Motion blur ON

>Motion blur ON

another frog picture to add to the filter

>Film Grain ON

Dumb frogposter.

>Borderless window

I like motion blur. It's very 'next gen' of 2006. And I have fond feelings about those times.

I like letterboxing. It makes me feel like I'm playing a movie.

Fight me.

>Xbox ON

>cel shading

I will never understand this meme.

>Pixel based graphics

>Chromatic Abberation

Damn, bro, how can you even watch movies?

>disable motion
>choppy 30fps animations in 60 fps game


>Mouse smoothing

for a console peasant, motion blur is just a part of life

>Anti-Aliasing: On

motion blur is fun

>Top end gaming rig
>Recommended settings LOW

> anti-aliasing

Sure, and 30fps is "cinematic" right?

>Texture quality: ULTRA
>Not enough VRAM
>Switches to windowed mode

stupid ambhibian submitter

I bet you like chromatic aberration as well.


>music on/off
>sound on/off

>Emulating GC games
>Config, "uncapp framerate"
>Game is capped at 30 fps by design.