Garbage voice acting

>Garbage voice acting
>Cringe worthy dialogue ("Sensei! It's dangerous!")
>One dimensional characters
>Worst plot in video game history
>OST is terrible besides the shadow boss theme
>Sup Forums wants more of this literal trash from persona 5

Embarrassing to be honest.
When did you all suddenly develop shit taste in video games? Because Persona is a laughably bad series is 4 is anything to go by, and that's all 5 looks like, is a rehash of 4 with much uglier characters.

No wonder everybody has left here and went to our new secret hideout, this place is a cesspool of bad taste.
I could slap an anime girl on a can of shit and you worthless fucks would eat it up.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Worst plot in video game history

You have a few points in that post, but come on now.

>No wonder everybody has left here and went to our new secret hideout
Please feel free to never come back

what about Persona threads made you think the game was good?

butthurt XV fag detected

Well, it's your own fault for playing the worst one.

if you think people living in Japan using Japanese words is cringeworthy you're going to be very shocked to know that millions of people speak like that in real life

>Translated game throwing in cringy jap words for no reason.

Yes I know what you mean, Onii-chan.

kill yourself you retard

>it's an "assblasted persona cretin chimes in" thread

What the fuck did you just say to watashi?

>our new secret hideout

>garbage voice acting
I 100% disagree.
>cringe worthy dialogue
Some parts are iffy, but 95% of the lines are delivered without a hint of cringe.
>one dimensional characters
Considering depth of character has literally everything to do with the story, I disagree.
>Worst plot
Come on now
>OST is terrible
Are you even trying at this point?


>Garbage voice acting
>Cringe worthy dialogue ("Sensei! It's dangerous!")

Just emulate the undub version. I was using a 470 when I played it and still got consistent 60+ FPS.

No but seriously the adventures of Justin Beiber and his Scooby-Doo gang was pretty shit compared to Emo Jesus

>I 100% disagree

Top kek, tbqh.
The voice acting is pure trash. This is non disputable.

>Some parts are iffy, but 95% of the lines are delivered without a hint of cringe.
I disagree, considering I was cringing throughout the vast majority of the game. Absolutely awful.

>Considering depth of character has literally everything to do with the story, I disagree.

What character depth? The characters are all as generic and bland as can be. I literally couldn't have gave the slightest shit about any of them because of this.
Modern day bioware can write more involved and deep characters than what is present in this trash.

>Come on now
>Guy asshurt about girls kills people
Wew lad, epic story 10/10 - kotaku

>Are you even trying at this point?
I'm completely right though. Heartbreak is so shit that I muted that crap after it looped for the second time.

I'll keep it in mind but I have no desire to play this shit ever again.

Is the anime any good?

Web lad you made me cringe before my beddybye you autistic fuck.

In case you, as the one dimensional character yourself, don't know: people have different taste in games. And yours so happens to be shit.

>teddy VO
What about Adachi or Dojima? (especially during the Nanako hospital scenes) Rise was extraordinarily wide in her delivery of lines. Teddy doesn't have awful voice acting either. Perhaps it's a personal thing, but I'm not as disgusted as you are by it.

>Character depth
Did you complete any social links? Did you see how the characters were more than just dimensional JRPG protags? I think Kanji is a good example, his sexuality and how he expresses it is still discussed on Sup Forums

Did you finish the game? It goes further than Adachi and his "whores and bitches"

Not going to lie, of all the points you've made, this is perhaps the strongest. I'm not the biggest fan of its OST, but I'm not going to call it pure trash.

meant for

If you think that P4 has the worst plot or VA-work ever then you've only played like three games, and Persona 4 only has "bad" gameplay compared to other SMT games, it's still better than a lot of RPGs including Trails and FF.
>bad OST

I'd say you're exaggerating, even if these are opinions

If it makes you feel any better, his Japanese voice is 100x worse, and he's the only actually "bad" VA besides old Chie.

Rise's jap voice is also a lot worse, her english non-burch voice is good

>Character depth
Did you even play the game? The social links not really factoring into "main" story dialogue is a legitimate complaint, but you can't say that characters like Kanji and Rise are one-dimensional with a straight face. And that's not including the non-party social links.

>Guy asshurt about girls kills people
I can make a plot sound dumb too if I reduce it to six words.

>salami-san@no sales
shit taste shitposter-kun


>It's a shitposting thread
True classic

Nanako is for ______!

Have there seriously been 18 other retards besides myself that have responded to this blatant b8 thread? There's a report button there for a reason people, you click it, fill out a captcha and then hide the thread.


Responding to shitposters and trolls is Sup Forums's job, if we don't do it then who will?

>What about Adachi or Dojima? (especially during the Nanako hospital scenes) Rise was extraordinarily wide in her delivery of lines. Teddy doesn't have awful voice acting either. Perhaps it's a personal thing, but I'm not as disgusted as you are by it.

All felt lifeless with no effort put into it. You could clearly tell they were just reading from a script and didn't even attempt to try make the shit they said sound good.

>Did you complete any social links?
Yukiko, Nanako, Yosuke.

>Did you see how the characters were more than just dimensional JRPG protags?

>Did you finish the game? It goes further than Adachi and his "whores and bitches"
Yes. I didn't feel like it went further than that at all, though the plot was so bland that I can't say I was paying as much attention to it as I could have.

>Not going to lie, of all the points you've made, this is perhaps the strongest. I'm not the biggest fan of its OST, but I'm not going to call it pure trash.

Well I'm glad we sort of agree on something, although considering I literally only liked one track, I definitely have to call it trash.
I hold my vidya music in high regards, and Persona 4's OST just did absolutely nothing for me other than irritate me to the point of muting it on several occasions.

>If you think that P4 has the worst plot or VA-work ever then you've only played like three games

I'd be willing to wager that I've played more JRPG's than anybody in this thread.
Now I will admit that I'm hard to please as far as voice acting goes, which is why I tend to prefer Jap dubs because at least then I can't fully tell if the voice acting is bad, but regardless of that, the voice acting in this game is still absolute shit. Several of the characters were just grating and cringe worthy to listen to.

>it's still better than a lot of RPGs including Trails and FF.

Trails yes, FF? Debatable. FFXII shits all over persona in every way possible, and actually has quality voice acting.

But if we don't take the bait, that means he wins!

>Persona fans are so delusional that they think people critiquing the game are baiting
>Persona fans crying for mods to save them when literally no rules have been broken

You. Cannot. Make. This. Shit. Up. Lmao.

>he only completed 3 links out of like 18
>admits to not paying attention to the plot
Persona 4 is also one of the few games where the dub is generally better than the original, some voices in the japanese are literally unbearable

>likes the most boring dull final fantasy
>likes final fantasy at all

You're not wrong but I wouldn't say the OST is terrible, just really fucking boring in general. The golden intro song is legit terrible though.

God damn I'd fuck Cirno.

You seem like you're asshurt about something and have never actually played the game, perhaps you're asshurt because you never got the opportunity to play the game because you never had the right console and your computer is too shit to emulate it. Either way, you read a plot synopsis from somewhere and you're here to contribute absolutely no perspective of any value because half the shit you've been saying is actually objectively wrong.

Honestly famalam, it seems like you just dislike Persona. There's not much other anons or I can say to change your opinion. I'm disappointed you didn't enjoy it, but I'm just an user on the internet so it doesn't really even matter. Either way, you played it through to completion unlike others who shitpost without even trying something. I have to commend you on that at least.

>Garbage voice acting

Cmon you can bait harder than this. Both the dub track and the original jp track are fan-fucking-tastic with stacked casts on either side.

P4 is pretty shitty. They somehow managed to dumb down already dumb down SMT gameplay even more, and the social sim aspects are half assed and have zero effect on the story. But somehow all the normal fags pick up on it because "DUDE LMAO IM JAPANESE, WAIFUS!"

Atlus knows what kind of audience they have with P5, I'm pretty sure they're just baiting all the SMT fags with the aesthetics and demons, and will pull a bait and switch one the game is actually out.

The beginning of the intro just irritates me so I skip it

>Implying I'm going to complete social links when the characters do not interest me in the slightest
>"I-it gets better, you just need to 100% the game, please like the game oh god s-stop saying bad things about my meme game!"
Comedy gold.

>likes the most boring dull final fantasy
FFXII is for people with a patricians taste in video games.
It had interesting characters with a ton of depth to them (Cid, Vayne, Basch, Gabranth, Balthier to name a few) and a politically focused plot.
Adachi as a villain is laughably bad, especially when you compare his goals to the likes of Vayne.

Other final fantasies I'm not really into, but they can still provide enjoyment. XII is truly the cream of the crop.

Touhou's are built for sex, no doubt about it.

Oh here we go, our token "You don't even own the game guy".
Every time.

>Honestly famalam, it seems like you just dislike Persona. There's not much other anons or I can say to change your opinion. I'm disappointed you didn't enjoy it, but I'm just an user on the internet so it doesn't really even matter. Either way, you played it through to completion unlike others who shitpost without even trying something. I have to commend you on that at least.

I tend to give games a fair go before I talk shit about them. Perhaps not always playing them through to completion, but not just playing a JRPG for an hour of all things and then proclaiming it's shit.

Persona is weeb garbage, play SMT I-IV instead

Play 3, it's better because the entire cast doesn't suck your dick for no reason

Also more is at stake if you fail

>Fail in p4
One small town of a few hundred people gets wiped off the map
>Fail in p3
Entire earth is doomed to die

>I'm pretty sure they're just baiting all the SMT fags with the aesthetics and demons
HD demon models is the only reason I'm interested in that game, aside from that I'm just expecting another Persona 4. At least this game will actually have good enemy designs.

>Garbage voice acting
It wasn't that bad, though.

>Cringe-worthy dialogue
The reason there's "sensei" and "senpai" and all that other shit is because the game literally takes place in Japan, but it's in English to make it so you don't have to read everything.

>One dimensional characters
They're not exactly deep, but they're not one-dimensional either.

>Worst plot in video game history.
This is somewhat subjective. I thought the whole supernatural murder mystery thing was interesting from what I've played so far.

>OST is terrible besides the shadow boss theme
Again, this is very subjective.

>Sup Forums wants more of this literal trash from Peronsa 5
Again, it's SUBJECTIVELY trash. Some people love it, some hate it, others still think it's okay but nothing special.

>Tired JRPG dungeon crawling

I'll pass

Is this game actually canon? Because if so, that's fucking retarded.

user I agree with you about P4 but propping up FFXII just hurts your credibility

This is another thing OP forgot about, they've been milking this fucking terrible cast for almost a decade now.

Whatever guys. I love it.

The reason why the game is bad is because a lot of the characters from p3 and p4 have the typical anime personality tropes instead of trying to create new character personalities Atlus was a like hey weebs love animu so let's give them that

Well if that's true then I'll just have to deal with it, because I've played FFXII like 3 times (with 400 hours put into my perfect game save file).

Waiting warmly for FFXII HD.

Oh and just incase you're confused, FFXII is not my favorite jrpg or anything, I just brought that up since I can't really think of any JRPG's that have had decent voice actors other than XII, which was unfortunately held back by its compressed as fuck audio.

Mentioning my actual favorite JRPG would cause a shitstorm so I'm not going to mention it.

I just started actually trying to play this game after all these years of owning it and i was wondering

is there any reason to go back into the TV after you rescue someone? I just saved Kanji right at the beginning of the month but i didn't go back at all after saving Yukiko

I'm not saying it's BAD necessarily, but the fact that it's an entirely different genre is stupid.

Like, I like the fighting game, but if it's canon, that's stupid.

Well what are these stereotypes?

Asking genuinely as I don't know anime all that well.

>Implying this thread isn't already a shit a show
>Caring what other people think about your favorite jrpg
>On an anonious image board
Most of my favorites are polarizing as fuck, doesn't make me love them any less. If you care about anons tearing down your argument because of a game you like giving them an opportunity to shit on you, then that's kind of a shame

Imagine if batman was speaking japenese, and then just threw in random english words

persona has never been good. play smt for the actual non watered down games.

I like this description.