Where the fuck did this come from all of a sudden

Where the fuck did this come from all of a sudden


I love when they do that. Same happened with all guilty gear games.

It went up on steam database last december, and it got updated like 2 weeks ago there have been threads constantly

almost every final fantasy went up on steam a couple months back, shit was totally unannounced too it was weird

it was leaked awhile ago

I'm a NEET always on Sup Forums. There hasn't been anything close to constant threads.

How new are you? Also there's already a thread up fuccboi

Up Next:
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Parasite Eve 1, 2 + Third Birthday
Vagrant Story
Dragon Quest 1-7

>been waiting for this since i saw the leak almost half year ago
>saved some shekels because i havent played any new final fantasy since the ps2 era
>mfw just wasted all sheckels in college shit

It will be $20, that less than a meal a day.
Just buy some bread and make your own lunch.

Why didn't they release 10 first, god fucking square enix man.

Parasite Eve 1, 2 + Third Birthday

I'm prepared for the next installment of the most unoptimized, piece of shit FF games on the planet, nothing can beat the FF13 series of ports in terms of sheer awful performance.

>Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
>Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
Stop it. My heart couldn't take the disappointment.

What was the issue with this?

Release FF13 port instantly exited the game if you pressed ESC. Just like if you terminate the process.

Sqeenix uploading the whole FF series to Steam. Did you really not see this coming?

Really? I thought FF13 itself ran quite well.

>tfw playing RPGs on handhelds because it's way too comfy

Stupid N3DS and its SNES injections
Stupid Vita and its ePSP hacks

>Currently playing FF6 on Vita

It's the shitty PS1 version, so load times are borked, but it's still better than the PC version, and it's super comfy.

It ran fine, played it at 1080/60 on a 4850hd.

is that true?

I thought people were silly when they complained about this, what compels someone to press the escape button if they didn't intend on closing the game? Everyone went full DSP mode.

>tfw really want to play XV
>tfw no ps4/boner

>3-11 + all 13s on pc
>still no 12

Another one down.

EDF soon.

Also every Shin Megami Tensei before Fursona 3.

I fucking feel this my dude

Every FF I have played (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, dissidia, WotL, 4HoL) has been on handheld (14 because I play on my laptop).

Super fucking comfy

hey a game from 15 years ago yess

'fraid not.

More like the only relevant one down. Rest is forgettable or trash

The only two games I care about on that list are EDF and Stranger of Sword City.

Luckily the latter is already confirmed. EDF on Steam is going to be fantastic.

I wish they would put XII on Steam.

>X/X - 2 = - 1 HD Remaster


Mod to replace Teedus' face with the original's when?

So we can finally see Yuna's butt in glorious 8k?

>muh nostalgia..!!

The new face is better. Tidus was always supposed to look like a goof.

yeah, nah. I'm not a graphic whore anyway.
I'll just stick with pcx2.

Old Teedus looks like a goof, new Teedus looks like a literal baby. It has nothing to do with nostalgia, it's just atrocious.

Negro Teedus?

>what compels people to press the key that on 99.9% of PC games brings up the menu

T-thanks for beta testing console cucks.

I fucking love FFX and X-2

X-2 is actually great. It's got the best battle system and the story doesn't take itself seriously.

I'm ok with this.
They're probably trying to get people hyped for FFXV when it comes out in 2019

So is this the special version they did a few years after the release, with the updated skill system?

Please tell me the remaster has skippable cutscenes

>Tactics Ogre
>Vagrant Story

A-user stop, my dick can only handle so much

>Final Fantasy VI
Oh no
Oh no the iOs version no pls

>half life 3


I don't care for FFX but is it worth it for X-2?

I'll get it if it's 20 bucks, but I'm sure it'll be 30 or 40.

I'll get this when someone mods in Tidus's old face, the remastered version was actually bad enough to be a dealbreaker.

x-2 has a fun battle system but it's still probably not worth it if you don't like X.

Just wait it out.

X-2 was surprisingly fun but I only played it once when it came out.

Putting aside that the story and shit are gay, the gameplay is fantastic.

PPSSPP, PCSX2, and Mednafen.

>doing all those shitty minigames for the ultimate weapons again.
I'll pass

Holy shit, this. Absolutely one of the worst grinds.


Its on pc, just cheat your way through it

What other end game makes you dodge a million lightning bolts?

>its real


Give me FFT-WOTL and FF13 plz.

How long will it take for a cutscene skip mod since squee nx is too lazy to put one in?

Esc on just about every PC game in existance brings up a menu of some sort that pauses the game. Having it instantly boot you out of the game is nearly unheard of. MGS2 PC version did this.


Never. No one knows how the engines work.

But that has been on Steam for ages now

all of the 13 games are on steam tho

>all of a sudden
>didn't remember the Steamdb leaks from December

Remember when half of Sup Forums was going
Then slowly all got confirmed.


Meant FF12, my mistake!

That one was some other dev that found funny to name his APP that.

>Dragon Quest 1-7
yes please

>Dragon Quest 1-7

you wish bud.

So do I. ;_;

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___

FF12 when?


I'm going to take a stab in the dark, and say Shining Force. I don't remember if they stuck to ice or lighting spells in the late game.

You can emulate them flawlessly, retards.

>Still no mention of FF XII


The HD remaster uses the international versions of X and X-2 if that's what you're asking. It adds a plethora of new content.

It's all good to buy the game but for actually playing it, stick to emulation.

I want the iOS version of 4.

Best accent in the whole fucking series.

>Parasite Eve 1, 2 +
Aint gonna happen, they lost the rights aparently or some other bullshit like that, some like this was the reason we got that 3rd Birthday game


>Dragon Quest 1-7
I'd jizz.

I already own every DQ game other than 7, but a Steam release of the mobile versions would be great.


Holy shit how did they fuck up this bad

Didn't that already get released?

Mystery of the Tidus.

It was outsourced.

Fucking finally. God damn.

>Having it instantly boot you out of the game is nearly unheard of.
It's not that unusual in Japan.




I love how they just dont bother with publicity anymore

If it makes you feel better, just think of Aeons as crudely sculpted.