What does Sup Forums think? Is this accurate?
What does Sup Forums think? Is this accurate?
Lucio is worse than mercy at support so no.
if you create a good spider web of turrets and place them well Synmettra creates a kill box.
It kinda depends on what you want from a support
Mercy is the best at direct healing, while Lucio is good at babysitting everyone, so if you have a bunch of squishies or people that never really have full health bars then go Lucio
Not even close.
>it's wrong
>doesn't provide any arguments
And as an addition while Tracer is squishy using the reverse time well to heal/reposition and knowing when to move on enemy players it's an easy 30 eliminations 2 deaths per match for me. Especially dropping a sticky bomb and reversing time out of a camped objective.
Trade Mei with Zennyata. Move Soldier 76 to Tier 2. Move Reaper down. Roadhog, Junkrat to Tier 3. D.va to Tier 4.
>bastion is not top tier cus he is OP
He may be a pain in the ass but he is a solid defence character
The angel is more mobile though. Basically teleports across the fuckin map and can heal faster than anyone else. Ur mercy just has to be good. Lucio is for scrubs.
>most busted characters in the game
>tier 5
>Mei, bottom tier
List invalid
Are people just garbage as Toblerone or am I just constantly getting paired with shitters
His combat effectiveness is insane against characters with low mobility and even then in tight quarters with Tracers and Lucio he can deal with them fairly easily
Mercy is good but when everyone needs to be babysitted by a healer Lucio is just better because he has an area heal
Being broken means they are overpowered and high tier OP no matter how cheap they are.
This one is actually done by top overwatch players
What kind of person would go to an event like this?
>Bastion Tier 5
>When turrets are the meta.
Who even uses tons of dyke?
Mei and Bastion should definitely be higher. Zennyata should be lower. I love playing as him but god he sucks balls.
Did you just put the heroes you can't understand how to play in the last two tiers?
>Tier 1
> Lucio, Mei, Mcree (if you're skilled)
If they were celebrating at a pub it might be fun.
>having tiers
>not being good enough to make the best out of any character you pick
Why do you even play the game for
Why did Synmettra fall so hard. She's easy mode with a good turret web.
I think it's in theaters.
>Soldier 76
She was nerfed. Zen was buffed heavily though so I really don't know how accurate this is.
That's a list built around aimbotting.
I'm not even kidding. If you look at who's at the top and bottom you'll see that it's structured around hitscan being overpowered with long ranged hitscan being even more important.
I want to play as Pharah but god damn I can't hit anything with the rockets.
yeah, he really needs a buff. he actually might be the weakest hero overall.
Fun though.
>those tits
fucking offmodel
>Overwatch pro league
>Torbjorn on your team gets POTG
>He wipes the entire fucking team with his rivet gun while his turret sat on the objective the whole game doing nothing
how do these people exist
>official Sup Forums
yeah right like Sup Forums would actually agree on anything other than bastion being a shit and mei just being a fat thicc fuck toy.
>Winston S-tier
What the fuck is this tier list?
Let's make it simple.
Best heals: Lucio.
Group heal and speed buff are more consistent than Mercy's abilities, and Lucio can deal damage too.
Best long range: Hanzo
Widowmaker is too immobile and useless in closer range. Her ult is basically Hanzo's sonar with a longer CD (if you know where to put the sonar). Pharah can be easily shut down.
Best tank: Winston
Rein comes close but it's easy to circumvent his shield. With the ape you can pop a bubble to protect allies and leap behind enemy lines to throw off their strategy completely and force them to improvise. He is fucking amazing.
Best defense: Torb
Replace with Symmetra in more closed quarters maps i.e. Dorado
Best ganker: Tracer
A smart Tracer will always trump McCree or Reaper.
Best dps: Junkrat
No explanation required.
It probably has a lot to do with his mobility
You should be kidding, considering 4 of the top 6 don't have hitscan projectiles. As players get better, characters that can pop off instant headshots like McCree and Widowmaker will become stronger. It's only natural that characters that can block these headshots also become more important.
Somebody's assblasted that they keep getting killed by good Meis
Zenyatta is way worse, Junkrat is way better.
There is virtually no situation in which you would pick Zenyatta over any other support, especially since his Orb of Discord got nerfed to require line of sight to maintain. He's squishy, slow, low damage, and a weak healer without his ult. Lucio and Mercy beat him out in just about every situation.
Junkrat is basically a one-man chokepoint. In any defensive situation, he will carry his own weight, and he's even useful on offense against Bastions and Turret nests.
You must really suck as zenyatta
He does stupid damage with that debuff of his. He is capable of one shotting pretty much anyone except a chimping out winston with his charged attack, plus it gives him wall hacks so its even easier to see when to fire the charge shot. His heal is also great since it can be switched between players instantly and doesn't have to be tended to.
Mei is W+M1 the character, she's actually worse than pyro because you can't fight back unless you are able to do 250 damage in one hit
trade torb for mei. A good player with mei can make defense literally impossible. A good team can wreak torb easily
She is easy counterable as tracer or soldier 76 since you can stay outside of her range or as a tank since she can't one shot you after the freeze. I've never lost to mie as a winston.
LMAO, just kys literal faggot
let me show you how a REAL tierlist should look like:
>Soldier 76
This implies that Mei takes skill. She doesn't.
Everything he does - Healing, AOE Ult - Lucio can do better with the bonus of extra mobility. The ONLY thing zennyata has going for him is that debuff, but him being slow and squishy as fuck is enough drawback. If you dont have a good team to support you there is no way he can be useful. It should be HIM supporting the team, not the other way around.
the only thing thats reflective of is their overall mobility give or take a few compulsory abilities picked because either a. no character does anything similar, ie reinhardts shield, or b. theyre incredibly fucking broken and hitting them always leads to a free kill, ie zens old discord or mccrees flashbang
see mei/bastion, regardless of how high their dps gets buffed they will never be picked a majority of the time because they cant leap halfway across the map in one shift press and therefore put their team at a huge disadvantage after their initial death
BUT that doesnt make them underpowered, it makes the maps poorly designed and makes obvious the lack of proper support characters designed to help out slow characters like this since no one but lucio and symmetra can aid rollouts
Mei is best girl
oversaturation of memes
>Someone actually took the time to write this
>People like this ACTUALLY exist
braindeath isnt even as bad as this
Blonde Tracer is best girl
Winston can't possibly be as useless as I think he is, can he? Because he feels useless as fuck. His electro gun has no range, barely does any damage, you only do maybe 50 damage when you land on somebody, and your barrier lasts maybe 3 seconds.
Am I missing something here? Any hot tips? I'd love to play as him more because I want to be the gorilla, but why the fuck would I when I can be an actual useful tank like Reinhardt?
That's what I mean. Shields and healers are super important because if everyone has an aimbot then those things are way more important than normal.
Look at pharrah and junkrat. Both are RIDICULOUS in terms of dps and supression, but neither get played because landing pipes and direct hit rockets isn't something a program can do.
Zenyatta is a damager and debuffer before anything else and he ia good at it. One headshot to any 200 hp enemy in your sight is a kill. A half charged shot to the head usually kills anyone but a full health tank. Also that AOE healing ult of his heals at an insane rate to the point where you can out heal damage from an ult like Pharah's.
He is one of the only balanced characters in the game since he has actual obvious drawbacks to using him.
>people say Zenyatta is bad
>always do great as him even if we end up losing and end up with at least 2 gold medals
>torbjorn near bottom
Are you crazy? You can get kill 10-15 kill streaks for every 1 death on that crazy ass dwarf
If you're playing offense, and you have the following on their defense:
>meme camping Bastion
>meme 'don't even have to play the game' Torb
>meme widowmakers in a high unreachable spot
Then the ape is your pick. Reinhardt's shield will just melt against Bastion and Zarya can't mitigate all that damage.
play him like a pocket in tf2. Defend the medic and catch out squishies hiding alone in high places.
Use ult for defensive purposes and to save your ass.
bastion main detected
>Tier 4
Ahahahahahahahah good one m8
Once you learn to aim bombs hes Teir 1
>Tier 5
Oh so you didnt play the beta a t all
He's tricky to use, since he can't heal himself and his jet jump never goes where you think it will.
He's good on King of the Hill where he can get the most use out of his close range zap gun.
>Tier 3
Also he's not that great. The killstreaks are just kills your turret participates in.
Also playing him in a dps type roll is just pointless because other characters do his job better.
He's still great, but only in specific situations. Like on defense.
guess what time is it Sup Forums
>tier list for a casual ability shooter
Every time I crack up
>Tier 1
Bastion pisses me off so much chiefly because of the map design. They choke point the maps so hard without enough flank points. The point is always, ALWAYS behind some giant 'fuck you' door with maybe two tiny alternate paths that are incredibly easily defended. I understand which classes CAN counter him, but the map itself makes infiltration an exercise in futility. I think they really just need to make is damage falloff more extreme in order to promote him moving closer to the choke instead of a fucking mile back and still being effective.
No real complaints about full payload maps though, there's so many ways to fuck him him there, it's mainly just capture points and capture/payload hybrids.
>playing defense on payload mode
>literally 2 meters left and the enemy team wins
>10 seconds on the clock
>5 of them standing next to the payload feeling sure they won
>tfw using ITS HIGH NOON TIME and killing all five of them and securing the win for my team
holy shit it felt awesome
It's more competitive than CS.
Have you seen the spread on roadhogs shotgun? Completely random, game confirmed casual
>tfw taking out a Reinhardt straight out of spawn with a Zennyata
Holy fuck this is amazing