Was this game good on the GameBoy Advance, anybody played it?

Was this game good on the GameBoy Advance, anybody played it?

Story was shit, but combat was great. Re:CoM honestly ruined it.

I had fun with it. Honestly though, it was my first KH game, and I feel that because of that it helped me enjoy it more.

I heard it was better than the PS2's version tho...

It's the only Kingdom Hearts game I legitimately enjoyed.

The rest of the series is too cringey

i want to play RE: CoM but my ps2 died recently.
can i emulate it and play it with a keyboard?

From what I remember, it was fun. I remember playing it just to continue the story of KH however, although the gameplay is a fun combination of real-time and deck customization.

The music is also great as expected of SE and Yoko.

The GBA version was great. It didn't feel right playing the PS2 version since the battle system felt like it was made for 2D battles.

I like it better than Re:CoM personally.

You can emulate it. Some of the cutscenes have a ghosting effect and depending on your computer, you'll experience one or two moments of slowdown during a boss fight, but it's completely playable otherwise.

I absolutely loved that game when I was a kid. At the time there had only been KH1, so everyone was super hungry for more KH.

It really built up a lot of interesting plot potential for the series. It's just a shame that KH2's RUINED EVERYTHING

Re:CoM was better. What the fuck are you talking about?

I really like it. I've noticed that a lot of people, myself included, hate the combat at first. But once it clicks, it feels great and is a lot of fun. Also a lot of anons seem to really like the writing in it.

Gotcha covered fampai.

I liked it so much that I went back and tried to beat Riku mode again without increasing my HP

I never managed to beat ansem

is there a guide to emulate it? this is my first time doing it.

No specific guides to run it, though if you Google it, you'll find a recommended specs page that tells you what issues the game has while running if any exist and what settings to use, though you'll probably need to make it different depending on your computer.

Just download PCSX2, download a Re:CoM iso, configure your keys/controller for the controls, and play it. Tweak the game settings as you see fit.

>tfw pulling off sleights like all day and breaking bosses' attacks with 0 cards

thank you, i will play/download it right now.

>You guys must be retarded if you think KH 3 will be released soon
>They got all the team working on ffvs13
Time to update this mate.

Slowly got me into Megaman Battle Network so yea, it's pretty cool.

Apparently there is an updated version, I just don't have it.

>battle system balanced around being able to hit multiple enemies if they clump up
>throw it in 3D and now regular trash fights often require multiple shuffles

yeah nah you're fuck of shit

>Ignore the fact that several character combos can wipe out the entire battle at once.
I don't want to say this but git gud

Well no shit, once you get characters. But until you get good ones you have the room to have in your deck, it's suffering, whereas the GBA version was fine the full way through.

Jupiter's an underrated studio and it's a shame they're stuck making picross games instead of stuff like this or TWEWY

It's pretty awesome but you can cheese the final boss of the game with 0 cards