What the fuck went wrong?
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>oh dude lets bring back a series of games that was ONCE popular haha and guys lets name it "Doom" like the original! haha this is such an original idea right guys? haha please buy our game old Doom fans please
absolute garbage formulas and companies who do that should be ashamed of themselves
You making this thread with a shit meme that's what.
maybe just trying too hard?
I'm not sure. I did some alpha testing for this game and got paid, so that was nice. But I thought it was pretty shit. Nothing new nor exciting about it.
end me
end life as we know it
>You will never play real Doom 4
Consoles have only made our lives crueler.
Probably not in the game. Doom 4 will be slow shit like the multiplayer. Stop posting this.
a man can pipedream
>slow shit
When will this meme die?
new DOOM looks fun
You got older
what we are seeing is what happens when producers instead of game designers decide what's in a game.
>will this meme die?
>uses the fun meme
We want the Call of Duty audience - who are also the entirety of the shooter market young and old.
Did you know you had the option to make your own opinions about a game when it's actually released without the influence of tard threads?
why are SJWs such fucking shills?
Its looks good
>play as Master Chief
>fighting demons that are stupidly colored to pander to fans
>using a variety of shitty weapons with universal ammo
>where there's a shitty plot with a robot antagonist to interrupt you
>as you play a cramped corridor single player and slow as fuck multiplayer mode
>with console metered action and weapon reloading
>and cutting-edge graphics because its a tech demo
>with limited tools to allow console players to create their own """maps""" by copying and pasting resources
>it's 2016 and they're shitting on a game that was perfected in the 90s, so it helps us realize gaming has gone to shit
agreed. its just fucking rehashing for a younger audience who haven't seen it before
looks fun
hopefully it actually ends up like that
t. guy who wasn't around when Doom 1 came out
Doom by today's standards is boring as fuck and not particularly good but people heap praise on it because of tradition and innovation. Even a 1-to-1 Doom remake with modern tech would get middling sales at best, and most of those sales would come from people who had played Doom already. It's basically Pong at this point, no longer resonates with a modern audience, and is strictly worst than the games it inspired.
They pandered to multiplayer people instead of it having the best shooting in hell ever.
>fast action
no new ideas
>comes out friday
is it that time already
nothing went wrong it looks great you fucking faggot.
Of course a 1:1 Doom remake would get middling sales. To be honest, so would a game that is clearly meant to be a successor to Doom (this most recent one is not.) There's very little universal appeal for Doom-type gameplay today, it'd be a niche title. From a business standpoint, they're making the right call appealing to a new audience, but I'm not exactly sure it's going to catch on there either.
>gaming has gone to shit
when will this meme end
This is what bothers me a lot, did uncapping the framerate make it fast because it's one of those shit engines made for consoles and messing with the fps fucks the gameplay?
I just dont see why the multiplayer should be slower than the single player, both had looked slow as shit until the 1080gtx announcement.
>I haven't watched any footage aside from the initial trailers
Fix up your post for you faggot.
Calm the fuck down you autistic nigger. It hasn't even went yet.
from what they've shown it just seems like a boring game
at least rage had a fairly unique setting for an fps, cool gadgets and MEGATEXTURES
i dont even see how the new doom is a AAA game.. the scope of it is so small.. i hope they're just keeping most of it under wraps
I literally played the beta. I guess it's considered "fast" for you millennials, since the only fps you know of is COD.
sure its not relevant by today's standards but show me a modern fps that has
Maze levels
Fast movement
7 weapons at once
Shit ton of enemies at once
Go on ill wait, consoles brought with them a fucking shitty linear gameplay that has tainted the industry for a long time, games are no longer made by gamers but by corporate shills. Same reason why DOOM is now trying to be a fucking Halo.
>calling some a sjw because they like something different than you
Wee lad.
He hasn't even played it. it's right on the bottom of the screen
Is this shit on Blackcats yet? Haven't been home to long on for a few days and check myself.
yeah it seems like something that one of those Slav studios like the Serious Sam guys could have made, except it looks a lot more boring than those games. it's probably pretty low budget and they're spending a lot on marketing to try to make a big profit. i hope.
>played the shitty multiplayer that id software didn't even develop
Of course, it's not like Certain Affinity has a good track record of developing multiplayer gamemodes and I'd call id out on being lazy and not just doing the multiplayer themselves.
>more after more bombs
>games becoming more disposable every year
>many major franchises are rapidly decreasing in popularity
>console .5 updates
crash soon
This shit has been announced right after Doom 3 came out, so your "point" or whenever doesn't even apply here.
it's pathetic how adamantly Sup Forums hates modern games and assumes that because you guys don't like them they're not successful with literally everyone else
shouldn't you guys be on /vr/?
>Doom by today's standards is boring as fuck and not particularly good
The original Doom and Doom 2 are STILL some of the best experiences you can have in the entire genre, and have an OCEAN of high quality player content.
The same CAN NEVER be said about D44M because there is no support for player content other than their shitty custom maps system.
>There are people ITT defending Doom 4
So this is the future of Sup Forums huh?
The only FPS better than Doom 1 is Blood. Not sure where you're getting the "worse than its successors" shit from. Games like Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior, Quake and Unreal are close, but it's all downhill after that. A recreation of Doom with new levels in this day and age would be amazing because of how shit the genre has become.
it's another shooter designed for consoles with low skill ceiling and dumbed down for the latest generations. Also just a mix of FPS games hoping people cash in on the name.
future of every popular messageboard
it's impossible to contain shills and those that spread virals inadvertently.
>That FOV
Holy shit, it's like trying to look through a glass orb. Turn that shit down.
you aren't actually retarded enough to think it was in development since then? Of course they aren't just gonna say they're not doing another game after one comes out. They want to leave that possibility.
go to /vr/ and tell them that,
seriously go
It's the easiest way to signify the Doomguy's health.
or maybe devs wanted to make different kinds of games since they already made that before
who /multiplayer-open-beta-was-fun-as-fuck/ here?
Sure it's not on par with something crazy techincal like Quake or UT but I still had lots of fun.
>A mediocre MAD wannabe turned cuck clickbait
Why didn't they get Splash Damage to do multiplayer?
An Enemy Territory: Doom Edition would've been better than COD/Halo with Agitating Skeletons.
Can we make a rule here to purposely Derail any thread involving shilling? it's getting out of hand
right we need more senseless hate
I honestly think it looks good, but there's no way in Hell I'm paying money for this. I've been burnt by Bethesda way too many fucking times to know you never pay full price for their games.
yea youre right user! We should all have one opinion and one opinion only!
You're a genius user, no one can find out we like NORMIE games the NORMIES play. We have to pretend to be edgy and counterculture!
>modern fps
They are trash, just because you grew up with halo it doesn't make it good. Things went worse after the cinematic experience took over, now not only you have an incredibly shallow gameplay but you its tagged along 30fps, terrible stories and no mods.
I still remember when people were shitting on the dlc horses from the elder scrolls, nowadays people give 15 bucks for 4 maps that would have been free a few years ago.
Fuck, today's gaming industry is just pure garbage.
it does look low budget and shitted out, despite what the marketing would have you believe
im assuming they're putting most resources toward Rage 2 and making it a proper AAA release
You can make yourself faster with the skill system or whatever it is.
>oh dude lets bring back a series of games that was ONCE popular haha and guys lets name it "Doom" like the original! haha this is such an original idea right guys? haha please buy our game old Doom fans please
I fucking hate this shit so much now. I refuse to buy into any of these obvious cashgrabs. Not just games but movies, tv, everything these days. People are just less creative and more greedy, trying to milk shit for as much as they can.
Like star wars, of course disney wants to milk it as much as they can, the new shit? It's not canon at all, they can claim all they want but it's just another cashgrab. The only way to end this is to put a firm foot down on the matter.
Like how loli threads derailed by spiderman images? sounds like a good idea but i dont think it will happen.
nothing really, still looks fun as fuck.
>then again, I thought DOOM3 was great until replaying it recently
still buying it because nothing really comes out that is mindless timekilling fun until Shadow Warrior 2 comes out.
It actually looks like a Doom game compared to Doom 3 you faggot. It's true that Bethesda has a lot of shills on Sup Forums but this isn't a reason to shit on everything.
Pretty sure they want your money alongside all the 12 yo's that grew up on cod and halo.
UT99 isn't even "crazy technical". It was just a good game with weapon pickups and actual satisfying and powerful weapons.
if the game is good then so be it, I won't buy it on release but I want an objective view of the game when it releases, not senseless hate or love
>DOOM's shotgun
>not satisfying and powerful
Shh, don't bring truth near those shills. they are allergic to it
at least they didn't try to ruin Commander Keen
id shills BTFO
>skill system
I bet my virgin ass its the exact same thing as TNO, aka a placebo skill system with upgrades you're going to unlock anyway by playing the campaign, with a few totally unecessery upgrades that dont do shit and are almost impossible to unlock like the 'kill 10 enemies with one grenade' or some shit like that from TNO
why do they insist on putting that crap in what should be a pure fps I just dont get it.
shhhh this is Sup Forums
yeah I know, but goddammit I want to at least try
>Top Left
>Top Right
Halo Reach
Crysis 2
>Bottom Left
Black Ops
>Bottom right
Killzone 3.
Give me a challenge.
Trying to do what was done with Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Sup Forums is full of memes and opinions and you are just another fag that jumped on the meme bandwagon. If you actually look at recent gameplay you wouldn't shitpost like the kike meister you are.
Why not just wait until Friday and look at some videos of the game and find out for yourself if it is good.
TNO was great though
Because Sup Forums doesn't buy games they sit around and complain about there not being a crack yet
adds depth
you'd be surprised, people will power through games they dont like just to get the next rank. just look at ASSFAGGOTS
>Modernized doom would not be fun
>it's another d44m hate thread
So many newfag game journalists keep calling ID "id" and not "eye-dee" too.
>tumblr kiddies literally can't understand how the two games are different
I like how they don't talk about any of the actual mechanics, they just give vague similarities the two games share.
didn't call anybody a sjw
>indie pixelshit
no thanks
>Doom by today's standards is boring as fuck and not particularly good
That must be why shitloads of people still play it and there's still new fanmade content being made for it over 20 years later, right?
it is slow. On consoles at least, if that video is anything to go by, maybe PC users will have a better experience.
I've never been so triggered.
Bethesda made it
>You can see a picture of his face on the fucking screen
>I guess
>2 at a time
>Multiplayer wasn't the focus
>Brutal Doom
every fucking time there's one of these guys shilling it
Why does Rowntree trigger me so much?