Wii u hater going extreme

>trash talking the wii u since 2012
>made a bet with nintendo fans if bayonetta 2 sells more than 1 million copies then he will buy a wii u
>2016 is here and the game sold one million copies
>finally buys the wii u and smashes it
>brings along his girl friend to samsh the console
>calls Nintendo fans social rejects through out the years
here a link to the cringy video: youtube.com/watch?v=Qf6u4QUBjyQ
here another link to apparently part 2 to previous video he made: youtube.com/watch?v=0BK5gmElES0

Other urls found in this thread:


Wii U is shit, he's not wrong.

He isn't wrong.

Infaxt he's pretty based for living up to his word he bought the piece of shit like he said he would and now he's destroying it because he can.

>bought a Wii U to smash it

Nintendo already has your money, sucker

Why are black people so obsessed with console wars?

What the fuck is wrong with your tabs?

Black people always need something to hate. If white people up and disappeared they would all make gangs and hate eachother...well more than they already do.

You can tell so much by the average Sup Forums poster just looking at the way they screencap eceleb shit.
Oh how I wish I was still 15 and enjoyed video games

Why do you care faggot?

Just ignore it

>weeb fuckboi
>can't use a computer
>likes gurren lagann

>some nintendrone actually came here expecting people to disagree with him

Sorry nintenbro, looks like you're in the minority, like you ALWAYS are.

>all those tabs
>all those bookmarks
>all those pinned shortcuts
>that resolution
>windows 10

>botnet 10
>tabs on top
>no adblock
>narutu wallpaper

whats the point of destroying the console. he could at least play the games he never had the chance to play yet before destroying it.

This is the guy who got mad because he was not allowed to visit Kamiya's a few E3's back because he had a shirt on that said fuck nintendo

Naruto wallpaper?

he could emulate them, unless he destroyed remote


this comment right here

>loses a bet
>immediately chimps out and starts breaking shit

that was years back when i got my computer, i didn't even watch gurren lagnn and got bored of the first episode lol.

Gurren Lagann is fun

there is nothing wrong with gurren lagaan you contrarian cock muncher

His girlfriend sounds white, this bothers me.

I can't wait till she's a single mother and he's paying child support.

>talk shit constantly
>bayonetta meets goal
>doesnt buy the wii u
>"oh what a fucking faggot niggers cant go on their word

>plays the wii u
>"oh what a fucking faggot niggers cant go on their word

>smashes it
>"whats the point of destroying the console. he could at least play the games he never had the chance to play yet before destroying it.

Fuck blackb0nd

He's an uncle tom. Literally just calls out niggers on youtube all day for being retarded niggers.

pro-tip OP there's a default program in Windows that's really neato. You can find it like this.

>buying something just to show how much you hate it

what kind of dumb ass motherfucker does this shit?

I mean even if it's secondhand so the company doesn't get your money, you're still out $250 or so and I doubt those 8,000 views are bringing in any real kind of ad revenue to make that worth it from a financial standpoint.


>This is what BlackB0nd is actually doing with his time.

Kek. I guess he never recovered from the thrashing Mizzah Tee gave him.


They go for less than $200 at pawnshops.

That's still an awful lot for something you're just gonna smash.

Holy shit what is this wizardry

That's still ~$200 more than you should spend on something you're just gonna break.

Nintendo cunts are triggered yet again.

We hate each other more than we gate white people.

>give a company money for a product
>smash said product, leaving you with nothing and the company with your money
It doesn't matter who you are, that's retarded.

>viraling your shit video
fuck off.

>Naruto browser
>all those programs in the task bar
>Don't do bad things to nintendo!!!! :(

Jesus christ Sup Forums is getting shittier by the time.

And he made twice the money thanks to angry nintendo fans spreading the video.

i love it when both him and doctre81 pimp slap this guy.

>wii u is shit
>still better than all other options
lol good time for video games huh

Never heard of the crips and the bloods huh sonny

>bayonetta 2 sells more than 1 million copies

Except it didn't?

It was justa shitty article from VG chartz.

Most Black People are poor. They can only afford to buy one console every 2 generations. They can only afford a few games, mostly fighting games and racing games because they have multiplayer they can play with their niggas and because thats all they can play they get really good at it, thats why every fighting game community is mostly black.

>Firefox not being riced
>No uBlock
>Legitimate tabs
>Getting started
>Bookmarking the google searchpage
>Bookmarking a calculator instead of having one irl
>Bookmarking drivers for your shitty prebuilt PC
>Bookmarking a Nintendo video like you're ever going to need it
>Watching Ao no Exorcist in 2016
>Keeping the searchbar on W10
>Keeping File Explorer, Windows Store, Photos, and Mail
>Having both Chrome AND Firefox pinned
>Having two Firefox and iTunes pins
>Having a Firefox theme of Naruto the 9 tailed fox jinchuuriki


Because that's all they can afford, they have to find a way to defend their purchases and form a tribalism around them.

Its funny how aspergial people have become over Nintendo lately.

Especially since their shit was so much worse on the N64 and Gamecube.

>a literally who
nice try nigger

Never heard of reading an entire sentence before responding huh sonny

>Keeping File Explorer

Are you saying that he should be using a different file manager than the default one that comes with Windows? I don't think you can even delete the default file manager.

File managers on Windows suck, but what are you saying he should use/do?