So wait, I'm confused. Did this game age poorly or not?

So wait, I'm confused. Did this game age poorly or not?

Other urls found in this thread:

It didn't really. The game controls perfectly fine.
The only real objective flaw is the completely empty hub world.

GTA3 is a game that aged poorly.

Of course not.

Arin is just stupid.

learn to form your own opinions, you stupid sheep

Framerate was shit but graphics are fine and gameplay hasn't been outbid by newer releases, 3ds version stabilized the FPS at a cost of shadows and resolution

It was universally loved until Ego Raptor BTFO'd it

Now all the cool kids hate it

The game aged fine, but between its three successors (MM, WW, TP), just about every aspect of it has been improved on in pretty substantial ways, though not always in the same game.

There was already a bandwagon of "le OoT is complete shit and Majora's Mask is way better!" before that stupid video

Since 2000, really.

retard detected

Yes. As did most Nintendo Zelda games bar Link's Awakening.

Other than that, the only games that hold up and are still legitimately great are ironically the ones made by Capcom.

>We will never have a Megaman Legends reboot not get cancelled
>And even if it didn't it still wouldn't be good
fugg DDDD:

Link to the Past

Arin's not stupid, he said those things specifically to bait attention. The only stupid people here are the ones who keep bringing it up.

There's still nothing quite like Majora's Mask

Not really, I feel like most N64 games aged infinitely better than Playstation 1 games...and I say that as a Sonyfag.

no, it was about that bad from the beginning

2d titles should stay 2d

wait, i don'r remember the graphics was this nice.
hell might do a re run this weekend

OP's screenshot is from an emulator running it with extra crispiness

>Z-targeting still works perfectly fine
>free camera could have used a soft lock on to fight enemies, but it is still manageable
>graphics are rough polygons, but overall most of the game looks good because it had a solid art direction
>game design is still as good as when it released. Other games might have improved some of its elements, but OoT itself still holds up
It may not be the "GOTY of all years", or "teh best gaem ever made!" as people used to say in the past. But it is still a great game.

Sorta. Stuff like the Day/Night cycle and the vastness of Hyrule Field were clearly designed to be tech displays rather than meaningful parts of the gameplay, and newer Zelda games have improved on the formula.

Majora's Mask implemented the Day/Night cycle in a fully realized way which was more meaningful to the gameplay.

Wind Waker improved the combat and dungeons.

Twilight Princess improved the combat even further, and the Twilight Realm was a night callback to the Dark World stuff from A Link to the Past.

Skyward Sword improved some mechanics, and while it was a pain in the ass to learn, mastering the WiiMotion+ for the sword use was rewarding if you could get into it.

Obviously it's not really fair to compare subsequent iterations of a formula OoT pioneered, but it does mean the game is harder to recommend now than it was when it came out.

It's like... Yes, Ocarina of Time is good, but Twilight Princess and Wind Waker are more refined games by comparison.

Viewing it based on its place in history, you can state that it was one of the most important games Nintendo created, in that it and Mario 64 made the jump to 3D gaming with a lot more grace and class than most 3D games being developed at the time displayed, some of which (like Prince of Persia 3D) was unplayable garbage by comparison.

However, arguing that it remains one of the best games ever when viewed from today's perspective is a lot different, and a much harder argument to make successfully.

Of course things have been improved on, the game is almost twenty years old.

Nothing is immune to time, and no matter how good something was, it's going to get older and less relevant.

But the fact of the matter is that it was better than a lot of things, and aged better than just about everything. Nothing can take that away from it, no matter how old and bad it gets.

if you didn't play it when it was raw then you'll never understand why it was so impactful, replaying it now having played it as a child it holds up. Objectively a lot of us have no way of rating it because of the ties it has.

I'm the guy in the middle, and I never implied otherwise.

Other games worked around OoT's formula and improved on it to a degree, but they are far from being a straight up improvement, since some of them even have things that OoT did better.

I still enjoy it,then again i don't have Ego Raptors cock in my mouth.

Bottom here.

That's what I mean by stating that the game did sort of age poorly.

I played it as a kid myself. While I can't claim to be neutral about it, I can say that it's got some kinks that needed to be worked out.

Combat in OoT is bland as hell, for example: Your attacks are fairly basic, and enemy variety is almost nil outside of boss fights. Even when dealing with the boss fights, it's typically pretty simple and repetitive.

Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, and especially Twilight Princess had much more engaging boss fights.

Yes, the game is still a fucking masterpiece and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking little faggot who watched that stupid video by Egoraptor and now wants to feel "special" or "cool" for hate it just like that fucking retarded asshole, ALttP aged much worse and is still very playable....

>The one Zelda game I wanted a remastered for the Wii U

>Released on the 3DS


>ALttP aged much worse

You're not even trying, dude.

It aged well, I played it for the first time with the 3DS port because I had a PS1 and not an N64, and I thought it was great if not a bit overhyped.

Better than the handholdy shit that is TP and SS, but inferior to the open world of Wind Waker.

The 3DS port had a lot of fixes, most noticeable in the updated graphics.

The 3DS version is how pretty nostalgic people remember OoT being.

>memeing this hard
Take off the goggles, you dipshit.

The 3DS remake is actually quite nice
It'll look great in 1080p when 3DS emulation ramps up

-shit camera controls
-retarded and predictable enemy AI (which is what Ego meant when talking about combat, but expressed his opinion in a really vague and pretentious way)

Games don't age, your standards change. Everyone has different standards.

>game is older than me
>that means every person who likes it does so because nostalgia
Please stop memeing so badly.

>The only real objective flaw is the completely empty hub world
That and the rock solid 22FPS.

It's been surpassed in literally every way by EVERY Zelda game that came after it.
The only reason it was ever considered good is because it was a massive upgrade to Zelda1, but since OOT and LA it's pretty much been downgraded to trash-tier. Much less Wind Waker, Minish Cap, Majora's Mask, and the Oracle games.

Zelda1 at least has the whole non-linearity thing going, and is actually really cool to explore without a guide.

LTTP is garbage. Take off the goggles, you retard.

But the game was designed around it, so it works fine.

Yes, it did. And I checked with my own eyes, I have a friend who doesn't know a shit about videogames, he is basically a stupid normalfag who only has played CoD and FIFA with his friends. I recommend him to play OoT and I honestly didn't think he's gonna play it but, he didn't just do it but also he replayed it a few times ( Thing I'm sorry 'cause he is annoying and retarded as fuck telling everyone how he loves zelda and it's his favorite game of all time). Anyway the point is I told him he should play ALttP as well and a few days later he told me "I tried it but it was shit, the ghrapics and mechanics were awful"

well...that definitely proved me that OoT has aged very well, so well that even a casual faggot can play it and have fun with it without any problem.

It aged very very well.
The problems are all the shitstains who simultaneously think it is too hard, but also hate handholding so there are no games for them outside of say sidescrollers.
I'm talking about the kind of mouthbreathers who use a guide for games centered around exploration and puzzles and then wonder where the game even is?
If you don't like either exploration or puzzles than the game isn't for you.
Sadly that is the vast majority of people who currently play games and why many of us can no longer have nice things.

not really, but if you let some kiddies playing it for the first time, and they've been fortunate to be spoiled with games like Dark Souls or Witcher and the likes, they'd probably think it's shit.

But plebs who has never played Zelda and has never really played anything fancy wold probbaly like it, I mean everyone owns a PC nowadays, it doesn't take much to run emulators.

That's pretty much what every unfortunate kid does these days, they inherited the family's toasters and all it could run are some early
2000s PC titles.

Majora's Mask aged better because the whole time travelling loop concept and how everyone has their own back story and schedule is still pretty dope.

But still you'd see new gen kids these days complaining how hard the MM is, bunch of lazy fuck kids.

It still plays well and aside from graphics, still holds up. Sure, you got later games improving the formula but that doesn't instantly make OoT a bad game.

Though replaying it made me wonder how I was able to get anywhere when my first playthrough was without any grasp of English.

Holy shit what?

ALttP is still the best Zelda, get back to playing it and appreciate how good the quality was, even to this day - the music, the sprites, the opening scene and credits.

Minish Cap is nothing compared to ALttP.
It's like a Lite version of it, with some fancy cutesy visuals to attract the babbies.

This. Framerate is what always ruined the experience for me. 3DS remakes are much better.

>It's been surpassed in literally every way by EVERY Zelda game that came after it.
Stopped reading here to be honest.
Comparing it to 3D games is comparing apples to oranges (and somehow saying that SS is better than ALTP).

Minish Cap is 2D but it is very different from any other Zelda, ALBW is enjoyable but tries way too hard to pander to nostalgiafags and has poor dungeons. I can agree with you about the Oracles though.
But based on the way you express yourself, I can still say that you're a faggot with bad opinions.

LTTP was a prototype for both the 3D and 2D Zeldas. It was before the 2D/3D split. It featured both mediocre exploration and mediocre puzzles, which was amazing for the time.

But like I said: even the worst Zelda games have surpassed LTTP in every way.

I think you need to go back and play it if you honestly think it holds up to Oracle of Seasons/Ages/Link's Awakening/Wind Waker/Majora's Mask/Ocarina of Time/Skyward Sword.

It is literally the worst Zelda game.

>completely empty hub world

It has a better overworld than any other Zelda. I more fleshed out field would have been great, but it's basically just a minor area among many.

N64 emulators you pleb

You can even mod cartoony shader cells from Wind Waker to your N64 OoT / MM

There are lots of other shaders and texture packs, play it on 1080p, Vysnc 60fps, AA and AF on.

And I'm speaking based on experience from a decade ago, I haven't touched the N64 emu scene for a long time, there could have been much better improvements nowadays.

It hasn't aged a bit. The sheer amount of effort put into it makes it timeless. There's a reason there aren't any true 3D Zelda rip offs, shit takes talent.

>GTA3 is a game that aged poorly.
maybe kill yourself, huh bud

>get the game recently
>never played before
>haven't even beaten the first dungeon yet
>too busy doing backflips off fence posts

No one warned me the dangers of your first backflip off a fence post. No one.

Doesn't the 3DS port intentionally retain some popular glitches like the Swordless Link one?

>You can even mod cartoony shader cells from Wind Waker to your N64 OoT / MM


No, don't listen to Egofaptor's lies

Going back and replaying it, the only thing I hate about OoT is the slow as molasses dialogue boxes.

>using the inferior Unlimited Bait Works

step it up, senpai

I'm glad they fixed this in the 3ds version.

The game worked perfectly then. Many games around 1997 were completely broken or half baked. For its time it has held up better than 99% of its competitors.

Its not like Sonic where his games were okay on release and aged like milk in the sun. Those games are actually flawed where Ocarina of Time only needs lots of little improvements

Nothing will fix the Knuckles stages to make them actually fun and the Tails on rails segments need to be completely redone so they aren't shit