>What about Adachi or Dojima? (especially during the Nanako hospital scenes) Rise was extraordinarily wide in her delivery of lines. Teddy doesn't have awful voice acting either. Perhaps it's a personal thing, but I'm not as disgusted as you are by it.
All felt lifeless with no effort put into it. You could clearly tell they were just reading from a script and didn't even attempt to try make the shit they said sound good.
>Did you complete any social links?
Yukiko, Nanako, Yosuke.
>Did you see how the characters were more than just dimensional JRPG protags?
>Did you finish the game? It goes further than Adachi and his "whores and bitches"
Yes. I didn't feel like it went further than that at all, though the plot was so bland that I can't say I was paying as much attention to it as I could have.
>Not going to lie, of all the points you've made, this is perhaps the strongest. I'm not the biggest fan of its OST, but I'm not going to call it pure trash.
Well I'm glad we sort of agree on something, although considering I literally only liked one track, I definitely have to call it trash.
I hold my vidya music in high regards, and Persona 4's OST just did absolutely nothing for me other than irritate me to the point of muting it on several occasions.
>If you think that P4 has the worst plot or VA-work ever then you've only played like three games
I'd be willing to wager that I've played more JRPG's than anybody in this thread.
Now I will admit that I'm hard to please as far as voice acting goes, which is why I tend to prefer Jap dubs because at least then I can't fully tell if the voice acting is bad, but regardless of that, the voice acting in this game is still absolute shit. Several of the characters were just grating and cringe worthy to listen to.
>it's still better than a lot of RPGs including Trails and FF.
Trails yes, FF? Debatable. FFXII shits all over persona in every way possible, and actually has quality voice acting.