Now that every hero has been declared OP at some point or other. So excluding any hero changes...

Now that every hero has been declared OP at some point or other. So excluding any hero changes, what would you change add to the game?

id put in some ovaries worth watching

Add more maps?

I want zenyatas fire rate to go up a little bit, make widow makers poison trap last a sec longer.

Fix Zarya's secondary fire, make it better, idk how

Buff mercy's pistol fire rate

Lower dva's mech respawn

>Fix Zarya's secondary fire, make it better, idk how

Here's an idea: try absorbing damage with your shields

I would get rid of all the win buttons. No more wall hacks, no more aimbot, no more oneshot combos.
I would get rid of all the abilities with no counterplays.

>pic related literally the only one never called op

More maps, more game modes and making zenyata not a piece of shit.

Stop trying to force this whole epic heroes and villain confrontation with gameplay that does not match.

Seriously the cgi trailers keeps spousing about how awesome and heroic the game is about but the actual gameplay is just you slugging it out with others over a point or a payload.

I fucking love absorbing damage with my shields, but it's still shit, I don't know it may be my shitty aim, increase the splash radius

>is labeled as a tank
>is neither tanky or disrupting to the team

I really want to like using her too.

I fly up to the enemy ready to fuck the one straggler, but then realize fucking Zen without Discord Orb outdamages me and die.

She's op

I disrupt the team by not dying and not rushing in, I try to flank then fly away each chance I have, her ult is beast though

I wish there was a jet plane sound whenever the map loader says "traveling to..."

Learn to read, it's supposed to be not about character changes, there's plenty of threads for that.

I would change bastion's turret mode so it can't shoot behind it. He's the only one that offers high rewards with little to no risks.

Fuck you, I do what I want.

Dude, the game is nothing but characters.

Remove the fucking "Unsupported software detected: FRAPS" message.

ugh, at least that's a good suggestion about Bastion you rebel, you.

nah it's not shit, it's amazing. It bumps people which is pretty awesome to block people against walls or in corner and its damage is more than decent when you amp up. I get gold/silver damage with zarya in most games.
Yeah it's not much of a feat when most people are shitters, I know.

Frankly Zarya is really awesome.

If there's no fucking way to choose maps/gametypes in the full game Blizzard is fucking retarded

Nobody ever wants to play Hanamura or Anubis

>I win buttons
Love this meme.

What abilities can you not directly counter and/or avoid?

>McCree's roll needs lower cooldown, 7 seconds is too much for a skill that isn't even that great
>Bastion's turret needs some spread
>Torbjorn's turret needs a limited range
Those are really the only personal issues I see

Widowmaker's team wallhack, free preshot kills for everyone
Mccree's stun+revolver, instakilling everything
Roadhog hook+shotgun+melee, also instakilling everything
Soldier76's aimbot. I remember when we used to need to install bannable hacks to do that.

Just more hero's

Fucking soundquake and fusiobator when

shorten the 40 second assemble team + 60 seconds till round start.

D'vas shield should give a range and damage boost if you shoot through it. Helps out other players and her too.

Bastion needs high damage fall off in turret mode, and a spin up time akin to the Heavy's in TF2. The biggest issue is how laser-like, immediate, and far-reaching the turret damage is.

>Lower McCree's damage
>Add spread to Bastion's turret
>Remove the heal on Tracer's Rewind
>76's ult should have slightly reduced damage on it given that you turn on a fucking autoaim hack
>Improve the damage on D.Va's guns or tighten the spread; don't penalize her mech movement while shooting
>Remove the fuckhuge head hitbox on D.Va's mech

I really want to like D.Va and she can be fun when you're able to do well, but she's really fucking weak.

inb4 some faggot says BUT I GOT 30 KILLS ONE TIME WITH HER

>McCree's roll needs lower cooldown
Are you fucking kidding? The roll reloads his ammo. Nerf his fan damage so he cant kill almost anyone in the game in less than 3 seconds

Let you manually destroy your symmetra sentries

For console, there should be an in-game group thing. Kind of like Destiny has with fireteams, leaving matchmaking requires you to leave the group, kind of annoying.

More game modes would be awesome, if they could manage a campaign mode, it has a lot of potential to be a ton of fun. Also maybe a DOTA map.

More heroes would be cool, I'd love a melee attacker.

Replay editor/saver/sharer, which apparently may be coming later down the road.

Events, not sure if there are any planned but it would be fun to have holiday-themed items, tags, emotes etc.

Seasons and seasonal rewards for higher ranking players, not sure if that's already gonna be a thing or not.

Lower cooldown on Pharah's boost

If that's so then

Fix the fucking map for more flanks and less choke points

Make stuff more vertical but accessible

More health packs

Fun fact. None of the characters are OP. Never did any of the beta testers say that a character was op until Sup Forums got its hands on it.

Mei nerfed to 200 HP
Zenyatta buffed to 175 HP
Symmetra shields give 35HP
Thats it, everything else is Pretty well balanced.

Dva isnt damage, its your job to be the big target that everyone is supposed to shoot at and stop pushes with your ult. If you're trying to get kills with her you're doing something wrong, Block sdamage with her and be the face. Heck her guns are really good fro putting pressure on rienhart shields and she has a get out of jail free card on mostly anything with her boosters.

Nah she's not weak, I actually top damage with her.

You just need to see the shotguns as melee weapons and should be extremely aggressive with her shift ability. Here how it goes: fly into someone+melee then start firing. This way you'll deal 75 damage before you even start firing.

Add some maps that split up teams more. Some capture the flag maps or multiple capture point maps like gravelpit or cp_well. Have more alternate paths in general. Some maps are decently open and allow for many approaches, but a lot of them are much too tight, and lead to constant blobbing. The small 1-2 person fights are usually more satisfying than giant zerg clusterfucks that happen on a lot of the current maps.

I think sniping attacks need to toned down at least a little. I know there are a lot of ways to avoid snipers but it feels shitty to die instantly if your attention lapses for even a moment, especially against widowmaker's infravision.

I think the medkits should heal a percentage of health instead of a flat amount, playing as mobile characters with a lot health like winston or DVA without a healer on your team to fall back to is shitty since they rely on their ability to disengage and reengage easily and having to scrounge 2-3 medkits between runs takes long enough that you might as well have just died in many cases.

Dont allow doups of heroes.

>Heck her guns are really good fro putting pressure on rienhart shields

Dude stop. You obviously know nothing about the game. Her guns have a huge damage falloff. Shooting the shield from anything but melee range is useless and doesn't put any "pressure" whatsoever

get rid of overwatch.exe
replace it with executable to launch steam to play tf2 instead

>Now that every hero has been declared OP at some point or other.

Junkrat & Mercy haven't. I mean Torbjorn & Bastion still pubstomp new players while remaining bottom tier, Junkrat & Mercy don't have that excuse. I guess people could find Mercy good until you realize the Zenyatta buff he received last month made her existence completely useless & irrelevant.

Considering how Xboxhuge it is, Dva's spread doesn't matter. Since you don't need to reload you can constantly bang on it. Theres no reason not to shoot it since you're a tank anyways.

> Zenyatta buff he received last month made her existence completely useless & irrelevant
>being a fucking liar

This so much.

>whiting the beautiful brown

fucks wrong with you

Where in my post am I talking about the spread of her gun?

The damage falloff means her guns deal less damage the farther the pellets travel, just like in tf2.

TDM where each character can only be selected once on each team.

This is a very intelligent post and I honestly agree so much. Especially about the health part I noticed it so much with Reinhardt.

implement Mercy in hearthstone as a priest hero potrait

>helps out other players and her too

It already helps out other players. Don't use it on trivial things or treat it like Reinhardt's shields, use it to shoot down ultimates.

>anything but a free kill

I've gotten 13 kills with her one time with only one death
I've also won a game in 2:00 minutes by double DVA rush

Mercy needs a buff. Either it be increased base speed, a second ability, or able to use guardian angel without looking at a player. She just needs something so she's not completely fucked if a reaper sneaks up on her or the team dies on her while the ult isn't ready.

>She just needs something so she's not completely fucked if a reaper sneaks up on her or the team dies on her while the ult isn't ready.

So she should never be able to be killed? Because if a team doesn't protect their medic they should be punished for it.

True. But for those situations where the team can't protect their medic, the medic should have SOME defense. That pistol is only effective on mechless D.VAs and Tolbjorns. Everything will fucking destroy you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting a damage boost. I'm just saying she should have some way of getting out of sticky situations.

capture the flag gametype

I saw several threads started with "DVA OP"

id drop $10 on that even though I only play HS while taking a shit and only casually at that

He's prolly not addressing the fall off because it doesn't matter for how you're supposed to use her.

You're not supposed to be killing people with her, just applying pressure, which she's very good at because her gun doesn't need to reload so it's always ready to poke.

>You're not supposed to be killing people with her

moba/mmo players please go

more heroes
and more game modes

and like lobbys and chatrooms or something


Would also like them to remove POTG entirely and add an option to turn off the kill cam.

shitter who doesn't understand his role please go

Damn, can you actually get kicked from a game? I was chatting and suddenly dropped out cause was saying how we massacraing a team of all Meis and how they running around like littel dwarfs.

Buff Symettra
That's it

She's pretty good, just have to use her right.. which isn't like a tank.

That and Roadhogs rebreather tbqh
400 health in about a second

annon.. there is a remove kill cam option you dumb fucking nigger holy shit kill yourself.

>Has a whole ability to nullify damage coming at her.

Yeah...she's not a tank...

You're the only shitter here, and a huge one. I mean to even suggest that the character with one of the best movement ability in the game shouldn't kill people is hilarious.
She deals 168dps at close range without counting her 75 damage near unavoidable opener.

You fucking suck and should fuck off back to your ASSFAGGOTS

Buff junkrat. Delete hanzo

>Complaining about my nigga Roadhog

Nice game Blizzard drones.


The option I found only let me skip it with another button press after 3 seconds, I haven't seen one to take it out entirely.

Low skilled players will tell you bastion and mei are op. But it's actually Mcree and Lucio.

300 actually. It's very annoying but it doesn't one shot you without any counter play. So I'm kind of okay with it.

You must have serious brain damage

This should be renamed "What this rambling says about me"


McCree has no mobility, literally sniper bait. Lucio is pretty good though.

Increase the cooldown on Mei's self-heal or maybe make it heal only 150 instead of 200.

Lower the recharge on Hanzo's ultimate

Slow self-heal on Bastion

Decrease the recharge on McCree's roll

Make it so Tracer's rewind/Reaper's smoke ability can override Roadhogs grapple and Junkrat's trap (no stun ability should be 100% unblockable)

Buff Mercy's rate of fire on her pistol

That's about it. Everything else seems pretty balanced.


all this, plus make D.VA able to shoot through her shielding ability or while flying. Maybe increase her damage a bit too. maybe lower lucios HP as well

updated it a little

>Make it so Tracer's rewind/Reaper's smoke ability can override Roadhogs grapple and Junkrat's trap (no stun ability should be 100% unblockable) can actually boost through Roadhog's stun before he can get a shot off, and I think Reindthart can also use his boosters too.

I think Roadhog hard countering Tracer is fair for how annoying she is.

none of this makes sense, if you're trying to turn it into some epic meme like the smash brothers one, don't bother

McCree and Mei are legit borken they need some tweaks. McCree shouldn't be able to do a better job sniping people than widow or hanzo, and Mei's got too much utility and killing power with her icicle pistol that you can use as a sniper as well.



>no server list for Starcraft 2
What makes you think you're going to change their mind?

I would make the guns fire in unison, and slower with more damage.

lol so naive

An editor and custom server / map list.

Nerf Mei and Bastion slightly, or just gut them and start the normal blizzard balance dance.

Make tank stacking less effective.

>Tank stacking

Yes the old, 1 minute to lose so let us all go 4 winstons and 1 lucio strat, never fails

Something's gotta be done about play of the game but I'm not really sure what could be done. I feel really boring getting it all the time with another mech explosion that people were too dumb to get away from. Sometimes I put a little flair on it like launching it across the map but most of the time I just shoot it forward and idiots don't get out of the way.

I was thinking more 1-2 tanks. Especially on payload it's all but impossible to counter, my friend and i do double reinhardt and when one shield goes down another comes up, no one gets past us and we just walk / sit on the payload till its over, maybe diminishing returns on all shields if there are more tanks in the game?

Also, stacking winston works for me quite often mate, from start to finish and with them swapping strats picking up more reapers and roadhogs but we still win 9/10 times.

What are you trying to do here?
Do you even play this game?

the turret fire should be changed to a laser to more accurately represent how it melts the widowmaker 20 miles away


>current year
>not maining with Tracer
everyone here is a pleb.

just let the original one be