Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums,

I feel like magic systems in most video games are pretty.....limited. In your opinion, what are some games that did magic well (offensive, enchanting, any shit), and what are some ideas you have to make it better? What are some cool ideas do you have for magic in video games?

Baldur's Gate 2 and Divinity OS are my favorite

There has yet to be a truly great magic system in any game, closest MAYBE being Arx Fatalis and drawing da runes. But I guess it all hinges on what kind of magic you personally prefer.

Also since the thread is no longer on page 10, some ways to improve BG2 spells would be to have more Druid spells and I think DivOS needs more utility spells or reasons to actually use them. The spell combinations for Divinity OS2 look pretty cool and add an extra layer of depth.

I've been debating about getting arx fatalis or dark messiah, since they're made by the same people (i think) which is better?

What are games lacking to give you your ideal magic system?

How would it operate?

also which one holds up better

The adventures of sir kicksalot deathboot in the land of the conveniently placed spike racks

One of my favorite combat systems ever. I'm surprised no one has tried to do better

Dark Messiah lets you do a lot more physics based stuff like killing enemies with barrels or kicking enemies off cliffs or spike traps. There's no rune drawing but you still get neat spells like the freeze spell enemies slip on.


Two Worlds 2 had a pretty interesting magic system.

Too many games interpret magic as fire - lightning - ice and you shoot them all out of your hand like Goku. Many people myself included prefer magic that's a more 'subtle' like Tolkien or the real old tales of Merlin where his craft was entirely 'by his subtlety'. That's hard to do in a game though of course and maybe the stuff I'm thinking of (talking to a bird or a tree to get information, get news from a stream, listen to a rock) is a little bit closer to Druids than wizards.

I don't think he mean DMMM

I never really considered low magic settings as being conductive to the PC actually performing magic. The easy cop out is to have a supporting character in charge of magic in a setting like that.

There's only one dark messiah he could be talking about from the same devs dipshit.

I want a game that works like this but is actually fun. Being able to create thousands(if not more) of spells with unique effects from a sizable pool of existing ones is cool.

Yeah, fuck, you're right. I've been drinking.

if you get mods yes

More games need transmogrification, both of items and of enemies.

Magicka and Lichdom: Battlemage

The answer is always Nox

OP was asking for great magic systems in games not grounded magic systems. If you want that your choices are to play tabletop RPGs or a video game with DM mode to allow for things like that.

Holy shit that looks fun as fuck. Why haven't I heard more about this game?

>Why haven't I heard more about this game?
Because your scope is limited to what is popular.

that sums up Sup Forums pretty well


maybe cause it has sub 60% review on steam

This image is fucking retarded. In order to cast a spell you HAVE to know what the hell you're doing or else nothing will be casted at all. Kill yourself you fucking faggot and take your stupid ass meme image with you.