Mfw edgy kid tries to dual wield swords

>mfw edgy kid tries to dual wield swords

Is there anything more cancerous than a faggot who fights with two swords?

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There have been many prominent swordsman throughout history who have used a dual-weilding syle. The most famous samurai to ever live won 60 duels without a loss, using an unorthodox style where he had a sword in each hand.

greatsword penis compensation is worse

What are some games that tell you that it begins but in fact they actually end?

>The most famous samurai to ever live won 60 duels without a loss, using an unorthodox style where he had a sword in each hand.

A wakizashi isn't a sword. It's closer to to parrying dagger or main-gauche.

*tips fedora

>expects not to be back stabbed
Kek, honorfags. Git Gud scrub

His secondary sword was a wakizashi though, which is basically a dagger used to parry (european duelists used rapier+dagger/buckler/cape).

>b-but its cold in the north
Starks btfo even more

>There have been many prominent swordsman throughout history who have used a dual-weilding syle.

The only one that comes to mind is Wolf the Quarrelsome who fought for Brian Boru, but that is shrouded by time and legend.

wow good fight Orlando Bloom


>nowi tends

I would have preferred they apply 10lbs of makeup on sean bean to have him return as a young ned stark than whoever this fuckboy was.

>s there anything more cancerous than a faggot who fights with two swords?
A faggot who complains about the way other people play games?

He did pretty good considering how they chopped up that scenes dialogue

Nice meme trying not to laugh whilst in toilet

It literally says short sword.

is there anything more cancerous than a faggot talking about a shitty garbage TV show on a video game board?

I was surprised by how good his performance was. Liked this scene a lot.

Fuck off, Sup Forums. It was a good scene.

>When you enter a hall in Monster Hunter and one of the hunters is a Dual Blade user calle xX_kirito_Xx

>spouting the word "edgy" because because you got BTFO by a dexfag

>Beat five phantons alone
>Make you waste all your estus
>needs a lagged backstab to have a chance

Seens that you need to get gud mate

>agrees to fight 7 vs 3
>"fucking gankers, the host should 1v1 me"

>muh realism in a fantasy series
kill yourselves

more like
>fucking lag


Somebody shop this image so that Ned is red (dark spirit) and that Howland is purple (mad phantom)

Tell me about Dayne. Why does he use two swords?

>Dayne not wielding Dawn

To think that Ramsay's gift was the only interesting part of the episode and it wasn't even stannis. This season has just been shit so far.

>Is there anything more cancerous than a faggot who fights with two swords?

The faggot who made this thread.

But he is.

All dayne need was 20 good men and he would of won.

Dual-wielding swords is a historical reality. Usually done on horseback when a common tactic was to cut the hamstrings of fleeing foot soldiers.

dual wielding is cringeworthy
you cant use 2 swords and swing them efficiently, just use a fucking shield

Did they dub in Sean's voice for that final line? Or is that actor just really good at imitations?

It sounds exactly like him, while the rest didnt.

No it's just the guy's voice. Sean Bean is much deeper.

>short sword = knife


Nips are retarded, and their translation of a dagger is literally the words "short" and "sword".

Whatever happened to Dawn? Reforged?

Parrying dagger != two swords

Given back to the Daynes and no one's worthy to wield it yet I think.

Given to Dayne's sister by Eddard

You're thinking of a tanto blade m9.

Ned sent it back to his wife who then threw herself off a cliff I think.

Or maybe it was his sister that threw herself off a cliff. A really hot Dayne woman threw herself off a cliff, and another Dayne woman got the sword sent to her from Ned. I may be mixing the two up.

TEW battle AXES one slighty BIGGER than the other HARDcore you know the score

Not to adept at history, but wakizashis (like most nip swords) have really tiny handguards. This would make it pretty bad but not useless for parrying.

here comes the weeb with their katana replica collection and wiki knowledge


if he has one badass legendary greatsword of unparalleled quality right there in front of him then why does he dual-wield two 1-handers in his final fight instead?

or, if he did dual-wield dawn with another sword... i mean, dawn is supposed to be a zweihander, isn't it? wouldn't swinging it around in one hand have been incredibly hard to do?

>Is there anything more cancerous than a faggot who fights with two swords?

A faggot with 3 swords?

You know what's worse than a faggot with 3 swords?

Did somebody say 3 swords?

Say that to my face faggot

>Single sword, one of the lowest DPS in game
>2 swords, one of the highest, if not highest DPS in game

>he doesn't use 6 swords at once
I bet this faggot doesn't even party

>Starkfags no longer have the 'muh honor' highground after that scene

Jamie is more honest than ned lmao.

It's valyrian steel, basically mythril

>Sam is literally my wife's son

I've never heard anything about Miyamoto using two swords

no, his sword, dawn, was forged from the heart of a fallen star

Always thought it was valyrian steel, oh well
Another question is why wasn't Ned using Ice

hm good point user

Somehow this show is finally progressing but the quality is getting even worse.

>wielding ONLY 2 swords

They say it's as good as Valyrian steel.


Lol no hits with that b8, huh?

Need to remove the lmao, maybe you'll get that (You) you want so badly.

So Pycelle soiling his pants when he saw The Mountain show up is bad, but the show cutting from the book, all the attention drawn to Tywin shitting after Tyrion shoots him is not a favor to the show?

Book fans seriously bitch about everything.

They are the worst type of fan on the internet. Worse than bronies, worse than furries, worse than LOST fans, worse than SSBM fanboys, etc.


Wazikashi are too long to be daggers and weren't used solely for parrying he would strike with both.

I don't even read the books, but it's clear the writing and script is now being fully handled by D&D. Most lines and scenes are groan worthy or just flat out cliche.


This thread is NOT related to the board's topic!!!

All of you are OFF FUCKING TOPIC!!!

Look at the top of the webpage and check the board's topic, then make posts ONLY related to THAT TOPIC ONLY!!!

Except it isn't dishonorable to kill a guy who is preventing a sex slave from being freed

You can wield a dagger to parry with or a buckler, but two swords just handicap you

there is always that fucking shithead fishing for backstabs

>Nothin Personnel Dayne

Dual wielding is one thing, but I lost my shit when he backhanded one of the swords.

Not stronk enough, but also explained if I remember that it's more a ceremonial sword f