Battlefield 1 leak

>Pic related
Here's the starting loadout for the Russian team

This isn't WW2 m8

>affording rings
ivan pls

>WW1 while America was present
Pick one (1)

america wasn't in ww1

We were there for a little bit before the war ended

America won WW1 for the Entente whether you like it or not.
It would have been a stalemate until both sides were fucked if they hadn't joined.

I dont fucking know why they are focusing on an american unit of blacks that had little involvment a
america came late in the war jesus
they should focus on the EUROPEANS
if they had to include americans
why not the USMC and Battle of Belleau Wood


Because the unit they added stayed in combat longer than they did

>Trying to make this a Sup Forums thread.
user pls

Yeas they were the fucking Harlem Hellfighters you fucking shitlortd

Hes right tho. He didnt say anything remotely racist. Just asked a question.

isn't it made by american developers? It only makes sense.

I think british history textbooks say fuck all about the american revolution besides a paragraph or two, while american history textbooks have entire sections dedicated to them. Where something is made influences how it will be made because history is flexible based on where it's told.

i think that has more to do with the fact that the greatest army on Earth at the time got their asses whooped by farmers and frogs.

>isn't it made by american developers?
DICE is located in sweden ya dingus

No, DICE are swedish. So they are the biggest cucks, no wonder they'll highlight the great black american "heroes" and other fuckwads who did fuck all.

>being this mad

We don't really teach the European side in the United States (or at least in Texas) outside of AP courses. The only part of the European involvement, that we teach, is MAIN, the events leading to and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. The main part we teach about is what America was doing before it went into WW1 like selling arms to the Entente, unrestricted sub-marine warfare, and the Zimmermann note before going into Belleau Wood and Hundred Days Offensive. We finally do a quick wrap up of the Fourteen Points, Treaty of Versailles, and the League of Nations.

American education is quite bare when it comes to anything European and it doesn't surprise me when people like OP think Russia and the United States ever fought together during WW1.

>advertising for EA for free

>isn't it made by american developers? It only makes sense.
No, by EA DICE Sweden.

Yeah, now it makes sense, doesn't it?