Launch Feb 12: $40

>Launch Feb 12: $40
>New May 9: $16
What the hell is with this game? Didn't sell? Is it bad? Over inventory?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's like the first game, but this time they overstocked it.

It's a game for weebs, what did you expect?

It's the same shit as the first, except this time they decided to have more copies.


The latter. It's leaps and bounds above PxZ1 and has a faster flow. Though some would say it's a bit too easy since crit+back attack make it easy to OHKO damn near any boss in the game

First game was so shitty that nobody wanted to buy the 2nd game.

Came out a few days before FE Fates and wasn't marketed nearly as hard as that game was.

Where the fuck do you get it for $16?

No kidding. Cheapest I've seen it is at Walmart for $29.99.

It's a little under $18 on Amazon.

Namco kinda overestimated the demand for another project x zone after the first sold 400k copies.

3ds' first two years were pretty shitty in terms of library, due to publishers holding up development until 3ds sales improved, leaving whatever was left to take all the sales. PxZ1 was one of those. Releasing the sequel this late was even worse.

I just think that many people were turned off by the previous game.

I am one of them.
I expect a good SRPG featuring characters from games that I played.

What I get is a shit grindy fighting game disguised as a poor mobile tier SRPG

I remember when the game was confirmed for localization. So many people were saying that it was bad and giving evidence and all.

People just ignored them or told them to fuck off and there was no way it could be bad. People were just too hyped for a crossover of this level so they wanted to believe it was good no matter what. I can imagine a lot of people being upset when they found out it was shit just like people said.

There were two groups of people who bought PxZ at release, the ones who knew what they went for and those who saw some character they liked (mostly X and Zero) and didn't know shit about the game.

I understand the disappointment, but it's their own fault.

The first game was piss easy and seeing all the fucking weebs jerk over the sequel on Sup Forums was cringe as fuck.

The second game was legitimately a massive improvement over the first that did address quite a few issues that people had with the first. I could appreciate that, and it added some characters I really like, notably Kiryu and Majima.

That said, I didn't actually buy the game, since lmao piracy.

>legitimately a massive improvement

The only improvements I've wanted to see are the battles not dragging on for up to an hour each chapter and a lot of nothing happening throughout the story. Is that in the sequel?

Yes. Enemies aren't HP bloated (Fuck you can one shot them if you want even bosses with the right setup) and characters actually interact with other.

The average time a fight lasts was drastically lowered, thanks to limiting you to 3 attacks per unit, maybe 4 if you do the new mirage cancel thing, removing the speed-turn order shit and just giving you a player and enemy phase, making enemies less tanky, making everything less reliant on XP so you can actually use supers, making XP gain faster with no arbitrary limit at 100 without crosshits (Crosshits now give you shitloads of meter and can be broken by certain parts of attacks, giving more damage and more meter), and limiting the amount of units you have deployed, so you don't have to burn through every single character you have before you can get to the next turn.

Plus, there is more character customization and as the other guy said, the characters interact with each other more, and the game seems to be having more fun with itself, hence shit like Segata Sanshiro being around as well as all the SEGA characters somehow knowing him.

The only complaint I had with the game was how easy it was to one shot everything but I can forgive Monolith since they included Shinobi and Yuzo Koshiro.

Good. I might consider playing this game then.

Characters actually interacting with each other unlike the first game was what sold me.

Got 12 chapters in. Was pretty boring but I liked the character interactions. I rather have an ARPG altogether though. SRPGs aren't my thing.

overstocked, and a lot of people thought it was a jump stars clone because of some shit marketing.

>That scene

Okay I'm fucking sold if there's more like this.

it is shit, its amounts to nothing then a fireworks show and fan servcice

It had a lot of great scenes.


Posting best character:

This already looks far superior to the first game. Looks like they're taking the fanservice more seriously.



Phoenix being Phoenix

are these screen shots for real


Why would they not be?

Oh so real

Someone got the draw request that came out of this?

Didn't expect Summon Night to make it into these games.

Have the screenshots of that Resonance of Fate character saying "Found the old ladies!" and such?

Yep. There's even something of a running gag where all the guys like her.

Segata is a gift to video games

>Aura getting a hard-on with Segata

There's this scene which was pretty hilarious.

I'm surprised this hasn't become a meme that Sup Forums's forced into the ground yet.

We are missing several games in the series because JPN only. So the story is missing plot. Other than that, maybe people didn't like the mechanics.

What are the other games?

I know of NxC, the Endless Frontier games, and PxZ and PxZ2

>MFW Hiroshi Fujioka returned to lend his voice and likeness to play Segata again for PXZ2

Based Fujioka.


NxC is probably the only one. The first Endless Frontier game is in English. Exceed isn't but there was only one reference to it in the first PxZ done by Haken and Kaguya and they're not in PxZ 2 anyways.
PxZ 2 is also pretty stand alone and they recap the events of the first two games so it's fine to go into it without playing the previous games.

>taking the fanservice more seriously

What an oxymoron.

He means shit like the games that are represented in the crossover not coming over, but all I can really think of on that front are Valkyrie, Segata, Summon Night (Which is getting a game with Aty in it released soon, right?), NxC (They show up in Endless Frontier) ,and Sakura Wars (Gemini shows up from the one game they localized).

>Summon Night (Which is getting a game with Aty in it released soon, right?),
I'm guessing you mean SN6. Which already came out in Japan.

Aside of that and Sakura Wars most of the games featured in PxZ had a western release in someway.

That's hilarious. I've had that saved for a while now. I had no idea it was because of this game, I thought it was just making fun of Chrom's social ineptitude.

Nah. I'm talking about 5.

We actually got it on PSP and Vita in the states not to long ago, now that I look.

Ah. I see then I kinda misread your post.

Do I need to play the first game to enjoy the second?

I sort of want to get it just for the fact Phoenix and Maya are in it.

Is this that much of a surprise? The original also dropped in price pretty quickly, the only rare/expensive copies are the ones that still have the art book and soundtrack intact.

It has Yakuza characters. Of course it didn't sell well in West. They are cursed


The second game is doesn't require previous knowledge beyond some characters occasionally making offhanded remarks about how this situation is similar to one they were in before.


Game got pulled from the eshop, so it'll probably peak later.

BASED Norio Wakamoto

If you're talking about the story, then no. Though the first one isn't a bad game per SE.I found it enjoyable enough, though it does have a few fatal flaws such as way too many reinforcements in later chapters and way too many of said reinforcements having way too much HP. There are 2 regular enemies in that game with 90,000+ HP.

Should I play the first before buying this game?

>Crossover between Sega, Namco, and Capcom
>It's not a fighting game or a racing game
>3DS only


I got this game for muh Fiora. How much of Xenoblade Chronicles is in the game?

They go back to the Bionis and Mechonis and everyone goes crazy over her world.
Also, Metal Face is a recurring boss and teams up with Telos.
There's also a VA joke with him and Bison since they share the same VA.

Metal Face is in it.


And it looks like the price is fluctuating by pennies every second.

All I needed to hear. Thanks.

I'm currently playing the first game. I liked Endless Frontier quite a bit, mostly just playing this for the fanservice and fighting mechanics.

At one point is it a good idea to drop it and move on to the sequel? I've no interest in finishing it. Is there a certain point where it stops introducing new characters and becomes overly grindy/slow/etc?

>Is there a certain point where it stops introducing new characters and becomes overly grindy/slow/etc?
They keep reintroducing or introducing characters until 3/4 of the game. Never made it to the final boss, but I never had the need to grind.

*At what point

another PXZ2 thread? sweet.






Holy shit, they actually got the rights to Hiroshi Fujioka's likeness for this game? Sega didn't have it for the longest time which is why there were barely any Segata Sanshiro cameos, and the few that existed barely showed his face or didn't identify him by name.


aaaaaaand that's it for the hot springs

they did a damn good job with this title.

>bought it on release
>still haven't managed to finish the first game
The length of each map is completely fucked.

>Felicia looks the same
>She's already naked


Calm down, Vashy.

You can just drop that shit and just move on to 2.

You won't be missing much.

I'm like 30 maps in or something, abandoning it after all this will just make it all feel like a waste. It's an awful feeling. The actual character interactions are great, but each fight in-between is just incredibly long.

She is a pure nun, you sick fuck

For the first PxZ, just drop it whenever you feel tired of it. Personally I got all the units first before I dropped it.

>there's STILL no Sheath porn


just be thankful, user.

Every game should be an Ace Atrorney crossover.

Thanks OP. Bought it.

Worst Girl