blue, and then the slow, narrow tentacles come out, and even walking to the side dodges it. It also gives you a free opportunity to stunlock him for your entire stamina bar.
>shit gets incredibly real when he pulls the sword out, he then holds his right arm off the ground with the sword so you almost never get a chance to hit the bangles again. he can drive it into the ground for an attack that hits almost the entire screen and totally obscures your view
sounds like the game's punishing you for not killing him as quickly as he's meant to be killed
Man I had an amazing video of an execution and deleted it by mistake.
>invadind as grapeknight after pontiff
>aldrichfag also invading
>He breaks host defence with R1 spam
>We both close in to riposte
>We both stab and kick the host at the same time plunging him to his death
Man that moment felt epic.
As soon as I laid the first strike on him I knew it was some Yhorm shit. I hope you did it as some form of challenge (tedium) and not because you legitimately thought "This is the way. This is intentional."
I don't have one because as that other guy said that's all the bosses in the souls series. Outside of dumb gimmick shit like the fire bug tree thing.
I got him through phase 1 so fast I hardly noticed anything he did, but phase 2 was ludwig.
>exact same headbutts/charges
>same claw swipes
>identical breath attack
and the scream he made in his intro cutscene sounded like a pitch-shifted ludwig shriek.
Then as the other user stated, you shouldn't even have bothered with this series at all.
Oceiros's weapon phase plays literally nothing like ludwig the holy blade.
Oceiros's second phase is much more spasmic and floaty like the blood starved beast, while he also has flying attacks.
Ludwig is really not very similar apart from them both looking weird.
I can see where you are coming from with abyss watchers, but it was a useful way of keeping with the fire/ember feeling that all the lords of cinder had, while also making it appropriate in difficulty for a relatively early boss.
But then like I said, I enjoy the rest of the game. Keep up my man, the info is all there.
This fight was pretty much perfect, especially when summoning Orbeck
I agree with list, except for gimmick tier and Deacons.
Vatican parade is good mob fight. It has neat design and music. Same situation with Tree and Wolnir.
DS3 bosses for me on pair with vanilla BB (atmosphere-wise Twins or NK even can beat OH bosses).
Wywern is shit, too bad DS3 hasn`t any decent dragon boss. Also, there isn`t any newbie killer like Capra, Papa G or Sentinels.
to repeat, he's capable of pulling the sword out within 30 seconds
and to repeat again, you go fight him with the great axe faggot. ppl who didnt go through this game with the great axe and heavy armor builds can fuck off
i'm sure everything was so hard with your longsword and its huge sweeping hitbox that hits everything for 2 miles
>Recycled bosses
Gundyr was recycled but the second version is a totally different fight. Abyss Watchers are basically a modified Maria. And I guess Ocerios is Orphan of Kos?
They share a lot of moves, my main point wasn't them being identical, it was just the fact that Oceiros was already so easy that when he used Ludwig moves it just reminded me how easy Oceiros was when Ludwig was so hard.
>Recycled bosses
I'm still trying to figure out what he meant by this as well. I guess OP struggles to refrain from some degree of shitposting each time he needs to post a new thread.
What is it with this two-phase meme? Is having a second phase a bad trait for a boss now?
The Abyss Watchers
The Pontiff
The Champ
The Nameless King
They were good and memorable.
The Princes were just an easier version of the Throne Watcher/Defender from DS2.
The Crystal Sage was shit and gets rehashed in the archives.
Vordt was shit and gets rehashed several times throughout the game.
Dancer was okay.
Iudex Gundyr is a good tutorial boss.
Yhorm, Tree, Deacons, Wolnir and Ancient Wyvern are all lame gimmicky bosses.
Old Demon King is just a slightly different Smelter Demon from DS2.
Aldrich is also rehashed stuff and also too easy.
Dragonslayer Armour was a little bit tough but nothing a bit of rolling solved
Oceiros is shit
Soul of Cinder is shit.
I doubt anyone agrees with my opinion but I found the Deacons of the Deep to be one of the best boss fights in the game. The fight was drenched in atmosphere and if you have a weapon lacking in a sweeping attack it's pretty tense as they keep busting out more and more attacks and the super pope appears.
They have slightly similar movesets, that's really all there is.
Oceiros in his second phase is more floaty and all over the place than ludwig, he's prone to using his spinning attack, flying crystal breath attack, and his breath attack which is nothing like ludwig's breath, neither is it very threatening, oceiros's foward slashy attack is where I'm guessing you're getting the majority of your comparison muddled up, and even then, oceiros's is much less focussed on the player, as he is supposed to be going literally berserk, which is why he had that weird feeling of not actually focussing on the player.
I agree that ludwig is a better boss mechanically, but they really aren't recycling the moveset here like you are memeing.
Not the most difficult, but I always feel badass whenever I dodge Lorian's swings. Music is perfect too.