Post the comfiest game you've ever played or I'll eat your soul

Post the comfiest game you've ever played or I'll eat your soul.

Other urls found in this thread:

harvest moon: any of them

> Believing in petty religions and fairy tales to force the uneducated plebeians to behave
Oh please

Not like I believe I have a soul, but RC Cars by 1C is surprisingly comfy.

Fable 1

Gothic 1 swamp camp

Final Fantasy 14.

this desu

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

I still don't quite understand some of the mechanics, but it's comfy af


Just eat it. I don't want it.


Animal Crossing on the Gamecube. The other games in the series were ok but nothing was ever as close in terms of comfyness.

This. My soul is shitty anyway.

earthbound is pretty comfy desu

Any other answer is wrong.

Theme Hospital

never played them but I played stardew and thats as comfy as it gets.
>no objective
>do what you want

more like comemefy hehe


lol fedoras amirite?


Kirby's Epic Yarn

It's so goddamn cute and happy that it's hard to be sad when you play it.

Toadette has been kidnapped, but you're going to save her! You can do it!

This desu senpai

Was thinking Minecraft but this is also a strong contender.

Any Kirby game, minus some of the final bosses of said games. Shit can get horrifying sometimes.

Unmodded Skyrim when it's snowing outside and wrapped under a blanket

Any game that let's you control the comfort is a 10/10 in my book.

Nintendrones pls

Minecraft and Skyrim


>viva pinata

I object to being called a nintendrone, and greatly disagree with that assumption, but you sir are a man of impeccable tastes. I hope you have a nice night user.


Spyro 2.

Persona 4

Oblivion can be pretty comfy.


Secret of Mana
What do I win?

Here comes the pain

doesn't get any comfier than this gents

>comfiest game
Not game overall, but grizzly hills and howling fjord in wow have the coziest music.

Any dwarven inn


ff12 had comfy grinding


>Be ginger
>Don't have a soul


SA2 chao garden

Bravely Default has the comfiest grinding.

>having a soul

>mad dash past enemies you're fifteen hours underleveled for, past the fake save point that can kill you, into uncharted territory to nab the spear, and then get all the way back out again

exciting, not what I'd call comy

Nothing is comfier than DQVIII imo, hope XI could top it.

Sonic Adventure

Sold my soul a long time ago, but this game is very comfy. Chilling and rolling up all the objects on the planet with a great ost.


Wait, come back! Built a log cabin base inside the snow biome and just spent like 4+ hours solely rearranging furniture. I don't think there's ever been an un-comfy snow level

Legend of Mana.

Fuck no.
>sacrificing pinatas
>that fucking voodo shaman

This is really cheating since all of the Harvest Moon games are the definition of comfy
