So he was Ornstein, right?
So he was Ornstein, right?
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Pretty much Ornstein 3.0. Funny how we all expected Dragonslayer Armour to be just that, when actually he turned out nothing like him.
Nameless King
>Lightning Spear
>"Was once a slayer of dragons"
>Long hair that has turned white over time (Like his father Gwyn's)
>Lightning Spear
>Has "Dragon Slayer" in his name
>Had long read hair much like his supposed sister, Gwynevere
Leo ring says he was the first knight of the Son's First Born though. I'm sure someone could word their way around that, but Ornstein's armour being played neatly to the side of where you fight Nameless King was definitely intentional. Also confirms that DaS1 Ornstein was probably an illusion, and if he is Nameless then no worries because we know thanks to Gwynevere that making illusionary gods isn't much hassle either.
The Nameless King is pretty much Ornstein but not a faggot.
Smough had to fight it alone because Ornstein ran away like a baby, fuck him.
>Golden (piece name) associated with Dragonslayer Ornstein, from the age of gods, and imbued with the strength of lightning.
>In the dragonless age, this knight, who long guarded the ruined cathedral, left the land in search of their nameless king.
I wonder which Boss owns this soundtrack?
All the tracks sound the same so it could be anybody.
i don't think the red hair on ornstein is his actual hair user it's like a tassel accessory
Ornstein wasn't a son of Gwyn, you mong.
Oh man orchestra with loud yelling vocals in the background. Haven't heard that one yet....
No it's Solaire
>Still no Tassel for the equipment we wear in DS3
Game is hot garbage.
A new boss, obviously. Why the fuck should anyone assume otherwise...?
>All orchestral music sounds the same
Found the 13 year old.
do you people also react to all rock music like "oh a guitar, bass and drums how original har har"
Quality thread m8
God, no.
He is Gwyn's first born. Ornstein master.
Ornstein armor says that he was looking for the Nameless King.
Not when it's diverse. This however, is not.
Perhaps you're just deaf
Since the plume isn't actually on the armour when the player puts it on in both DaS1 and 3, it's safe to say it's actually his hair.
>implying Solaire had any interest in dragons
That's a possibility, but it's more likely you are a fromdrone.
You killed Pikachu in the first game.
Sounds like it would be for a spider boss. Just something dark and creepy, maybe another Daughter of the Dark boss?
It very well could have been Ornstien in the armor, but the original owner of the armor was Gwyns Firstborn.
If you accept that Gwyns power came from the flame, and Gwyndolins illness was a result of the flame dying, that would also effect Gwyns firstborn
If he was ill, he wouldnt be able to fight, and Ornstien, who had found his master would take up the mantle.
But no the Nameless King in the descriptions is refering to Gwyns Firstborn
>Ornstien was a dirty ginger
No wonder he didnt give me a soul
So did Ornstein go looking for Gwyn's firstborn to ask for help only to get killed by him?
How do i make nice with the archer giant?
Talk to him
By speaking to him.
really? He attacked me the moment i got close to him on my first playthrough.
Is Nameless King = Ornstein the Dark Souls equivalent of Shiek having a penis?
The first born leaves
The abyss starts taking over
Leaves to find his mentor, the nameless king
Ornstein is slowly being corrupted by the abyss as seen in the optional fight in ds2. He was on his journey.
By the time he reaches him, ornstein has become completely corrupted by the abyss and the nameless king (his mentor) is forced to kill him. That's why we find his armor there.
This generation...Unless it's written in black and white, you fucks have no idea what's going on.
>Gwyndolin's finger
So Yorshka is the trap's sister? Did Gwyn fuck a dragon?
What in the actual fuck
No this os quite simple actually.
You find Ornstein's armor and spear but there is no body.
Thus he is the king of storm. Even 2 phase bossfigt gave it away
He fucked priscilla
he was gwyn
read the item descriptions faggot
Yes. Everyone in this series is either Ornstein, a mimic, or Solaire. Miyazaki is a fucking hack
Nah Ornstein turned into a dragon.
Damn it Gwyn.
How far through the game were you? He goes hollow once you have all the white branches in the game
>he was gwyn
Better take your own advice nigga.
you must have done something to piss him off cause he is nonhostile when you first reach him in the tower.
fuck life must be painful with that reasoning
I wasn't very far, it was before i got to any other white tree besides the one in undead settlement.
Good friend, no hit.
Sometimes they're the blacksmith
Not him, but same here. I saw in vids all you had to do was talk to him, so I walked on up with no worries. But then that nigga started swinging. I just happened to mash X during one of his attacks and he started asking who I was. Might be because I took all the items in the area before talking do him?
Makes sense negro.
The peak is full of people turned dragons. Ornsteins powerlevel was enough for him to turn into a king of storm.
No idea, then
>Kill his friend
>He has a heartfelt moment of remorse
>Followed by using his friends dying breath to absorb his power and make himself stronger
Yeah, he's Ornstein.
The blacksmith is just Solaire without his armor
How did the phase 2 bossfight give it away?
It literally says they kill the other and claim its soul because its the way the gods do things.
>be a pleb and leave your duty for dragon shit
>Strong proud knight defending the trap queen from nutella monster
>Grotesque armor associated with Smough, the last knight to stand in defense of the ruined cathedral
>Brother of Gwynevere
Where the servers down yesterday or some shit?
Over the weekend I couldn't get a single summon, but today(right now) I get 5sec summons and the fight club areas are full of signs again.
>Ornstein in dark souls 1
>Old Dragonslayer in dark souls 2
Ornstein in search of his lost king
>Nameless King in dark souls 3
Gwyns Firstborn son
I have to break out my folder of his now
thanks user
Lightning and shieet
Also way nameless king holds his spear is pretty clear homage to the smough and ornstein fight where you kill smough first
this is ornstein, fools. Nothing but his armor left.
>being a turtlefag
Thats Nameless Kings original armor you mong.
I can't believe people are retarded here in this thread.
The Nameless King is Gwyn's son that he pushed away because NK liked the Dragons.
Orstein left Smough to find NK.
Holy shit you people are dumb.
Daily reminder Solaire was a loser also he is the storm worm
Why is this wiki such a joke?
No body. Like usually with items.
Lets see
>people turn dragons with stones in the Peak
>you need to take your armor off
.....????.... Ornstein is the king of storm the dragon nameless rides upon
Solaire is Soul of Cinder.
He traded the Iron Armor in Firelink for the Firelink armor.
>no body
So Siegward became something else?
You dont find his body when he dies after Yhorm
>Morne's Greathammer
Okay, that got me.
Nigga just left it. He did what he came to do.
>dark souls 1
>it's actually ornstein
>dark souls 2
>an excuse to rehash a boss
Ornstein in Dark Souls 1 wasn't really him though, it was an illusion.
that's just an excuse so they could copy paste him
Then why do you get his souls after the Yhorm fight?
Yeah no shit but it links it well doesnt it
solaire's in the final phase of the soul of cinder
Gwyn was too weak to use the lightning bolts after he lit himself on fire, but Solaire specialized in it.
We don't need a visual "shift" between personas. Soul of Cinder channeled both Chosen Undead and the Bearer of the Curse in the same phase. So he's likely to be channeling both Solaire and Gwyn in the last phase.
Wish I'd capped it, but one page had been completely deleted and replaced with an excerpt from one of Cicero's books. That wiki is a fucking hot mess.
You do? Well shit if i know but its pretty usuall in souls games to put items on corpses.
You get Mornes stuff from his corpse in the cell.
From was just lazy
>The Sun's first born was once a god of war, until he was stripped of his stature as punishment for his foolishness. No wonder his very name has slipped from the annals of history.
Any good r34 featuring King of the Storm yet?
Nameless king is Gwyn's son who was erased from history for allying with the dragons. How is this even a debate? His armor description blatantly states that it resembles the first lord. His swordspear description says he was the heir of lightning. His fucking soul description: "The Nameless King was once a dragon-slaying god of war, before he sacrificed everything to ally himself with the ancient dragons."
If DaS3 scanned your highest level build from DaS1 and DaS2, and gave each build a phase of Soul of Cinder, how would your fight be?
Could it be literally referring to his height? He's a pretty big guy in the game, after all. Solaire's also able to use Gwyn's miracles for seemingly very little reason at all.
Solaire is so swole that he's actually bigger without the armor.
I dunno if their his souls, but you get souls as he disappears, only like 2000.
But he had lightning powers before killing the dragon. Also, why do similar thematic moments automaticaly make them the same person? If it was Ornstein, they would have made it black and white, not try to confuse you with bullshit.
If you look back in time you also see him keel over in his sleep.
Soulaire was the only person in Soul of Cinder. Dont fall for propaganda
Actually, on named enemies bodies dont usually stay around. Even enemies with set drops dont usually have a body.
Soul of Cinder is like Ermac, with Solaire being the primary soul in the first phase of the fight, then Gwyn gets off his old incorporeal ass to take charge in the second phase.
Iron Tarkus with a lightning spear but as a girl and a guy that just used a longsword and a broadsword powerstanced.
Wrong. Solaire was Gwyn. Thats why they both worshipped the sun
A faggot running around in ragged armor and hitting people with fist weapons, stunlocking them until death
Solaire was NK
Everyone is the Nameles King.
Everyone is Gwyn's first born.
Everyone is the Furtive Pygmy.
It's because of all the sunlight he absorbs through his bare skin
So he's Superman. Got it.
Deepest lore
Solaire confirmed for plant. Miyazaki confirmed for Kojima. Metal Gear Souls when?