20 years later

>20 years later
>Still the best 3D Mario game

Miyamoto peaked June 23, 1996


With still the most completely unusable camera in any Mario game to date.

It's been 20 years so how about you take off the goggles already?

Gitting gud with the camera is part of the game and pretty rewarding once you achieve it

I never understood this complaint. The camera is fine.

I can see fine with mario mode far

How can it be the best 3D Mario when Sunshine is better in every possible way?

I like 3D world.

alright, this one is pretty funny

>no longjump
Shit game

Oh boy I really digging the various themes the courses has!! Like the water level! And that beach level that obviously has water! Or the slightly different other water level! Or that village that needs "fire" dirt to simulate a fire level!
brb, gotta collect a fuckton of blue coins for the remaining shines

when will you gamecube kids just stop posting and kill yourselves? all of your games from your childhood were garbage, just own up to it.

That's not Super Mario Sunshine.

As much as I genererally liked Sunshine, it was quite frankly a disappointing follow-up to 64.

Nintendo really shot themselves in the foot with Super Mario 64.

It's like there's no point in buying any new Mario games. They're all shorter, easier, and less imaginative than Mario 64.

Super Mario 3D World is fucking GOAT if you are not a friendless fuck

Yeah, no contest, the water shit was a depressingly stupid gimmick and the world didn't feel like Mario at all

So that's why I don't like it :(

anybody else really hate snowman's land or is it just me

We could have a lively debate about whether it's really the best 3D Mario, but first...

I have to say the game is quite boring and unimpressive when replayed today. The levels feel so small.

I can't remember ever having problem with camera in The Mario 64 Game

it's a fun game, but it's too easy

That's not Super Mario Galaxy.

I fucking hate the multiplayer argument.
3D Marios are focused on the single player experience, but they had to butcher that so it could have a better co op which pretty much ruins it.
If I wanna play a multiplayer or party game then I go play a damn multiplayer of party game but leave the mainline mario games goddamn alone

Loaded this bitch up on my Wii. I forgot how much fun it is. That eel in Jolly Roger Bay is being a cunt, though.

The camera has cunt moments but it's still fine.

The camera was great, it never got in the way of the game for me


galaxy is boring

Galaxy 2 then?

I love how in SM64 and OoT they canonized the camera systems the games had. Nobody does cool shit like that anymore.

didn't play it because 1 was boring

ooc had fucking awful camera mechanics, mario 64 is fine when you get to know it but ooc is fucking sh***it no matter how you look at it

this nigger gets it

SMS was great too, but SM64 is definitely the most solid 3D Mario. It aged like a fine wine.

your life is boring

You need to be 18 or older to post here.

I am


SM64 and OoT camera systems revolutionized games. One of the best games this year, DaS3 basically copied OoT's wholesale for good reason.

That reminds me, do you think there should be a new GEX game?

revolutionary =/= good

Hi there, Arin. Reminder that everything that you did right on Megaman X sequelitis, you fucked up in OOT.

>there's so MUCH WAITING!

Square-Enix owns the IP and is leasing it out to Indie developers until they get an idea of what to do with it

but they were revolutionary and good
The games taught you how to control the cameras, and made it easy to use
If you can't use the cameras in those two games then you must be slow

Yes it is. Please explain how it isn't.

Super Mario 64 camera was revolutionary and good
Ocarina of Time camera was revolutionary

>Super Mario 64 DS is older than SM64 was when it released

How is it not good, yet good enough for everybody else to copy it?

I can build a house that's built up on an extremely innovative new way of thinking about architecture which inspires countless of people to continue building based on the same principles, that doesn't mean my house might not fall apart within a year

it's a good idea, not a good execution

How is it not good? Its pretty much unchanged in modern games and I haven't heard people complain about cameras in years.

too jerky and doesn't feel like it reacts naturally to how you're manipulating the controller

>We're as far away from the Wii's release as Wii was from the N64

>the gamecube was released the same year as 9/11

Is it illegal to dislike OoT here? I know it was revolutionary at the time but I genuinely found it to be boring as fuck and inferior to Link's Awakening or ALttP.
Maybe my expectations were just too high since it's considered to be the best game of all time by so many people.

back in the time it was pretty much agreed upon that OoC is overrated, but ever since Sup Forums was invaded by r/games and the like things have changed

what kind of bullshit is that
in oot you need the camera behind you
that's where the camera should be it lets you see your cool character, and anything in front of you.
They give you a button that puts the camera behind you every time you press it
you just press the button everytime the camera isn't somewhere you want it
the game only tells you how to use it a million times

No, you're allowed to dislike it. But the game did accomplish a lot for its time and that managed to wow a lot of people. so the general consensus of the game is positive. You're in a minority

>Is it illegal to dislike OoT here?
No. Its just such a good and revolutionary game its basically the closest thing gaming will have to a Citizen Kane. This leads to armchair game designers and contrarians (aka egoraptor) hating it on principal. You get lumped up with them unfortunately when criticizing it.

the game telling you how it works doesn't make it good
look at Super Mario 64, it has one of the greatest cameras of any game, you move your stick and it moves to where you want it, the only times that becomes a problem is if there's a wall in the way, in which case you shouldn't be moving the camera that way anyway
in OoC all you can really do is reset the camera, not very good

You don't need more camera control than resetting it behind Link and locking on enemies in Zelda. Its not a platformer like Mario, the camera generally should have Link in the center with the player looking at his back until combat starts.

They teach you how to overcome any visual obstacles in the begining of the game when you get your kokori sword. There's really no instance in the game more cramped than that

sure, it works, you can play the game, but it's not a great system

It is though, you are the only person I have ever seen complain about it.

>you are the only person I have ever seen complain about it.
That's very nice and probably reassures your view, however it doesn't mean anything and doesn't mean the camera mechanics are good

>everybody else in the world doesn't have an issue with the camera
>but its still not good

most people like big macs, that doesn't mean it's a fine piece of cuisine

That's not how you say Sunshine.

This nigger is fucking retarded

Sorry but:
1. fuck you, Galaxy 1 is not boring
2. Galaxy 2 is better in every way.

Galaxy (1) isn't 20 years old yet user. That's just carelessness

Galaxy 2 only beats 1 in level design and gameplay.

Everything else, music, atmosphere, charm, etc was better in 1.

Enjoy your shitty physics

This. Hate all you want, it was revolutionary. It was like Nintendo looked at a horse and cart and said "Let's make a car" and the first car they made was a ferrari.

It is the greatest game ever made.

That's not 3D Land.
That's not Galaxy 2.

But yeah, pretty good game.